Joe Girard

From a poor stuttering kid to the World's Greatest Salesperson!

On May 10, Joe Girard, who was given the title, "the World's Greatest Salesperson" by the Guinness Book of World Records will be presenting in Hong Kong.  How can a poor kid from the slums in Detroit turn into the greatest salesperson?

Joe Girard is a legend. He has 4 Guinness Book of World Records in automobile sales. Joe achieved the records for highest sales in a single day, a single month, a single year and the total number in the automobile industry.  His lifetime total of 13,001 sales, all retail, with a record 174 in a month averaged out to 6 sales per day. In 1977, Forbes magazine featured him as one of the "Super Salesmen of the Century." Since his retirement in 1978, no one has come even close to breaking his records. In 2001, he was honored in "the Automotive Hall of Fame", the highest acknowledgement in the automobile industry.

"There was a time I closed 18 sales deals a day!" Joe says proudly. In the automobile industry, a high performing salesperson may close 5-10 deals per month. A top performing salesperson, by closing 1 sale a day in a 20-working day month, would achieve phenomenal sales achievement and receive top honors. Now compare that to Joe Girard's18 sales a day!

When he was a kid, Joe did not grow up in the most supportive and nurturing environment. His father was abusive and told Joe often that he would never amount to anything worthwhile. As a young child, Joe was low in self-esteem and went through a phase of stuttering, resulting in even more teasing and taunting from his friends and father. At the age of 9, he took up a shoe shining job and went on to deliver newspapers, wash dishes and held 39 different jobs including stove assembler and home building contractor by the time he was 25.

Joe was not much of an achiever before he was 35. However, within a three-year period, he managed to achieve the title, "The World's Greatest Salesman" in the Guinness Book of World Records.  How did he do it? What was the driving force behind his achievements?

"Learn humbly, stay determined, strive for quality service and truthful sharing are the 4 keys to his success."

Joe emphasizes the following:

1. We are ALL salespeople.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you do and wherever you do it, you're busy selling. You may not have been aware of this, but it's true.

2. You must be sold on yourself.

Before you can sell yourself successfully to others-and thus sell your ideas, your wishes, your needs, your ambitions, your skills, your experience, your products and services-you must be absolutely sold on yourself: 100 percent.

You must believe in yourself, have faith in yourself and have confidence in yourself. In short, you must be totally aware of your own self-worth.

3. There is only one YOU.

There is only one you. There is no one in the entire world to equal you, to match your fingerprints, to match your voice, to match your features or to match your personality. You are an original in the fullest sense of the word. You are number one. And now that you know it, your job is to reinforce that fact in your conscious and subconscious mind every day.

Joe Girard, the "World's Greatest Salesperson" will be in Hong Kong to present at the National Achievers Congress 2005 on 10th May, 2005 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Some Testimonials of Joe Girard:

"His magic is the magic of IBM"  - Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence

"Joe Girard is something special"  - Newsweek Magazine

"the...consummate salesman (supremely qualified, of the highest quality.)"  - Forbes Magazine

"Enthusiastic and motivating." - Deloitte & Touche Accounting Firm

For more information about Joe Girard, please visit:

About Success Resources:

Success Resources is an educational organization that promotes business and personal development programs across Asia. It has represented world renowned speakers and presenters such as Anthony Robbins, President Bill Clinton, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Michael Porter, Michael Gerber, Joe Girard, Peter Lynch, Les Brown, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Dr John Gray, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy plus many more.

Established in 1992, Success Resources currently has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Over 200,000 from 15 countries have participated in programs promoted by Success Resources.  The programs offer entrepreneurs and individuals tools and skills to help them succeed in their business and personal life.

For more info about Success Resources please contact Cecilia Yeung, Country Manager 8203-3267.  Media Contact: Anna Lee 9150 1890.

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