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MPW Command Reference




MountVolume DomainName[:volume] | IPAddress[:volume] | AppleTalkPath
[-guest] [-nodialogs] [-p] [-password {-pw} password] [-u[ser] name]
[-vpassword {-vp} password]


MountVolume mounts an AppleShare volume via TCP/IP or AppleTalk. The file server can be specified using a domain name, an IP address, or an AppleTalk path.

MountVolume uses AppleShare to perform the volume mounting. As a result, the functionality of MountVolume is dependant upon the version of AppleShare Client that is installed on the machine running MountVolume. As an example, versions of AppleShare Client prior to 3.7 do not support TCP/IP. If the machine running MountVolume has AppleShare Client v. 3.6 installed, then the file server must be specified using an AppleTalk path and the volume can only be mounted via AppleTalk. Other functionality issues are mentioned later in these release notes. •






MountVolume can return the following status codes:


no errors


fatal error


user clicked Cancel button in dialog



Specifies an AppleShare file server using a domain name (e.g. If the machine running MountVolume resides within the same domain as the server, the domain name can be only partially qualified (e.g. tools). The volume will be mounted via TCP/IP.

The volume name is optional for AppleShare Client v. 3.7.2 and later. If the volume name is not specified, a "Volume Select" dialog will be displayed by the AppleShare Client. For older versions of the Client, the volume name is required.

Domain names are not allowed if the AppleShare Client is older than version 3.7.


Specifies an AppleShare file server using an IP address (e.g. The volume will be mounted via TCP/IP.

The volume name is optional for AppleShare Client v. 3.7.2 and later. If the volume name is not specified, a "Volume Select" dialog will be displayed by the AppleShare Client. For older versions of the Client, the volume name is required.

IP addresses are not allowed if the AppleShare Client is older than version 3.7.


Specifies an AppleShare file server using an AppleTalk path. The syntax of an AppleTalk path is:


The volume will be mounted via TCP/IP if possible. If the volume cannot be mounted via TCP/IP, it will be mounted via AppleTalk. If the AppleShare Client is older than version 3.7, the volume can only be mounted via AppleTalk.

The zone name is optional. If the zone name is not specified, the current zone is used. Note, however, that the server name must always be preceded by a colon even if the zone name is not specified. An asterisk can also be used to indicate the current zone (e.g. *:sources:mpw).

The volume name is optional for AppleShare Client v. 3.7.2 and later. If the volume name is not specified, a "Volume Select" dialog will be displayed by the AppleShare Client. For older versions of the Client, the volume name is required. Note that the server name must always be followed by a colon even if the volume name is not specified.



Logs in to the file server as a guest instead of as an authorized user.


Suppresses dialogs and server greetings. If -nodialogs is specified, the volume name must be included as part of the server path. Also, either -guest must be specified or both the user name and server password must be set.

AppleShare Client v. 3.8.3 does not allow server greetings to be suppressed, however, -nodialogs can be used to suppress dialogs. •


Writes progress information to diagnostic output.

-password {-pw} password

Specifies the server password. The server password defaults to the value of the MPW Shell variable {ServerPassword} and is case sensitive.

If a user name exists but the server password has not been set (either via {ServerPassword} or -password) a "Log In" dialog will be displayed by the AppleShare Client if the Client is version 3.7 or later. For earlier versions of the Client, either -guest must be specified or both the user name and server password must be set.

-u[ser] name

Specifies the user name. This option has precedence over the MPW Shell variable {User}, which in turn has precedence over the user name string in the system resource file ('STR ' -16096). If a user name cannot be found at any of the above locations, -guest is assumed.

-vpassword {-vp} password

Specifies the volume password. The volume password defaults to the value of the MPW Shell variable {VolumePassword} and is case sensitive.


Due to a change in AppleShare Client v. 3.8.4 (and later), servers that don't support password encryption cannot be mounted by using the Keychain to supply the server password. If the server password is not set via the -password option or the {ServerPassword} MPW Shell variable, a "Log In" dialog will be displayed regardless of whether the Keychain has an entry for the server.





Last Updated July 2000