Release Notes for McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 2 for Windows

About this Document

About this release

System requirements



Known issues

Resolved issues

Installation instructions

Additional Information

Finding product documentation


About this Document

Thank you for using McAfee Agent software version 4.5. This document contains important information about this release. We recommend that you read the entire document.

About this release

Patch Release: January 12, 2011


Agent Extension Build:

Agent Patch Package for Windows Build:


This release was developed for use with:


  • Host Data Loss Prevention 2.2 Patch 4, 3.0, 9.0 and 9.1
  • Data Loss Prevention Network 8.5 and 8.6
  • Endpoint Encryption for Files and Folders 3.1.0 and 4.0
  • Endpoint Encryption for PC 6.0.2
  • Encrypted USB 1.2
  • ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0, 4.5 and 4.6
  • Group Shield Exchange 7.0.X
  • Group Shield Domino 7.0.X
  • McAfee Anti-Spam for GroupShield 7.0
  • McAfee Quarantine Manager 6.0
  • McAfee Security for Microsoft SharePoint 2.0.X
  • McAfee Security for Microsoft Exchange 7.5
  • McAfee Security for Domino 7.5
  • Network Access Control 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
  • Policy Auditor 5.2 and 5.3
  • SiteAdvisor Enterprise 1.7, 2.0 and 3.0
  • McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 7.X
  • Solidcore 5.0 and 5.0.1
  • VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i (Patch 7 and above) , 8.7i (with Antispyware Enterprise) and 8.8
  • VirusScan Enterprise for SAP 1.0.1
  • VirusScan Enterprise for Storage 1.0 Patch 2
  • VirusScan Enterprise for Off Line Virtual Images 2.0.

Make sure you have installed the correct version(s) before using this release.

System requirements

This section specifies the system requirements for McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 2 for Windows.

  • Installed disk space � 29-32 MB, excluding log files
  • Memory � 256 MB RAM minimum
  • Processor Speed � 500 MHz minimum
  • Processor � Intel or compatible; Intel Pentium or Celeron; Itanium 2;
  • Operating systems:
    • Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server Web Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server R2 Enterprise Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server R2 Web Edition, SP 1* or 2
    • Windows 2003 Server Standard x64 Edition, SP 2
    • Windows 2003 Server Enterprise x64 Edition, SP 2
    • Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard x64 Edition, SP 2
    • Windows 2003 Server R2 Enterprise x64 Edition, SP 2
    • Windows XP Home, SP 2 and 3
    • Windows XP Professional, SP 2 or SP 3
    • Windows XP Professional x64, SP2 or SP 3
    • Windows XP Tablet PC 2005
    • Windows Vista, SP 1 or SP 2
    • Windows Vista x64, SP 1 or SP 2
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows Server 2008 x64
    • Windows Server 2008 R2
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 7 x64
    • Windows XP Embedded, SP 2 or SP 3

This release does not support Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP SP 1.

* McAfee Agent does not support deployment to Windows 2003 Server SP 1 from ePolicy Orchestrator and must be installed locally on this service pack level.


McAfee considers this a critical release for all environments. This update should be applied at the earliest convenience. For more information, see KB article KB51560.


This document supplements the McAfee Agent 4.5 Readme file in the release package, and details fixes included in McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch releases.

Please review the Known and Resolved Issues lists for additional information on the individual issues.

Refer to online article KB65953 at McAfee Knowledge Base for current information regarding this release.

Known issues

Known issues in this release of McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 2 are described below:

1.     Issue: If you have two versions of the same content package in two repository branches, only one appears on the Update Task screen, without a version number. (Reference: 548892)

Workaround: Don�t put the same package in two branches.

Resolved issues

Issues that are resolved in this release are listed below.

1.     Issue: During McAfee Agent 4.5 Key update, the message "Update succeeded to version Plug-in" would appear. (Reference: 522667)

Resolution: The message "Update succeeded to version Plug-in 4.5.0" now appears.

