Contents -------- I. Overview II. Installing and Running CRV from a Hard (Fixed) Disk III. Running CRV from a Diskette Drive IV. Other Files I. Overview =========== This diskette contains the Treasury Department's bond pricing application (CRV) which allows microcomputer users to determine current redemption values for Series I, EE, & E savings bonds and savings notes by entering denomination, issue date, and series information. The program was designed for use with an IBM-compatible microcomputer with MS or PC-DOS, Version 2.0 or higher and at least 384K of memory. As the program runs, you should follow the instructions given in the prompts and enter the required information. The program will return the current redemption value for each item as well as provide a running total of the redemption values and interest accumulated for each bond pricing transaction. II. Installing and Running CRV from a Hard (Fixed) Disk ======================================================= Although CRV can be run from the provided diskette, we strongly suggest that you install and run it from a hard disk drive. CRV will respond much faster on a hard disk. To Install CRV on a Hard Disk Drive ----------------------------------- 1. Insert the program diskette in a 3 1/2", 1.44 megabyte diskette drive. 2. Change the default drive to the drive in which you have inserted the diskette and type: install and press ENTER. For example, if the diskette is in drive A, type: a: and press ENTER, then at the A:\> prompt, type: install and press ENTER. 3. INSTALL asks the user to provide appropriate responses to a series of questions. After the answers have been provided, INSTALL will copy files from the diskette to your hard disk drive. The INSTALL program will display the file names as the files are copied. 4. When the installation is successfully completed, a message will indicate that the files have been copied onto the hard disk drive and you will hear three beeps to indicate that the installation routine is complete. To Run CRV from the Hard Disk ----------------------------- 1. At the hard disk drive prompt, change to the directory where the program files were installed. For example, if the program files were installed using the default settings, i.e., on the "C" drive in a directory called "CRV," at the C:\> prompt you would type: cd\crv and press ENTER. 2. At the C:\CRV> prompt, type: crv and press ENTER to start CRV. 3. As the program runs, follow the instructions given in the prompts and enter the requested information. The program offers a series of function keys, including a "HELP" function, which are listed in a menu at the bottom of the bond pricing screen. 4. When you conclude a pricing transaction, exit from the program and, at the C:\CRV> prompt, type: cd\ and press ENTER if you wish to return to the root directory on the hard disk. III. Running CRV from a Diskette Drive ====================================== 1. Insert the program diskette in a 3 1/2", 1.44 megabyte diskette drive. 2. Change the default drive to the drive in which you have inserted the diskette. For example, if the diskette is in drive A, type a: and press ENTER. 3. At the A:\> prompt, type crv and press ENTER to start CRV. 4. As the program runs, follow the instructions given in the prompts and enter the requested information. The program offers a series of function keys, including a "HELP" function, which are listed in a menu at the bottom of the bond pricing screen. Although CRV can be run from the provided diskette, we strongly suggest that you install and run it from a hard disk drive. CRV will respond much faster on a hard disk. IV. Other Files =============== Two other text files are included on the diskette. These files have answers to Frequently Asked Questions about CRV (CRVFAQ.TXT), and suggestions about printing on Windows(tm) 95 and later OSs (CRVWIN95.TXT). You can read any of these files in a text editor or word processor. In Windows, double-clicking on one should automatically launch your text editor so that you can view it. See the paper document included with this diskette for more complete information about these files. ================ Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, Inc.