:Product: 0208GEOA.txt :Issued: 2014 Feb 08 0330 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center. # Geoalert WWA039 UGEOA 20401 40208 0330/ 9930/ 12081 21081 30081 99999 UGEOE 20401 40208 0330/ 07/04 03392 0339/ 03392 9//99 01402 0//// ///// 9//// 04472 0456/ 05042 22021 0//// 0//// 35015 91967 06442 0644/ 06442 9//99 01102 0//// ///// 9//// 10252 1029/ 10312 21911 0//// 0//// 45309 91968 99999 UGEOI 20401 40208 0330/ 07/// 10241 21780 3009/ 4///0 50200 61306 71004 80007 92270 99999 UGEOR 20401 40208 0330/ 07/24 08107 11967 20100 30901 46536 51260 60052 36413 19410 11968 20100 30310 45533 50620 60056 45913 18300 11970 20000 30000 41001 50010 60001 31617 00000 11971 20000 30000 44212 50080 60019 21212 02000 11972 20000 30000 43212 50030 60006 34012 01000 11973 20000 30200 44212 50060 60011 13705 01000 11974 20000 30000 45233 50210 60026 25113 16000 99999