2.     Issue: When the ePolicy Orchestrator server was disabled in the repository list, Agent Handlers for the server would remain enabled. (Reference: 524171, 549370)

Resolution: The availability of the Agent Handler repositories matches the policy set for the ePolicy Orchestrator server repository.

3.     Issue: The agent was terminated when a Firefox browser on a German locale system accessed a German agent log file remotely. (Reference: 536313, 561482)

Resolution: The agent no longer terminates in this case.

4.     Issue: If fields were left empty in the agent's Repository policy, the policies would contain the word "null" when the agent received them. (Reference: 537449, 588495)

Resolution: Fields that are left empty remain empty when sent to the agent.

5.     Issue: Removing a 4.5 agent from a system that originally had CMA 3.6 installed, can cause the agent to lose its ability to connect to the ePO server. The key updater package did not remediate those agents. (Reference: 539837)

Resolution: The key updater package now remediates these agents.

6.     Issue: When the VirusScan Edit Auto Update Repository List was opened a second time, an Application Error message occurred. (Reference: 540210, 538456)

Resolution: There is no error and the UI appears.

7.     Issue: When a repository was created with the local path and "Use Logged On Account" option was selected for update, updates would succeed only when a user was logged on. (Reference: 542736)

Resolution: The updater now attempts to complete the update using the System account, if no user is logged on.

8.     Issue: In high volume environments that used the same logon ID for many remote sessions, the agent occasionally caused windows on the remote user's desktops to become unresponsive. (Reference: 546621, 559600)

Resolution: The agent now correctly updates the desktop security when launching its user interface process.

9.     Issue: If the system clock was changed after the agent started, tasks with randomized times that were set to run, if missed did not run when missed. (Reference: 547018)

Resolution: Randomized tasks marked �Run if missed� are now properly executed when missed even if the system clock is changed.

10.     Issue: If there was more than one group of Agent Handlers in ePolicy Orchestrator, the agent would not sort them properly. (Reference: 549370)

Resolution: Agent Handlers in groups are sorted properly.

11.     Issue: If the Windows "COM+ Event System" service was disabled or not running, the agent would be running but not communicate with the ePolicy Orchestrator server. (Reference: 551508)

Resolution: The agent will now operate even without this service. However, User-Based Policies (also known as Policy Assignment Rules) will be applied only if COM+ is running.

12.     Issue: The agent's event filter file was removed on upgrade, causing unwanted events to be created until a new file was downloaded on the next agent-to-server communication. (Reference: 554579)

Resolution: The existing event filter file is now preserved on upgrade.

13.     Issue: An exclusion for the agent service was only being added to the currently active Windows 7 firewall profile. (Reference: 556004, 572357)

Resolution: An exclusion will now be added for all active profiles.

14.     Issue: Product deployments from a local repository would succeed only if that repository was up-to-date with the master repository. (Reference: 541347, 565744)

Resolution: If the agent policy is configured to deploy from a local repository, deployments are allowed in all cases.

15.     Issue: When the agent polled for messages from the server, the CPU utilization was high on systems with a large number of CPUs, because the number of polling threads was proportional to the number of CPUs. (Reference: 566481)

Resolution: The agent now waits for a notification rather than polling.


16.��� Issue: The McAfee Agent 4.5 did not provide an embedded credential installation package options. (Reference: 529171)


Resolution: A separate ePO check-in package is provided with McAfee Agent Patch 2 that supports creation of embedded credentials packages. The embedded credential package is separate from the General Use package. If you require the use of embedded credentials, download the from the McAfee download site or the McAfee Service Portal.


NOTE: The packages are different to accommodate both customers who need embedded credentials and those who do not. Using embedded credentials requires the compiled package size to increase several megabytes. This can be a significant issue in some environments. This is the only difference between the two packages. For Best Practice recommendations, see KB65538 - Important information on using Embedded Credentials.


