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Meat-packing Plant

Meat-packing Plant



╡╪ ╓╖ú║┴║╔╜╛¡╝├┐¬╖ó╟°


╡τ ╗░ú║0537-7323689 13863769168

┤½ ╒µú║0537-7321027


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1. Project Unit

Liangshan Nong Jia Le Animal

Husbandry Co., Ltd.

Add: Liangshan Economic Developing Zone.

Person to Contact: Li Shiyin

Tel: 0537-7323689 13863769168

Fax: 0537-7321027

2. Brief Introduction Of Project Unit

Set up in 1998, Liangshan Nong Jia Le Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd is a private enterprise. The gross asset of the corporation comes up to US$1,250,000 with registered capital US$ 600,000. The corporation is engaged in pig-raising and forage-producing.

3. Project Contents

The corporation intends to build a new meatpacking plant, to add one production line comprising butchering, cutting, and finishing work, annual designed productive power is butchering 500,000 pigs. The products will be on sale in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao.

4. Investment & Capital Raising

Total investment will be US$ 3,750,000; Chinese partner plans to invest land, workshop converted US$ 1,100,000. The corporation expects foreign partner to invest US$ 2,650,000 in cash. The cooperation period is 10 years.

5. Economic Results

When the project has been built, annual income will be 43,000,000 and the profit can come up to US$ 1,250,000. All investment will be recouped within 3 years.

6. Cooperation Form

Joint venture.

7. Construction Nature.



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