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MacTech 25:
Cast Your Vote in People's Choice

Community chooses the most influential people in Mac technical community


The final list will be published in an upcoming issue of MacTech Magazine and in the weeks to come.

MacTech Magazine has opened voting for the MacTech 25. The MacTech 25 list is a compilation of the most influential people in the Mac technical community. It allows the community to recognize those who are the most influential -- through their work, writing, or any other effort they may make.

The MacTech 25 is designed to recognize the technical contributions of developers, writers, bloggers, problem-solvers and personalities to the Macintosh technical community. The MacTech 25 is not a popularity contest, nor is it to "pick your favorite CEO." We're looking for the most influential in the Mac TECHNICAL market.

The results will be presented in an upcoming issue of MacTech, and announced in the weeks to come.

We want the community to determine the 25 most influential Mac technical people for 2009 by voting for the MacTech 25, and the best way to do this is to poll the Mac Technical community, or those "in the know."

Please vote early, but NOT often!

Rules are:
1. They must be alive (at the time voting began)
2. MacTech staff and columnists are ineligible for the list
3. People cannot be currently employed at Apple

MacTech will be monitoring the votes to prevent vote stacking. We require voters include their contact information so that we may ask for more information regarding your vote, but we will not add your contact information to any other list. Your votes, of course, will remain anonymous to everyone except select MacTech staff.

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