HISTORY NetSetMan 2.5.2 - 22.01.2009 - NEW: De-/Activate the selected network adapter - BugFix: In certain cases adapters with unicode in their description were not available - BugFix: Using the NSM Service in Vista the Default Printer could not be changed - BugFix: Net Drives were not mapped correctly when using the NSM Service - BugFix: In certain cases not all printers were shown in the list - BugFix: Local help file link in top menu for paths with spaces fixed - BugFix: When the NSM Service was used not all shortcuts in the Tools menu opened - For security reasons the Tools menu shortcuts now will only open the locations if the logged on user has the privileges to them, even if the NSM Service is used - Minor activation sequence change: Hosts file after first script and before all other settings - Adjustments of valid characters for the domain/workgroup - "Please wait..."-message when retrieving current settings - Some adjustments for Windows 7 compatibility (beta) - Language updates for Dutch, French & Spanish 2.5.1 - 21.10.2008 - NEW language: Serbian (program + documentation) - BugFix: Activating DHCP in Vista could cause as the first gateway - BugFix: If NSM Service was used and NSM was started with parameters, a message box appeared - BugFix: In case the taskbar is set to auto-hide: A double-click will now open the tray menu - BugFix: A saving error could occur when saving several gateways - BugFix: Local help file link for paths with spaces fixed - Some language updates 2.5.0 - 10.09.2008 - NEW language: Chinese Traditional (program + documentation) - NEW language: Slovenian (program) - NEW: SMTP server - NEW: Hosts file entries - NEW: Menu bar for more functionality - NEW: Quick links in the menu to the most needed Windows tools and locations - NEW: "Check for Update" in the menu - NEW: Import/Export of the current profiles and settings - NEW: NSM Service to use NetSetMan with a restricted user account without admin privileges It's optional! Download and install this service only if you really need it - NEW: Full Vista support (Optional: Install the NSM Service to get rid of UAC prompts) - Running at start up in Vista possible (see www.netsetman.com/faq for further information) - Some rearrangements of the UI to create more space for new features - Unchecked settings are now disabled and greyed out for a better overview - Gateway addresses can now be set even if DHCP is ebabled (use the Additional Addresses window) - A metric can now be set for each gateway (1 to 9999) - BugFix: "Always Hide" / "Always Show" Windows setting for the tray icon wasn't saved propperly - BugFix: Changing the default printer didn't work under certain circumstances - BugFix: Default gateway wasn't properly removed in Vista - Some improvements for the setup routine - Tons of minor adjustments 2.4.2 - 27.03.2008 - NEW: From now on the program and the setup files will be digitally signed with a Microsoft Authenticode Certificate. If a file isn't signed by "Ilja Herlein" then it's not an official release or has been modified. Please don't trust unsigned files anymore. This also solves some problems with higher secured systems (e.g. startup in Vista). - NEW: The tray icon shows all current IP settings for all adapters at a mouse-over. Including: All addresses, connection type, connection status, current profile - Strong improvements for "Refresh": Getting the available network adapters again completely rewritten. Should be working on all systems (really fast!) now Different options for the Refresh button (Replace, Add, Remove) Refresh of the network adapters list automatically on the first program start - Getting current settings rewritten: Correct values will be filled in, no matter if the adapter is Static or DHCP, connected or not - BugFix: Command line activation now also possible when NSM is already running - BugFix: Admin-Mode now uses the current user profile environment Important for registry dependant settings like auto-start, proxy, ... - Lots of minor adjustments - Oh and not to forget: several bigger updates for the website: RSS feed, screenshot gallery, ... 2.4.1 - 26.11.2007 - NEW language: Czech (program) - NEW language: Portuguese (Brazil) (program) - NEW language: Bulgarian (program) - NEW: Get current settings with an extra "[<-]" icon for each setting Clear an entry by double-clicking its caption - NEW: "Get all current settings" in the popup menu in the tab header - Reading the available network adapters completely rewritten: Better Vista compatibility, more flexible & accurate - BugFix: Pressing the ALT key in Vista caused a visual bug - BugFix: Special characters in Portuguese language fixed - BugFix: Deleting an entry in the network drives window while editing it is now deactivated - BugFix Pro: Wrong window size with big Windows fonts - BugFix Pro: Additional addresses in combination with categories - Help files updated - Lots of minor adjustments Attention: Lots of performance & compatibility updates have been made. However if you experience that something works worse than in version 2.4.0 please post in the forum. 2.4.0 - 28.05.2007 - NEW language: Dutch (program + documentation) - NEW language: Danish (program) - NEW language: Hungarian (program + documentation) - NEW: Map Network Drives: Connect/Disconnect an unlimitted amount of network shares as local drives - NEW: Detailed log in the Activating window when clicking the "+" - BugFix: DNS radio button deactivated for the wrong reason in some cases - BugFix: An error during commandline activation caused NSM to stay active in the background - Using the Printer-Dropdown keeps current value selected - Information in the Activating window when no adapter selected or no checkbox checked - Ignoring Error 67 in Vista - Unicode adjustments in activating window - Compleded the translation of the English license file with some adjustments - Lots of minor adjustments 2.3.5 - 12.03.2007 - BugFix: Wrong "DNS invalid" message in certain cases - BugFix (Pro): Error message when opening proxy window and no Firefox profiles found 2.3.4 - 06.03.2007 - NEW language: Turkish (program & partial documentation) - Vista Support in Beta