Design Project Setup Wizard

The Design Project Setup Wizard is automatically displayed every time you start up the West Point Bridge Designer 2010 and choose to create a new bridge design.

To display the Wizard after the software is already running, click the

The Design Project Setup Wizard will erase the Drawing Board, then set it up for a new design. The Wizard will prompt you to:

  1. Read and understand the design requirement.
  2. Enter a Local Contest Code, if you are participating in a local bridge design contest.
  3. Select the deck elevation and support configuration of the bridge.
  4. Select the deck material and truck loading to be used for you design.
  5. Select a standard truss (optional).
  6. Enter the designer's name and a unique project identification name or number into the

For each step of the site design, click the Next button to advance to the next prompt. Click the Back button to return to a previous prompt and change your selections, as required. Click the Finish button to accept all of your selections and return to the Drawing Board. Click the Cancel button to reject all of your selections and return to the Drawing Board.

When you click the Finish button, the Wizard will automatically create the that support the bridge deck (see Design Specification 3.g for more information), as well as any additional supports that are required for the site configuration you have selected.

Notes and Tips

Selection of the deck elevation, support configuration, and deck material will determine the site cost of your project. The is displayed at the bottom of the Site Design Wizard and is automatically updated with each change of deck elevation or support configuration.

To see how the currently displayed site cost is calculated, click the down arrow Notes and Tips near the lower right-hand corner of the Design Project Setup Wizard

Once you have selected the deck elevation and support configuration, you can click the Finish button at any time. Selecting a template and entering information in the Title Block are optional.