:Product: GEOALERT :Issued: 2014 May 19 0330 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center. # Geoalert WWA139 UGEOA 20401 40519 0330/ 9930/ 11191 20192 30191 99999 UGEOE 20401 40519 0330/ 18/00 99999 UGEOI 20401 40519 0330/ 18/// 10138 21280 3005/ 4///0 50000 64507 71004 80110 90470 99999 UGEOR 20401 40519 0330/ 18/24 19110 12056 20000 30000 45223 50100 60006 49104 16100 12057 20000 30000 41001 50010 60001 48116 00000 12060 20000 30000 47301 50140 60002 36213 02000 12061 20000 30000 47201 50080 60001 32324 00000 12063 20000 30300 43122 50030 60010 41011 03000 12065 20000 30000 42012 50010 60006 22418 00000 12066 20000 30000 44312 50070 60007 32616 04000 12067 20000 30000 41001 50010 60001 38309 00000 12068 20000 30000 42012 50010 60003 21318 02000 12069 20000 30000 41001 50010 60001 25218 01000 99999