CRV - Frequently Asked Questions ================================ NOTE: For information about printing in Windows 95 or 98 see "CRV - Printing in Windows 95 & 98" (crvwin95.txt). Contents -------- Command Line Parameters Networks Printing Saving Windows(R) 3.x Windows 95 and 98 ________________________________________________________________________________ Command Line Parameters ----------------------- What are the command line parameters for CRV? CRV will respond to four command line parameters. All of the parameters can be used simultaneously. Each parameter must be preceded by a space and a slash (/); and followed by a colon (:) and the desired value. All parameters and their arguments must be in upper case. Here are the command line parameters: * P(rinter) - /P:printerport selects the communications port where printer output will go. The choices for printerport are: LPT1 - first parallel port - DEFAULT LPT2 - second parallel port COM1 - first serial port COM2 - second serial port Example: CRV /P:LPT2 sends printer output to the second parallel port * F(ile) - /F:filename selects a file to automatically write a report to when CRV is exited. The Customer (detail) report will be written to the file by default. If you want to write the Agent (summary) report instead, see the next command line parameter. Example: CRV /F:THISFILE.TXT sends Customer report to THISFILE.TXT automatically when CRV is exited. * R(eport) - /R:reporttype selects the type of report to automatically write when CRV is exited. The choices for reporttype can be: A - Agent (summary) report C - Customer (detail) report - DEFAULT This parameter is ignored if not accompanied by the F command parameter. If this parameter is not supplied and the F command parameter is present, the Customer report will be written by default. Examples: CRV /F:THISFILE.TXT /R:A sends Agent report to THISFILE.TXT automatically when CRV is exited. CRV /F:THATFILE.TXT sends Customer report to THATFILE.TXT automatically when CRV is exited. * ? (Help) - /? displays a description of the command line parameters on the screen. Example: CRV /? ________________________________________________________________________________ Networks -------- Will CRV run on a network? CRV will run just fine on most networks. Depending on the network configuration, you may need to use the P command line parameter to direct printer output to a particular communications port. See Command Line Parameters and Printing for more details. ________________________________________________________________________________ Printing -------- Can CRV print to a different port than LPT1? Yes. CRV has a command line parameter which makes it print to a different communications port. For example, CRV /P:LPT2 would make printer (P) output go to the second parallel port: LPT2. The line CRV /P:COM1 would make the output go to the first serial port: COM1. You can use LPT1, LPT2, COM1 or COM2. The default is LPT1. For a list of all of CRV's command line parameters see Command Line Parameters. Can CRV print in Windows 95 or 98? CRV will usually not print, as is, to a local printer in Windows 95 or 98. Sometimes it will not print to a network printer. The problem is that Windows and CRV are both trying to control the printer port. Ultimately Windows wins and CRV is not able to print. However, you can make some minor adjustments in Windows 95 and 98 that allow CRV to print correctly. See CRV - Printing in Windows 95 & 98 (crvwin95.txt) for further information. NOTE: CRV will print, as is, in Windows 95's DOS mode without modification but this involves closing all of your open applications. ________________________________________________________________________________ Saving ------ Can I save bonds in CRV? CRV will not save bonds in a data file. Once you leave CRV, you will need to reenter your bonds if you wish to reprice them. CRV is a simple application for cashing bonds at teller stations. Since it was released many people and institutions have tried to use CRV in ways that were never intended. If you want to use a bond pricing application which will save the bonds into a file for later reuse you could try the Savings Bond Wizard. The Wizard is another of our products which is intended for the private bondowner. It is a Windows application which will save your bonds into an inventory file which can be reloaded later. You can also recalculate your bonds for other earlier or later redemption dates. The Bond Wizard is available on the Internet without charge. You can find it at We do not suggest that you use the Wizard for teller use. It is very easy to change redemption dates which can result in pricing errors. ________________________________________________________________________________ Windows 3.x ----------- Will CRV run in Windows? CRV runs just fine in Windows. Can CRV be run from an icon? Yes, you can run CRV from an icon. Since CRV is a DOS program, the setup program does not make an icon for you. Here is how to do it. 1. If you want to put a CRV icon into an existing program group, open that program group and skip to step 7. If you want to create a new program group to hold the new icon, continue with step 2. 2. In the Program Manager, select File from the menu bar. 3. Select New... from the File menu. 4. Select Program Group from the New menu. 5. For Description enter: CRV 6. Click the OK button. The CRV program group is now the current window. 7. In the Program Manager, select File from the menu bar. 8. Select New... from the File menu. 9. Select Program Item from the New menu. 10. For Description enter: CRV 11. For Command Line enter: C:\CRV\CRV.EXE if you installed CRV in the default directory. Otherwise, enter the complete location of where you located the CRV program. 12. For Working Directory enter: C:\CRV if you installed CRV in the default directory. Otherwise, enter the path of where you located the CRV program. 13. Click the OK button. You can now start CRV by double-clicking the icon. ________________________________________________________________________________ Windows 95 and 98 ----------------- Will CRV run in Windows 95 or 98? CRV will price bonds in Windows 95 just fine. However, some adjustments usually need to be made to Windows to make it print. See CRV - Printing in Windows 95 & 98. Can CRV be run from an icon? Yes, you can run CRV from an icon. Since CRV is a DOS program, the setup program does not make an icon for you. Here is how to do it. 1. Put your cursor over a blank section of the desktop. 2. Click the right mouse button. 3. Select New from the pop-up menu. 4. Select Shortcut from the New menu. 5. For Command line enter: C:\CRV\CRV.EXE if you installed CRV in the default directory. Otherwise, enter the complete location of where you located the CRV program. 6. Click the Next button. 7. Accept CRV as the name for the shortcut or supply your own. 8. Click the Finish button. You can now start CRV by double-clicking the icon. Can CRV be put in the Start menu? Yes, you can put CRV into the Start menu. Here is how to do it. 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Select Settings from the Start menu. 3. Select Taskbar... from the Settings menu. 4. Select the Start Menu Programs tab in the Taskbar Properties dialog box. 5. Click the Add... button on the Start Menu Programs property sheet. 6. For Command line enter: C:\CRV.EXE if you installed CRV in the default directory. Otherwise, enter the complete location of where you located the CRV program. 7. Click the Next button. 8. Accept the Programs folder as the place to put the short cut by clicking the Next button. 9. Accept CRV as the name for the shortcut or supply your own 10. Click the Finish button. 11. Click OK in the Taskbar Properties dialog box. You can now start CRV from the Start menu. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.