state (UAC prompt at every start) - Pro: Detecting Firefox profile folder improved (required for Vista and relocated FF folders) - Pro: Alternate domain access. See new FAQ section at www.netsetman.com/help for more info - BugFix: Current profile name was not always updated in the tray hint - BugFix: Transfering old settings to new IP save format which failed in some cases in 2.3.2/3 (important for upgrades from versions older than 2.3.2) 2.3.3 - 14.01.2007 BugFix Release for 2.3.2 - Debug-Message showed up when clicking computername checkbox - Missing NSM logo 2.3.2 - 13.01.2007 - NEW: Unlimited amount of IPs, Gateways, DNS-Servers and WINS-Servers per profile Overview of all addresses in one window Easy to edit, move and delete - BugFix: NSM folder still opened when using script under certain circumstances - Pro: Registration information moved from registry to NSM folder - Lots of minor adjustments 2.3.1 - 28.09.2006 - Language update for all new features from 2.3.0 - BugFix: NSM folder opened when using script - BugFix: Scripts with an absolute path were not loaded correctly - BugFix from 2.3.0: "Close activation dialog automatically" terminated the program - Added cmd-extention to script editor 2.3.0 - 31.08.2006 - NEW language: Russian (program & documentation) - NEW: Comfortable script editor with syntax highlighing for DOS Batch, JScript, VBScript - NEW: 2 Scripts, before and after network settings changing with delay timer - Pro: Confirmation dialog when deleting category in main window - BugFix: In some cases an "Application exception" occured by using the command line activation - Replaced some symbols with icons due to incompatibilities with fonts from other languages - Tooltip of the tray icon shows current profile name - Menu in tray shows profile numbers - Check on start if saved window position will be visible (needful if resolution has changed) - Lots of minor adjustments - First competition started at www.netsetman.com - Some languages will be updated in the next version (new features) - "Still so many ideas for improvements - Still far too little time. ;)" 2.2.3 - 15.05.2006 - NEW language: Chinese (program & documentation) - Language Updates: Spanish & Vietnamese - Dropdown width of printer and network adapter list adapts to the longest name - Starting NetSetMan a second time calls the original instance (No multiple instances) - BugFix (Pro): Firefox proxy settings "Same for all" feature 2.2.2 - 27.03.2006 - NEW: No need to be logged in as Administrator anymore Admin account data can be stored encrypted to run NetSetMan with Admin privileges - NEW language: Swedish (program & documentation) - NEW: More DNS addresses (3rd & 4th) - NEW: Choose to minimize or to exit when the [x] is clicked (On first click and in Info menu) - BugFix (Pro): Firefox home-page wasn't changed in some special cases - DHCP DNS is disabled if static IP is checked (Windows doesn't like this combination) - Added more hints to the labels in main window (e.g. Double-click to clear/get current value) - Tray-Icon now also reacts on a left-click 2.2.1 - 17.02.2006 - NEW: Activation in Silent Mode (Activation dialog closes automatically if no errors occurrred) -> Activate in "Info" dialog if needed - NEW: Renaming a profile also by double-clicking a tab - NEW: Typing IPs like will cut leading zeros automatically - BugFix (Pro): Activating of profiles from another category than "Standard" in main window - BugFix: Empty WINS fields now remove the static WINS server - Updated Italian translation (programm & help file) - Some optimizations on fetching network adapters if no adapters are available or active 2.2.0 - 21.12.2005 - NEW: Increased profiles Freeware: 6 profiles Pro: Unlimited profiles! Up to 6 profiles are grouped to a category Clearly arranged & easy to manage - NEW: Command line activation (See the help file for details) - Faster navigation in the main window (e.g. switching tabs) - Last activated profile is marked in the tray - Right-clicking a tab selects it 2.1.1 - 14.11.2005 - NEW language: Polish (program & documentation) - NEW (Pro): Proxy settings for IE & FF at the same time possible - BugFix: Wrong language if started minimized with Windows - Added Spanish to Setup 2.1.0 - 30.09.2005 - NEW: Default Printer - NEW: Execute Scripts - NEW: More IPs (2nd & 3rd) - NEW language: Spanish (program & documentation) - Removed 15 character limitation from DNS Domain - Fixed Proxy bug which came with 2.0.3 2.0.4 - 01.09.2005 - BugFix: In some cases activating from the tray did not work - Some basic improvements/adjustments concerning "FastSwitch" - Italian instruction included 2.0.3 - 23.08.2005 - BugFix: Default Gateway was not removed on empty fields - BugFix: Link to NSM caused a website-error - Minor saving optimization - File no longer packed using UPX -> Biger file size but faster start and less memory use - Reduced freeware message from every 7th start to every 10th start - First release of NetSetMan Pro! 2.0.2 - 09.08.2005 - German Helpfile completed - minor program adjustments 2.0.1 - 06.08.2005 - some minor text changes 2.0 - 03.08.2005 - !Complete rewriting of the routine to change the settings -> more possibilities & faster! - NEW: Progress messages at applying settings - NEW: Get current settings - NEW: WINS Server - NEW: DNS Domain - NEW: Fast-Switch in the tray bar - NEW: Save/Load favorite settings - NEW: Multilanguage: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Vietnamese - NEW: Possibility to autostart with Windows - Better GUI: wider tabs, display of network adapters, IP input, new/changed buttons, logo - NEW (only in Pro): Proxy settings (Internet Explorer & Firefox) - NEW (only in Pro): Domain login (with user name and password) 1.10 - 23.12.2004 ADDED German language (switchable in the "Info"-window) Computer Name (needs restart to have effect) Workgroup (needs restart to work properly) Checkboxes to select what settings to apply CHANGED faster method to get networkadapters more compact interface no possibility to enter the adapter name by hand to avoid errors FIXED special characters are allowed (like à, ü, etc.) 1.00 - 21.11.2004 first public release