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MPW Command Reference




SetPrivilege folderName1 [folderName2]… [-d users] [-f users]
[-g newGroup] [-i] [-m users] [-o newOwner] [-r]


The SetPrivilege tool allows you to set the access privileges for folders on a file server. Privileges can be set for three categories of users: the owner (yourself), the group, and everyone. The types of access privileges are as follows:

read-only access to the files (-f)

limited access; users can see the folders and directories and list their contents (-d)

write-privileged access (-m)




None, unless you specify the -i option. In this case SetPrivilege writes information about the access privileges of the specified folders to standard output in the form of SetPrivilege commands.


SetPrivilege can return the following status codes:


no error


syntax error


folder not found, or folder not an AppleShare folder


user is not owner; could not modify privileges


folderName1 [folderName2]…

Specifies one or more AppleShare folders by pathname.


-d users

Enables or disables limited access for the specified users, allowing them to see files, directories, and folders. When enabled, this access privilege allows a user to view folders and directories and to list, but not read, their contents.


Specifies the categories of users with a string (of one, two, or three characters) containing the following letters. Uppercase letters enable privileges; lowercase letters disable them.)

O | o


G | g


E | e


For letters not in the string, the respective privilege remains unchanged. For example, the following option enables limited access privileges for everyone inside and outside the group, while access privileges for the owner remain the same as before:

-d GE

-f users

Enables or disables read-only access of files for the specified users. When enabled, this access privilege allows a user to read, but not modify, files contained in the specified folders.

The users parameter is the same as for -d.

-g newGroup

Changes the group to newGroup.


Writes to standard output folder information specifying access privileges for all categories of users. The output appears in the form of a SetPrivilege command.

Note that you cannot use this option in conjunction with any other options except -r.

-m users

Enables or disables write-privileged access of files and directories for the specified users. When enabled, this access privilege allows a user to modify files and directories in the specified folders.

The users parameter is the same as for -d.

-o newOwner

Changes the owner to newOwner.


Applies changes recursively to the enclosed folders.


The following command line sets each type of access privilege for all three categories of users. The owner (Peter) has unlimited access privileges to the files within Server:personal:Peter. Going one step down in access privileges, the users within the group can read the files but not modify them. Users outside the group do not have any access privileges.

SetPrivilege -r -f OGe -d OGe -m Oge "Server:personal:Peter"

The easiest way to use SetPrivilege is to use the -i option to get information on folders in the form of a SetPrivilege command and then edit the privileges as desired. For example, to change the privileges for Server:Joe you would follow these steps:

Execute the command

SetPrivilege -i Server:Joe

to obtain the current privileges:

SetPrivilege Server:Joe -o Joe -g Team -d OGE -f OGE -m OGE

This shows that everyone has unlimited access privileges to the folder Joe.

Edit the output (adjusting the privileges as desired) and execute the new command line:

SetPrivilege Server:Joe -o Joe -g Team -d Oge -f Oge -m Oge

Now only Joe (the owner) can see the files and folders within Server:Joe and make changes to them. All other users no longer have any access privileges.


Last Updated July 2000