:Product: 0512GEOA.txt :Issued: 2014 May 12 0330 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center. # Geoalert WWA132 UGEOA 20401 40512 0330/ 9930/ 11121 20121 30121 99999 UGEOE 20401 40512 0330/ 11/00 99999 UGEOI 20401 40512 0330/ 11/// 10161 21640 3012/ 4///0 50000 68107 71104 80311 91050 99999 UGEOR 20401 40512 0330/ 11/24 12110 12052 20000 30000 42012 50010 60003 37412 00000 12053 20000 30000 41001 50010 60001 45709 01000 12055 20000 30300 45512 50380 60007 40912 15100 12056 20000 30600 45523 50310 60014 10305 17300 12057 20000 30000 47201 50110 60001 11215 00000 12058 20000 30001 43312 50050 60008 23011 03000 12059 20000 30000 47201 50010 60001 20800 00000 12060 20000 30200 44323 50100 60016 23716 04100 12061 20000 30000 43312 50040 60003 26724 02000 12062 20000 30000 44312 50030 60007 33007 02000 99999