17.     Issue: The McTray (single-tray icon) debug logging was turned on by default, which created extra log files for systems with multiple users and some performance issues for systems using roaming profiles. (Reference: 569315)

Resolution: McTray debug logging is now turned off by default.

18.     Issue: Variables in the "Product update log file" and "Executable to run after an update" were not replaced with their values, e.g. "<PROGRAM_FILES_DIR>\my_program.exe" was not converted to "C:\Program Files\my_program.exe". (Reference: 570112)

Resolution: Variables in these fields are now replaced properly.

19.     Issue: Product events that were generated while the user was logging off or during system shutdown sometimes contained the machine name instead of the name of the user. (Reference: 578238, 583635)

Resolution:� If the user name cannot be retrieved in this situation, "system" is reported as the user name.

20.     Issue: Text on the postpone dialog was incorrect on non-English systems. (Reference: 586852)

Resolution: The text is now correct in all supported languages.

21.     Issue: The agent did not return xml files in response to HTTP queries, causing Rogue Sensor Detection to fail to detect that the 4.5 agent was installed. (Reference: 587037, 540102, 587564, 588591)

Resolution: RSD now detects that the 4.5 agent is installed.

22.     Issue: When starved for resources, the agent service hung and did not collect properties, communicate with the server, or enforce policies. (Reference: 590474, 540822).

Resolution: The agent no longer hangs under the circumstances such as thousands of remote logons.

23.     Issue: On agent upgrade, the ePolicy Orchestrator server and Agent Handler information was sometimes missing server or Agent Handler entries. (Reference: 590475, 584510)

Resolution: The agent installer now replaces all old ePolicy Orchestrator server and agent handler information properly.

24.     Issue: If the ePO server or a repository became unavailable during communication, the agent could enter a high-CPU state and not recover. (Reference: 616632, 580009, 615035, 620018)

Resolution: The agent now detects faulty communications and logs the error.

25.     Issue: If the McScript process received an unexpected response from FTP repository during an update, the McScript process could enter a high-CPU state and not recover. (Reference: 622622)

Resolution: Now the download exits if an unexpected response is received.

26.     Issue: If the ePolicy Orchestrator server was unable to contact an agent, for instance if the agent was behind a NAT firewall, items such as Update Now that were pushed to the agent would fail to be delivered. (Reference: 590456)

Resolution: The agent will now request and process any pushed items at its next Agent to Server Communication.

27.     Issue: "At System Startup" Update tasks would always use the Current branch. (Reference: 577366)

Resolution: These tasks now use the correct branch.


Issues from MA 4.5 Patch 1 release that are resolved in this release are listed below.

1.     Issue: The McAfee Agent was vulnerable to the issue described in Security Bulletin SB10002, �McAfee Security Bulletin - ActiveX security issue in CMA and McAfee Agent. (Reference: 528597)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent upgrade process has been updated to implement the required registry modifications.

2.     Issue: In environments enforcing reduced DCOM privileges, the McAfee Agent would not display the agent icon, show the agent status monitor, enforce policies, or run tasks. (Reference: 502250)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent now applies �connect� rather than �anonymous� as the required level of DCOM security authentication.

3.     Issue: The McAfee Agent Policy / Updates section did not allow the ability to install product patches from the Previous or Evaluation Branch. (Reference: 392871)

Resolution: The Policy Section now includes Patches.

4.     Issue: The agent would read from the point product list in the registry once a minute. This could prevent the computer from going into a low power state. (Reference:503403)

Resolution: The agent now only reads from the registry list when it detects a registry change.

5.     Issue: The McAfee Agent 4.5 did not provide an embedded credential installation package options (Reference: 529171)

Resolution: A separate ePO check in package is provided with McAfee Agent Patch 1 that supports creation of embedded credentials packages. An embedded credential installation package is now available. The embedded credential package is separate from the General Use package. If you require the use of embedded credentials, please download the from the McAfee download site or the McAfee ServicePortal.

