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MrC/MrCpp Intrinsic Functions


    Copyright Apple Computer,Inc.  1996, 1998
    All rights reserved

    Instruction intrinsics are pseudo-functions which may be expanded  
    inline by the compiler to provide direct access to selected PowerPC 
    machine instructions.  If compiler support is not provided for inline
    expansion then references to these functions will generate external 
    function references.  MrC[pp] versions 2.0 and later recognize the
    intrinsics and perform inlining but earlier versions of MrC do not.
    With exceptions noted below, the function's name and prototype follow 
    from the machine instruction's name and operands.  The function return 
    value corresponds to the instruction's destination operand, e.g. FABS; 
    the function returns void if there is no destination operand, e.g. STHBRX.  
    The function's arguments agree in number and correspond with the
    instruction's source operands.  The correspondence is also shown by 
    the function argument names in relation to the instruction template 
    in the comment next to each function.

    The PowerPC architecture manuals describe these instructions in detail.
    Naming exception: __setflm does not correspond to a machine instruction.
    It uses two instructions, MFFS and MTFSF, to store the low 32 bits of 
    its double argument into FPSCR and return the previous value of FPSCR 
    in the low 32 bits of its return value.
#ifndef __INTRINSICS__
#define __INTRINSICS__

#include <ConditionalMacros.h>


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int __abs(int rB);                                      /* SRAWI rA,rB,31; XOR rT,rB,rA; SUB rD,rT,rA */
int __cntlzw(unsigned int rS);                          /* CNTLZW   rA,rS */
void __dcbf(void * rA, int rB);                         /* DCBF     rA,rB */
void __dcbt(void *rA, int rB);                          /* DCBT     rA,rB */
void __dcbst(void *rA, int rB);                         /* DCBST    rA,rB */
void __dcbtst(void *rA, int rB);                        /* DCBTST   rA,rB */
void __dcbz(void *rA, int rB);                          /* DCBZ     rA,rB */
void __eieio(void);                                     /* EIEIO */
double __fabs(double frB);                              /* FABS     frD,frB */
float __fabsf(float frB);                               /* FABS     frD,frB */
double __fmadd(double frA,double frC,double frB);       /* FMADD    frD,frA,frC,frB */
double __fmsub(double frA,double frC,double frB);       /* FMSUB    frD,frA,frC,frB */  
double __fnabs(double frB);                             /* FNABS    frD,frB */
float __fnabsf(float frB);                              /* FNABS    frD,frB */
double __fnmadd(double frA,double frC,double frB);      /* FNMADD   frD,frA,frC,frB */
double __fnmsub(double frA,double frC,double frB);      /* FNMSUB   frD,frA,frC,frB */
float __fmadds(float frA,float frC,float frB);          /* FMADDS   frD,frA,frC,frB */
float __fmsubs(float frA,float frC,float frB);          /* FMSUBS   frD,frA,frC,frB */
float __fnmadds(float frA,float frC,float frB);         /* FNMADDS  frD,frA,frC,frB */
float __fnmsubs(float frA,float frC,float frB);         /* FNMSUBS  frD,frA,frC,frB */
double __frsqrte(double frB);                           /* FRSQRTE  frD,frB */ 
float __fres(float frB);                                /* FRES     frD,frB */
double __fsel(double frA,double frC,double frB);        /* FSEL     frD,frA,frC,frB */
double __fsqrt(double frB);                             /* FSQRT    frD,frB */
float __fsqrts(float frB);                              /* FSQRTS   frD,frB */
void __icbi(void *rA, int rB);                          /* ICBI     rA,rB */
void __isync(void);                                     /* ISYNC */
long __labs(long rB);                                   /* SRAWI rA,rB,31; XOR rT,rB,rA; SUB rD,rT,rA */
unsigned int __lhbrx(void *rA, int rB);                 /* LHBRX    rD,rA,rB */
unsigned int __lwbrx(void *rA, int rB);                 /* LWBRX    rD,rA,rB */
double __mffs(void);                                    /* MFFS     frD */
unsigned int __mfxer(void);                             /* MFSPR    rD,1 */
void __mtfsb0(unsigned int BT);                         /* MTFSB0   BT */
void __mtfsb1(unsigned int BT);                         /* MTFSB1   BT */
int __mulhw(int rA, int rB);                            /* MULHW    rD,rA,rB */
unsigned int __mulhwu(unsigned int rA, unsigned int rB);/* MULHWU   rD,rA,rB */
int __rlwimi(int rA,int rS,int SH,int MB,int ME);       /* RLWIMI   rA,rS,SH,MB,ME */
int __rlwinm(int rS,int SH,int MB,int ME);              /* RLWINM   rA,SH,MB,ME */
int __rlwnm(int rS,int rB,int MB,int ME);               /* RLWNM    rA,rS,rB,MB,ME */
double __setflm(double frB);                            /* MFFS frD; MTFSF 255,frB */
void __sthbrx(unsigned short rS, void *rA, int rB);     /* STHBRX   rS,rA,rB */
void __stwbrx(unsigned int rS, void *rA, int rB);       /* STWBRX   rS,rA,rB */
void __sync(void);                                      /* SYNC */

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif /* __INTRINSICS__ */

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