Philosophy                    Posted June 16, 1999

Report on "trial" meeting of the HK PhiloCafe    June 13, 1999

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 Nine people attended the preliminary meeting of the HK Philosophy Cafe last Sunday.  Grace was kind enough to take notes, on which I've based the report below.  As you'll see, we decided to start meeting regularly in mid-September.  The topic of the next meeting will be "What Makes a Family?"  It will be held at the Open Kitchen (6th floor of the HK Arts Centre).  As a tentative date I would
like to suggest Tuesday, 14 September.  Mark it on your calendar and I'll confirm this arrangement in late August.

Perhaps I should mention that the list of people who have asked to join this list has now grown to 22 (excluding me).  Someone has requested that I make the email addresses on this list visible to everyone.  This would make it possible for anyone to post a message to everyone else simply by selecting the "reply all" function.  If you have any objections to this, please let me know.

I'm off to the States tomorrow and won't checking my email very frequently while I'm away, so don't be surprised if I take awhile to reply.

Have a nice summer!



Preliminary Meeting of Hong Kong Philosophy Cafe
Date:  June 13th, 1999
Time:  6:30pm-9:30pm
Venue:  Arts Cafe, Hong Kong Art Centre, Wan Chai

Moderator: Dr. Stephen R. Palmquist
BA, D.Phil (Oxon)
Associate Professor - Department of Religion and Philosophy
Hong Kong Baptist University

Steve first briefly introduced the idea of a Philosophy Cafe.  For the preliminary meeting, we had no prescribed topic.  After suggesting we could discuss "What is a Philosophy Cafe?", Steve asked for other suggestions.

Thomas suggested that  it might be good to identify what philosophy we are talking about.  He also wanted to talk about how to make philosophy more interesting and how to attract people's attention to the PC.

Clifford said that there was no need to identify what philosophy we are talking about.

Alex suggested the topic "What is a family?" We agreed to defer this topic for another occasion.

Barbara suggested the topic "Why are we here?" Steve suggested and everyone agreed that we could choose this as a topic and regard it as having two aspects, relating to the purpose of philosophy and to the purpose of a PC.
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