NOTE: The packages are different to accommodate customers that need embedded credentials and those who do not. Using embedded credentials requires the compiled package size to increase several megabytes. This can be a significant issue in some environments. This is the only difference between the two packages. For Best Practice recommendations, see KB65538 - Important information on using Embedded Credentials.

6.     Issue:  Event ID 4354 would appear as a warning in the Application Event log after installing MA 4.5 (Reference: 529456).

Resolution: This message no longer appears.

7.     Issue: When upgrading the McAfee Agent to version 4.5 from version 4.0, the message "New MAC address was found...regenerating Agent ID." (Reference: 486102)

Resolution: This message no longer appears.

8.  Issue: When McAfee Agent 4.0 or 4.5 were installed, the VirusScan mirrorlog.txt did not contain success or failure messages (Reference: 491845).

Resolution: Logging functions have been restored to the mirrorlog.txt file.

9. Issue: If an Agent was configured to use an FTP or HTTP repository with credentials containing the characters '@', '/', or ':', the Agent would not authenticate with the repository. (Reference: 491907)

Resolution: The Agent now supports any legal character combination for repository credentials.

10. Issue: Agent installation would sometimes time out if a site list had a very large number of sites. (Reference: 495083)

Resolution: The time out on the site list installation program has been increased to allow larger site lists.

11.  Issue: The Agent mistakenly identified some systems as not laptops when reporting system properties. (Reference: 524763)

Resolution: Laptop computers are now identified properly.

12. Issue: On multiple monitor systems, the Agent dialog boxes would sometimes appear behind other open applications on the desktop. (Reference: 489716)

Resolution: Agent windows are now always visible when opened.

13. Issue: When explorer.exe crashed, the Agent tray icon did not reappear. (Reference: 504672)

Resolution: The Agent icon is now automatically restarted in this case.

14. Issue:  While adding a site in the repository list through a point product such as Virus Scan Enterprise console, there was a memory leak in the McAfee Agent application. (Reference: 543855)

Resolution: There is no longer a memory leak.

15. Issue: When ePolicy Orchestrator server rejected the connection during a McAfee Agent �Wakeup with Full Properties� request, the McAfee Agent would only send incremental properties the next time properties were uploaded. (Reference: 528590)

Resolution: McAfee Agent �Wakeup with Full Properties� requests are now retried until successfully sent to the ePolicy Orchestrator server.

16. Issue: When directed to use a specific language through the �Use Language� feature, the language reported to ePolicy Orchestrator remained the system default language.                           

Resolution: The McAfee Agent now properly reports the language in use.

17. Issue:  The /upgrade agent installer switch updated the agent binaries, but did not remove or upgrade obsolete data from previous installs. (Reference: 528592)

Resolution: The /upgrade switch now properly alters both the agent binaries and data.

18. Issue:  If certain system folders (e.g., Documents, Desktop, or Start Menu) were located on a network drive, the install would stop. The upgrade process was checking for the existence of the My Favorites and Fonts folders. (Reference: 528595)

Resolution: The install no longer checks for those folders.

19. Issue: It was possible to schedule an Update Task with the Engine selected but no DAT. (Reference: 528573)

Resolution: You must now select the update DATs when updating the Engine.

20. Issue: The error message "Failed to OpenProcess. Error code 57" would appear in the agent log on 64-bit Windows when no user was logged on.

Resolution: The message no longer appears.

21. Issue:  When the update process could not download a requested file and failed over to a subsequent repository, a DAT or Engine update would sometimes stop. (Reference: 528587)

Resolution: The update process now allows DAT or Engine updating to complete when failing over to a subsequent repository.

22. Issue: The McAfee Agent did not support the ePolicy Orchestrator Duplicate List feature. (Reference: 528599)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent now supports the ePolicy Orchestrator Duplicate List feature.

