:Product: 04180030forecast_discussion.txt :Issued: 2014 Apr 18 0030 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Solar Activity .24 hr Summary... Solar activity was at low levels. No new significant or notable solar activity occurred during the period. Solar X-ray backgrounds were near C1, and only a few modest C-level flares occurred. Analysis of the aforementioned CME indicates a potential arrival at Earth on 19 April at approximately 1800 UTC, following the expected arrival of two faint CMEs from 15/16 April. Both were difficult to fully analyze due to limited imagery, but both are believed to be moving on a partial Sun-Earth line at near the ambient background solar wind speed. Regions 2034 (N05W26, Dhc/beta), 2035 (S14W04, Fsc/beta-gamma), 2036 (S15W28, Dhc/beta-gamma), and 2037 (S09W27, Dai/beta-gamma) all remained moderately complex, maintaining beta-gamma magnetic configurations, however, all were largely inactive this period. The remaining spot groups were either stable or exhibited slight decay. .Forecast... Solar activity is likely to be moderate (R1-Minor) for the next three days (18 - 20 Apr) due to retained solar region complexity. Energetic Particle .24 hr Summary... The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels for the period. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux at geosynchronous orbit was at background levels. .Forecast... The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels for the next three days (18 - 20 Apr). The greater than 10 MeV proton flux at geosynchronous orbit is likely to be at background levels (Below S1-Minor), though a slight chance of protons has been added to the forecast during the period due to the complexity of regions moving towards the West limb. Solar Wind .24 hr Summary... Solar wind parameters, measured at the ACE spacecraft, indicated a solar wind speed increase from approximately 350 km/s to 400 km/s over the period. Both IMF Bt and Bz remained variable through the end of the period, with Bt as high as 10 nT, while the Phi angle settled into a mostly positive (away) orientation. .Forecast... Solar wind enhancements, including modest speed and Bt increases, are expected on day one (18 Apr) due to recurrent activity. The impact of two faint/slow CMEs believed to be on the Sun-Earth line are expected on day two (19 Apr). Not much of solar wind speed increase is expected, though a magnetic interaction in the form of increased Bt and possible southward Bz is possible. Late on day two, the arrival of a third CME is expected to begin with a modest increase in speed and density at onset, as well as a magnetic response. Geospace .24 hr Summary... The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled. .Forecast... The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to unsettled periods for day one (18 Apr) and the first half of day two (19 Apr) in response to possible recurrent enhancements in solar wind parameters as well as two weak CMEs embedded in the ambient solar wind velocity. The field should increase to active levels late on day two, and as high as minor storm (NOAA Scale G1 - minor) on day three, with the arrival of a third CME, modeled in Enlil, late on day two.