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MPW Command Reference




PPCProff file1 [file2]… -xcoff filename [-cutoff n] [-mf | -nomf]
[-p] [-procoffsets on | off] [-sortorder keyword[,keyword]…]
[-unmangle on | off] [-v] [-w[arn]]


PPCProff prints an analysis of the Profiler.pgh data file generated when you run a PowerPC application or shared library that was linked using PPCLink's -profile option.


One or more .pgh data files generated during the execution of your program. PPCProff can accept more than one .pgh file on the command line. For example, you can specify several .pgh files generated during successive runs of your program and PPCProff will display the averages of the performance data collected in the files. PPCProff also requires as input a .xcoff symbolic information file which is specified using the -xcoff option. The .xcoff file is automatically generated by PPCLink if your program is linked using the -profile option. PPCProff does not accept standard input.


The analysis of the .pgh data file(s) is sent to standard output unless you redirect it to a specified output file.


PPCProff can return the following status codes:


no errors


fatal error


file1 [file2]…

Specifies one or more .pgh data files generated during the execution of your program.


-cutoff n

Ignores routines whose hierarchical times are less than n%. The default is to ignore routines whose hierarchical times are less than 0.005%.

-mf | -nomf

Enables or suppresses the use of Process Manager temporary memory.

Note that the PPCProff tool's use of Process Manager temporary memory excludes other applications from using it, including the Finder. If Process Manager temporary memory is unavailable, this option has no effect.

If PPCProff aborts abnormally, that is, there is a crash or a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI), much of the Process Manager temporary memory might be left permanently allocated, thus potentially crippling launches and Finder copy operations. The only way to recover from this situation is to restart the computer. •


Writes progress and summary information to diagnostic output.

-procoffsets on | off

Controls whether call site offsets (or line numbers if available) should be displayed. Line numbers can only be displayed if the .xcoff file, specified by the -xcoff option, contains line number symbolics. If the line number information is not available, hex offsets are displayed instead.


Displays call site offsets (or line numbers if available).


Doesn't display call site offsets or line numbers.

-sortorder keyword[,keyword]…

Controls how the information is displayed by using the following keywords.


The routines are sorted by their flat times. Flat time is the time spent within a routine, excluding the time spent in the routines it calls.


The routines are sorted by their hierarchical times. Hierarchical time is the time spent within a routine including the time spent in the routines it calls.


The arcs are associated with the called routine. Use this to determine the callers of the profiled routines.


The arcs are associated with the calling routine. Use this to find out which routines are called by the profiled routines.

-unmangle on | off

Controls whether C++ symbol names will be mangled or unmangled.


Uses unmangled names.


Uses mangled names.


Writes verbose progress to diagnostic output. Specifying this option also implies -p.


Suppresses the display of warning messages.

-xcoff filename

Specifies the name of the .xcoff file that was generated by PPCLink when your program was linked. This file contains symbolic information that is used to indicate routine names and source file names. If your source files were compiled with -sym on, then this file will also contain line number information. This option is required.




Last Updated July 2000