# Configuration file for mocha w32 tn5250 Version 7.x # # Values in this file, will ONLY be used at installation. Hereafer # the configuration will be saved in Windows registry # # Unused lines starts with # # To change the default installation, remove the # character # for the given parameters # # false = 0 and true = 1. All values are in Hex # ---------------------------------------------- #OVERWRITE # Use this file to overwrite configuration in registry # As default (without OVERWRITE) an old configuration # in the registry will not be overwritten # # Shortcut details. The installation can create 3 different # shortcuts in the program menu # #shortcut_param = "/H myhost /N 'my title name' " #shortcut_desc = "tn5250 - 1" # #shortcut_param2 = "/H myhost /N 'my title name' " #shortcut_desc2 = "tn5250 - 2" # #shortcut_param3 = "/H myhost /N 'my title name' " #shortcut_desc3 = "tn5250 - 3" # # License details # #company = "" # License name. See your license letter #lickey = "" # License key # # Color values (rgb type) # #color_bg = 0x000000 #color_select = 0x008080 #color_red = 0x0000ff #color_blue = 0xff0000 #color_pink = 0xff00ff #color_turquoise = 0xffff00 #color_yellow = 0x00ffff #color_white = 0xffffff #color_green = 0x00ff00 #color_cursor = 0x808080 # # Font details # #fontsize = 0xfffffff0 #font_weight = 0 #font_italic = 0 #pfontsize = 0xfffffff0 # settings - printer #pfont_weight = 0 #pfont_italic = 0 #pfont_name = "Courier New" #font_name = "Courier New" # # Proxy parameters # #proxy_port = 0x438 # port number for the proxy port #proxy_enable = 0 # use a proxy #proxy_socks_enable = 0 # Use the SOCKS protocol #proxy_syntax = "" #proxy_return = "" #proxy_host = "" # # Other parameters # #host_name = "" # IP address for the AS/400 #port = 0x17 # as400 port 0x17 is port 23 in decimal #device_name = "" # Device name for this session #ssl = 0 # using SSL #ssl128 = 0 # 56 bit = 0, and 1 = 128 bit ssl #use_cv = 0 # use ctr+c and ctrl+v (menu - edit) #log_enable = 0 # menu - settings - Log Traffic #show_negotiation= 0 # menu - settings - log traffic #typeahead = 0 # settings - Typeahead #message_bell = 0 # settings - Sound #bell = 0 # settings - Bell #blink = 0 # message - Blink #mouse_cursor = 0 # settings - mouse control of cursor #autoconnect = 0 # click box in menu file - connect #field_del = 1 # check box in menu - settings - keyboard layout #num_point = 1 # check box in menu - settings - keyboard layout #check_fieldexit = 0 # check box in menu - settings - keyboard layout #hotspots = 1 # check box in menu - settings - keyboard layout #wheel = 1 # check box in menu - settings - keyboard layout #status_bar = 1 # show status bar #knap_bar = 1 # show icon bar #termtype_no = 1 # 24*80 = 1 and 27*132 = 0 #ltti = 0 # LTTI counter in the status line #newwindow = 0 # Allow new window option in menu - file #logname = "c:\mochasoft\logfile" #ebcdic_name = "c:\mochasoft\ebcdic52.map" #keyname = "c:\mochasoft\tn52keys.map" #table = 0 # check box menu - edit - Table format #mouse_enter = 1 # check box menu - settings - mouse double click gives ENTER #reconnect = 0 # check box menu - connect #exit = 0 # check box menu - connect - Exit on session termination #confirm = 0 # menu - file - connect - advanced - Confirm exit #askprint = 1 # Ask printer type #cursortype = 0 # 0 = full 1= half 2 = line #crosshair = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = crosshair 2 = horizontal line, 3 = vertical line #autologin = 0 # menu - file - connect - advanced - make a connection to the as400 at program start #user = "QSECOFR" # AS/400 User name - #password = "SECRET" # AS/400 User name - #x_margin = 10 # Printer left margin in pixels #y_margin = 2 # Printer top margin in pixels #shift_arrow = 1 # shift arrow as select (menu - settings - keyboard layout) #excel_paste = 0 # Always paste in Excel csv format (menu - edit) #paste_semi_colons = 0 # 0 = CSV paste separator , 1 = separator ; # END OF FILE