23.  Issue: The McAfee Agent installation process would not complete when the current user's user name contained non-ASCII� Japanese) characters. (Reference: 528582)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent installation process now allows user names to contain non-ASCII characters.

24. Issue: When policy enforcement occurred while the repository was being sorted, the McAfee Agent would leak virtual memory. (Reference: 528594)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent no longer leaks memory when enforcing policies during a repository sort.

25. Issue: The McAfee Agent did not allow deployment and update tasks to be postponed. (Reference: 528589)

Resolution: The McAfee Agent now allows deployment tasks to be postponed if they are so configured in ePolicy Orchestrator.

26. Issue: Damaged or missing McAfee Agent policy and task values would create Unexpected Exceptions� when displayed in the ePolicy Orchestrator console. (Reference: 528578)

Resolution: When the ePolicy Orchestrator console displays McAfee Agent policies or tasks it now replaces damaged or missing values with appropriate default values.

27. Issue: If the agent failed over to a second repository during an update, a second update dialog was displayed after the initial dialog. (Reference: 528586)

Resolution: The agent now only shows one dialog per update.

28. Issue: Use of the /ForceUninstall parameter on Windows 7 may result in a reboot prompt. (Reference: 528581)

Resolution: The reboot prompt no longer appears in this scenario.

29. Issue: The Agent could deploy software to Windows 7 systems even if the software's supported platform list did not include Windows 7. (Reference: 529485)

Resolution: In this case the Agent now reports a product conflict and does not deploy the software.

30.  Issue: Tasks created using previous versions of the Agent extension would not run on Windows 7 systems. (Reference: 523299)

Resolution: The new Agent extension automatically upgrades existing Windows tasks to also support Windows 7.

31. Issue: If you allowed user postponement of a Deployment or Update task, the postpone dialog would appear at the beginning of task execution, before the task determined if any deployment or update was actually necessary. (Reference: 525196)

Resolution: The dialog now only appears after the task has determined that a download or installation is required. There is also a new text box on the Deployment and Update task screens in the ePolicy Orchestrator console that allows you to enter explanatory text to display in the update dialog box shown on the client.

32.  Issue: When agent unloaded a plugin it would not call the plugin�s exit routine. (Reference: 547679)

Resolution: Now, the agent calls the exit routine of the plugin.

32. Issue: If a download of large files such as DATs from a SuperAgent was slow due to a slow connection, the files would be locked when the ePO server tried to delete them on replication, so they would never get deleted. (Reference: 482699)

Resolution: SuperAgents now allow files to be deleted even when it is downloading them at the same time.

33.  Issue:  In the McAfee Agent extension if you added a Local repository policy, saved it, then changed it to be a UNC repository, the relative path of the Local repository would still be preserved. The agent would add it to the UNC path, resulting in an invalid UNC path. (Reference: 520485)

Resolution: When you add or change a UNC repository policy, it now always clears the relative path.

34. Issue:  For low privilege users or the Guest account, if the 'Show Agent Tray Icon' policy was enabled, a new non-functional Agent icon appeared and a new UdaterUI.exe process was launched at every policy enforcement. (Reference: 513048)

Resolution: The Agent tray icon processes do not run for users with privilege less than that of a normal user account.

35.  Issue:  The agent installer would not complete if the supplied SiteList.xml file contained an SPIPE site that was disabled. (Reference: 507137)

Resolution: The agent installer now completes even if the SPIPE site is disabled.

36. Issue:  When upgrading the agent to MA 4.5 or reinstalling MA 4.5 a new lpcRT_<unique string> folder would be created in the agent install directory, but the original directory would not be removed. (Reference: 489375)

Resolution: The lpcRT_ directory from the previous version is now removed.

37.  Issue: For low privilege users or the Guest account, while the Agent tray icon process is running, any USB or other removable drive did not appear in Windows Explorer when plugged in. (Reference: 518694)

Resolution: The Agent tray icon processes do not run for users with privilege less than that of a normal user account.

