:Product: 0305GEOA.txt :Issued: 2014 Mar 05 0330 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center. # Geoalert WWA064 UGEOA 20401 40305 0330/ 9930/ 12051 20051 30051 99999 UGEOE 20401 40305 0330/ 04/03 10172 1017/ 10172 9//99 02802 0//// ///// 9//// 21462 2151/ 21542 13299 08902 0//// ///// 91991 23252 2325/ 23252 9//99 01302 0//// ///// 9//// 99999 UGEOI 20401 40305 0330/ 04/// 10171 21580 3008/ 4///0 50000 68907 72305 80110 90770 99999 UGEOR 20401 40305 0330/ 04/24 05109 11987 20000 30000 47201 50040 60001 37601 00000 11989 20000 30000 43212 50070 60008 45607 01000 11990 20000 30000 43212 50190 60006 32812 01000 11991 20000 30110 45336 50240 60025 31324 29600 11993 20000 30000 43212 50050 60003 42316 03000 11994 20000 30000 47201 50090 60002 37506 00000 11995 20000 30000 42012 50010 60009 33516 00000 11996 20000 30000 43222 50060 60014 12913 04000 11997 20000 30000 42012 50010 60002 37513 00000 99999