Tools: MPW
Advanced Search
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MPW Command Reference




Find selectionExpression [window] [-c n]


The Find command finds and selects the text (selectionExpression) in the specified window. Text can be specified via a literal string or text pattern enclosed in slash marks (/ /), called a selection expression, or via a marker name with which text has been previously marked.

Normally searches are not case sensitive. To specify case-sensitive searches, you can either set the MPW Shell variable {CaseSensitive} to a nonzero value or click the checkbox labeled Case Sensitive in the dialogs displayed by the Find and Replace menu items.

Searches do not necessarily start at the beginning of a window. A forward search begins at the end of the current selection and continues to the end of the document. A backward search begins at the start of the current selection and continues to the beginning of the document. •






This command resolves Finder aliases that are part of a partial or complete pathname substituted for the window name. The resolved pathname must specify the name of an open window. Note that using a shell variable to designate a window is usually faster than requiring MPW to resolve a Finder alias.


Find can return the following status codes:


at least one instance of the selection found


syntax error


any other error



Specifies by selection expression or by marker name the text you want to find. Selection expressions include regular expressions and certain MPW-specific symbols and are usually delimited by slash marks (/ /). If you specify a selection expression, Find locates the text that matches the literal string or text pattern defined by it.

Specifying a marker name locates the text that has been marked with that name. Since a marker is not a selection expression, marker names should not be enclosed in slash marks (/ /).


Specifies the window in which the selection can be found. If you omit the window parameter, Find uses the target window.


-c n

Finds and selects the nth occurrence of selection. The default value of n is 1.


The following command line finds the first occurrence of the string "Begin" in the Sample window:

Find /Begin/ Sample

The following command line positions the insertion point at the beginning of the target window:

Find •

Using -c, this line selects the fifth occurrence of the string "procedure" in the Sample.p window:

Find -c 5 /procedure/ Sample.p

The following line selects line 332 in the target window:

Find 332

The following line selects a range of lines; the colon between the desired starting and ending line numbers specifies the range.

Find 10:100


Last Updated July 2000