Setting up Windows 95 for Zipcon -------------------------------- Setting up TCP/IP services: Note: You may need Windows 95 installation media (floppies or CD-ROM) to load protocols you don't have installed. 1. Click on Start, select Settings - Control Panel. 2. Double click on Network. If you already have TCP/IP and a Dialup Adapter installed, skip to II. 3. Select Add - Adapter. 4. Select Microsoft, under Manufacturers, and Dialup Adapter under Network adapters, then click on OK. 5. Click Protocol in the "Select Network Component Type" page. (Click on Add from the Control Panel's Network window again) 6. Select Microsoft under Manufacturers and TCP/IP under Protocols, click OK. 7. You can remove the binding: dialup adaptor >>> netBEUI If on a LAN w/o netBEUI, remove the binding: netBEUI >>> (lan adaptor) 8. When the system prompts you to restart the system select Yes. PART II: Setting up the dialup connection: 1. Double click on My Computer. 2. Double click on "Dial-up Networking". If you don't have a "Dial-up Networking" Icon, install the Dialup Networking portion of Windows 95 as follows: A. Click Start->Settings->Control panel B. Double click Add/Remove programs C. Click Windows Setup tab, click Communications, click Details D. Click the Dial-up Networking check box, click OK, click OK E. Insert disk or CD ROM if necessary, click OK F. Double click My Computer, double click Dial-up Networking 3. Double click on "Make New Connection" 4. Name it Zipcon, then click next. 5. Enter your area code for the area code field, then enter 206-576-7500 (or 206-524-7696 for v.34 only) for dialup number. The reason you put in your own area code is to make sure the computer dials all 10 digits of the phone number without dialing a '1' 6. Click next and finish. 7. You now have a "Zipcon" icon 8. Click the right mouse button on the "Zipcon" icon, select Properties. 9. Under the Phone Number box, remove the check box from "Use country code and area code" 10. Click on "Server Type" 11. Make sure type of Dial-up Server type is "PPP....Internet" 12. In Advanced Options, remove the check boxes from "Log on to network", "NetBEUI", "IPX/SPX", and "Require Encrypted Password". --> TCP/IP needs to have a checked box. <-- You can leave 'Enable Software Compression' enabled. 13. Click on TCP/IP Settings. 14. Select server assigned IP address. 15. Select server assigned name server address. 16. Select 'Use IP header Compression' and 'Use Default Gateway' 17. Click OK, OK, and OK. PART III: Connecting to the Zip Connection!!!! 18. Double click on the connection icon you have just created. 19. Enter your username and password. Your username is all one word, lower case, with no spaces. Your password will not show, so type it very carefully. Your password must be entered exactly, the case of the letters is important. 20. Click on connect. If you have entered the information correctly, your modem will dial and you will connect. If you make a mistake Windows will give you an error, try connecting again, be sure to enter the correct password.