38.  Issue: "The McShield service hung during startup" (system event 7022) would sometimes appear in the Windows event log during startup when McAfee Agent 4.5 and VirusScan Enterprise 8.7 were installed. (Reference: 542703)

Resolution: This event now appears much less frequently.

39.    Issue: The agent did not support downloads from a repository that used HTTP redirects to point to content. (Reference: 568090, 554799)

Resolution:� The agent will now follow up to five levels of redirection for HTTP repositories.


Installation instructions

This section provides instructions for installing and upgrading McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 2 for use with ePolicy Orchestrator versions 4.0.X, 4.5.X and 4.6.


Installing on ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0.X Systems

This section provides instructions for installing McAfee Agent 4.5 P2 for use with ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.0.x on each of the supported operating systems. You must have administrator rights to perform this task.

1.      Download the current agent extension, and the Patch 2 agent package, to the system accessing the ePolicy Orchestrator server. 

2.     Install the agent extension:

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 console, click Configuration.

b.     On the Extensions tab, click Install extension.

c.      Browse to the location containing, select it and click OK. The Install Extensions summary page appears.

d.     Click OK to complete the installation of the extension.

3.     Check in the agent package to the ePolicy Orchestrator repository.

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 console, click Software.

b.     Click Master Repository

c.      Click Check in Package.

d.     Browse to the location containing, select it, then click Next.

e.     Ensure that Current is selected in the Branch field.

f.       Click Save.

4.     Use one of these methods to install the agent on client systems:

a.     Push an agent using the Send Agent Install option.

b.     For third-party deployment methods, create an agent installation package, FramePkg.exe, using the Agent Installation Package Creation wizard.

c.      Create a deployment task.

Installing on ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5.X systems

This section provides instructions for installing McAfee Agent 4.5 P2 for use with ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 on Windows.

You must have administrator rights on the Windows system to perform this task. The agent extension must be installed on the ePolicy Orchestrator server before the agent is installed on any clients.

1.     Download the current agent extension,, and the Patch 2 agent package,, to the system containing the ePolicy Orchestrator server.

2.     Install the agent extension:

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 console, click Menu | Software.

b.     On the Extensions tab, click Install extension.

c.      Browse to the location containing, select it and click OK. The Install Extensions summary page appears.

d.     Click OK to complete the installation of the extension.

3.     Check the agent package in to the ePolicy Orchestrator repository:

Note: If installing on a computer running Common Management Agent 3.6, the package must be checked in to the Current repository branch.

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 console, click Menu | Software | Master Repository

b.     Click Check In Package.

c.      Browse to the location containing, select it, then click Next.

d.     Ensure that the appropriate branch is selected in the Branch field.

e.     Click Save.

4.     Create a deployment task or push the agent to client systems. If using the push method, follow these steps:

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 console, click Menu | Systems.

b.     Select the target systems or groups.

c.      Click Deploy Agent.

d.     Select the version of the agent to be deployed.

e.     Type valid credentials in the Domain, User name, and Password fields.

f.       Click OK.

Note: For ePO 4.6, the installation instructions are the same as ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5.x.

Installing on Windows using third-party deployment methods

The agent extension must be installed on the ePolicy Orchestrator server before the agent is installed on any clients.

1.     Download the current agent extension,, and the Patch 2 agent package,, to the system containing the ePolicy Orchestrator server.

2.     Install the agent extension:

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator console:

·  For 4.5 � Click Menu | Software | Extensions.

·  For 4.0 � Click Configuration | Extensions.

b.     Click Install extension.

c.      Browse to the location containing, select it and click OK. The Install Extensions summary page appears.

d.     Click OK to complete the installation of the extension.

3.     Using the ePolicy Orchestrator console, check in the agent package to the Current (default) repository branch.

4.     Create an installation package:

a.     In the ePolicy Orchestrator console

·    For 4.5 � Click Menu | Systems.

