1 N/A 2 Threats have been detected. 3 No threats have been detected. 4 Move detected files automatically 5 Clean detected files automatically 6 Delete detected files automatically 7 Prompt for user action 8 Continue scanning 9 Scan invalid 10 Scan all files 11 Scan default files, also scan them for OLE infections 12 Scan default files 13 Specified file types 14 Deny access to detected files and continue 15 ANSI 16 Unicode (UTF8) 17 Unicode (UTF16) 18 Modified %s days or more ago 19 Accessed %s days or more ago 20 Created %s days or more ago 21 All files with no extension 22 log session settings 23 , log session summary 24 , log date and time 25 , log user name 26 , log failure to scan encrypted files 27 PPIface 28 Show the system tray icon with all menu options 29 Show the system tray icon with minimal menu options 30 Do not show the system tray icon 31 All files of type %s 32 Alerting disabled. 33 Centralized alerting enabled. 34 Alert Manager alerting enabled. 35 , Clean 36 , Delete 37 , Move 38 Stop, Continue 39 No password 40 Password protection for all items 41 Password protection for selected items 42 Warning mode 43 Protection mode 44 Leave shares with existing access rights. 45 Make all shares read-only. 46 Block read and write access to all shares. 47 Windows File Protection 48 Invalid exclusion type 49 ITEM: 50 EXCLUDE SUBFOLDERS: 51 EXCLUDE SCANNING ON: 52 Read 53 Write 54 Yes 55 No 56 n/a 57 Recycle Bin 58 , Delete mail 59 Delete infected mail automatically 60 Common Criteria Conformance Configuration