Standard Truss Configurations

When a truss bridge has its located at the top chord, it is called a .

When a truss bridge has its deck located at the bottom chord, it is called a .

A number of standard truss configurations are commonly used in bridge structures. These configurations are defined primarily by the geometry of their vertical and diagonal . Three of the most common standard configurations are pictured below. All of them are named for the 19th century engineers who developed them.

Howe Truss

Howe Truss Howe Through Truss

Howe Truss Howe Deck Truss

Pratt Truss

Howe Truss Pratt Through Truss

Howe Truss Pratt Deck Truss

Warren Truss

Howe Truss Warren Through Truss

Howe Truss Warren Deck Truss

Regardless of their configuration, all trusses have the same basic component parts.