·    For 4.0 � Click Systems.

b.     At the bottom of the System Tree, click New Systems.

c.      Select Create and download the agent installation package.

d.     Deselect Use Credentials.

e.     Click OK. The Download file dialog box opens.

f.       Select FramePkg.exe and save it to the desktop.

g.����� Use FramePkg.exe to install the agent on client system. See section Installing, upgrading and uninstalling using Windows command-line switches for details.

Note: The Installation of FramePkg.exe requires administrator rights on the target system.

5.     Note the location of the downloaded FramePkg.exe to identify it when using your third-party deployment system. You can add parameters and switches as allowed by your deployment system. For a list of available parameters, see Installing, upgrading and uninstalling using Windows command-line switches.


This section provides instructions for upgrading the agent from versions 3.6, 4.0 and 4.5 to McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 2.

Upgrading on Windows using FramePkg_upd.exe

You must have administrator rights to perform this task.

1.     Download and extract the MA 4.5 Patch 2 agent package,, to a temporary location.

2.     Copy FramePkg_upd.exe to a location on the target client.

3.     From the command line on the client, type <path>/FramePkg_upd.exe /upgrade, where <path> is the location containing the copied file. This command is the equivalent of double-clicking FramePkg_upd.exe in the folder containing the installation package.

Installing, upgrading and uninstalling using Windows command-line switches

This section describes using selected command-line parameters to specify installation and upgrading preferences. Use the list of tasks as a menu from which to select those that suit your circumstances and preferences.


Installing the agent and data in their default locations using default site list and key information

Use this command to install the agent, site list and keys in their default locations. This command is the equivalent of double-clicking the program file in the installation package.


Installing the agent in specified folders

Use this command to install the agent in a folder other than the default. The example shown here specifies a folder for the installation files (instdir) and a folder for the data files (datadir).

framepkg.exe /install=agent /instdir=<target folder name>/datadir=<target folder name>

Installing the agent with user-selected site information and user-selected keys

Use this command to install the agent and specify a site list file and security keys (srpubkey.bin and reqseckey.bin) other than the defaults. This command is also useful when upgrading an agent using FramePkg_upd.exe. It specifies the server with which the agent communicates, irrespective of the site information embedded in the original installation package.

framepkg.exe /install=agent /siteinfo=<full path of sitelist.xml>

The security keys must be located in the same folder as the site list. Use ePolicy Orchestrator to export the files:

1.     Export the Sitelist file:

a.     Select Software | Master Repository.

b.     Click Export Sitelist.

c.      Save the file to a new location.

2.     Export the security keys:

a.     Select Configuration | Server Settings | Security Keys, and click Edit.

b.     Select Master Agent-server secure communication key, and click Export.

c.      Save the files to the same location as the Sitelist file.

Installing the agent by force

Use this command only when:

  • Downgrading to an earlier version of the agent.
  • Changing the names of the folders that contain the agent.
  • Restoring the agent�s settings to a default state.

framepkg.exe /install=agent /forceinstall

Note: McAfee strongly advises that you only use /forceinstall to install the McAfee Agent under the conditions stated above, because the command:

  • Restores data files to a default state. As a result, all user-configured repositories and user-created tasks are lost.
  • May remove the currently installed agent and introduces the risk that installation of the replacement agent could fail. As a result, one or more systems could have no agent at all.
  • Sometimes requires a restart of the system.

Installing without requiring specific user privileges

Use this command to allow all users access to agent files and registry, regardless of their user privileges.

framepkg.exe /install=agent /defaultpermissions

Installing silently

Use this command to install the agent without displaying information dialog boxes on the client.

framepkg.exe /install=agent /s or framepkg.exe /install=agent /silent

Installing with specification of interface and log file language

Use this command to install the agent and specify a language other than the target computer�s native language.

framepkg.exe /install=agent /uselanguage=<language code>

Language codes are:



Chinese (Simplified)


Chinese (Traditional)


























Note: To restore the computer�s native language, type /resetlanguage

Upgrading the Windows agent to a new version

Use either of these commands to upgrade the agent to a new version.

framepkg_upd.exe or framepkg.exe /upgrade

Using these commands is the equivalent of double-clicking FramePkg_upd.exe in the installation package.

Uninstalling the Windows agent

  • To disconnect the agent from its ePO server, and if there are no point-products using it for updating, remove it completely:

frminst.exe /remove=agent

  • To remove the agent completely, but only if it is not connected to an ePO server and no point-products are using it for updating:

frminst.exe /uninstall

  • To remove the agent completely, even if it is connected to an ePO server or point-products are using it for updating:

frminst.exe /forceuninstall

Converting from unmanaged mode to managed mode

Use this task to convert a client currently operating in unmanaged mode to managed mode.

If the sitelist.xml file is from ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0.0 or later, the security keys must be located in the same folder as the site list.

frminst.exe /install=agent /siteinfo=<full path of target server�s sitelist.xml file>

Converting from managed mode to unmanaged mode

Use this task to convert a client currently operating in managed mode to unmanaged mode.

frminst.exe /remove=agent

Changing server

Use this task to change the server with which a client communicates.

The security keys must be located in the same folder as the site list.

frminst.exe /siteinfo=<full path of target server�s sitelist.xml file>


Additional Information

Allowing users to configure proxy settings

Laptop users of Windows can configure proxy settings for downloading McAfee VirusScan Enterprise updates while in the field. This requires making changes in the ePolicy Orchestrator console and in the VirusScan console. The ePolicy Orchestrator changes must be completed before making the VirusScan changes.


Changes in the ePolicy Orchestrator console

You must have ePolicy Orchestrator administrator rights to perform this task.

1.     Select Systems | System Tree and select or create the systems where proxy settings are to be allowed.

2.     Select Systems | Policy Catalog.

3.     In the Product field, select McAfee Agent.

4.     In the Category field, select General.

5.     Select a policy (for example, My Default) and click Edit.

6.     Click Proxy.

7.     Select Use Internet Explorer settings (Windows only), then select Allow user to configure proxy settings. The new policy is enforced at the next agent-to-server communication interval (ASCI). Alternatively, you can trigger enforcement by invoking an agent wake-up call. See the ePolicy Orchestrator Product Guide for instructions.

Changes in the VirusScan console

Any remote user who can access VirusScan Enterprise can perform this task.

1.     From the Tools menu of the VirusScan Console, select Edit AutoUpdate Repository List.

2.     Select the Proxy settings tab.

3.     Select Use Internet Explorer settings (Windows only), then select Allow user to configure proxy settings.

4.     Click Configure, supply the required HTTP or FTP information, then click OK.

Finding product documentation

McAfee provides the information you need during each phase of product implementation, from installation to daily use and troubleshooting. After a product is released, information about the product is entered into the McAfee online KnowledgeBase.

1     Go to the McAfee Technical Support ServicePortal at

2     Under Self Service, access the type of information you need:

To access�

Do this�

User documentation

1   Click Product Documentation.

2   Select a Product, then select a Version.

3   Select a product document.


  Click Search the KnowledgeBase for answers to your product questions.

  Click Browse the KnowledgeBase for articles listed by product and version.



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No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of McAfee, Inc., or its suppliers or affiliate companies.


AVERT, EPO, EPOLICY ORCHESTRATOR, FOUNDSTONE, GROUPSHIELD, INTRUSHIELD, LINUXSHIELD, MAX (MCAFEE SECURITYALLIANCE EXCHANGE), MCAFEE, NETSHIELD, PORTALSHIELD, PREVENTSYS, SECURITYALLIANCE, SITEADVISOR, TOTAL PROTECTION, VIRUSSCAN, WEBSHIELD are registered trademarks or trademarks of McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. McAfee Red in connection with security is distinctive of McAfee brand products. All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners.


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