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MPW Command Reference




DumpObj objectFile [-co] [-d] [-h] [-jn] [-i] [-l] [-m name] [-mh]
[-mods] [-n] [-p] [-r byte1[,byteN]]
[-sym [on[,nolines][,nolabels][,novars][,notypes]] | off]


The DumpObj tool displays the formatted contents of the data fork of a classic 68K or CFM-68K object file. By convention, 68K object files end in the suffix .o and are of type 'OBJ '. The object files may have been compiled for either the classic 68K or CFM-68K runtime environment.


An object file (objectFile). DumpObj does not read standard input.


Standard output. The DumpObj tool writes formatted object file records and disassembled code to standard output, displaying the corresponding bytes in hexadecimal and ASCII form.


DumpObj can return the following status codes:


no errors


syntax error


fatal error



Specifies the object file.



Dumps code only. This option is useful when you want only the instruction set without auxiliary information such as the offsets, IDs,
and names.


Suppresses the disassembly and dumping of code, generating only header information. Header information includes the offset of the code and the code bytes in hexadecimal and ASCII.


Suppresses printing of header information on code lines. Header information includes the offset of the code and the code bytes in hexadecimal and ASCII. Normally DumpObj prints header information.

This option allows you to edit output and use it as input to the assembler for reassembly.


Prints only the names for IDs, omitting the ID numbers. This option is useful for comparing object files with identical names but different IDs.


Suppresses the substitution of names for IDs. Normally DumpObj prereads the entire file, processes the Dictionary records, and then shows names in place of ID numbers.

This option allows you to examine an object file up to the point where Link or Lib reports an object file format error; that is, DumpObj suppresses the preread, which is also likely to fail.


Writes file locations of object records. Normally these are not written.

This option is useful in debugging compilers and assemblers, particularly when debugging code that you are using to generate Pad records to assure alignment.

-m name

Disassembles the specified module. If name is an entry point, the command dumps the module containing name.

You may use this option more than once in a command line. Note that other options also affect formatting.

The name parameter is case sensitive, as are all object file identifiers. •


Suppresses the header when displaying output from the -mods option. This option can be used only in conjunction with -mods.


Provides module information, including a list of module names, the segments in which they are contained, entry points within each module, and attributes for the module. (See also -mh.)


Prints names only. When you specify this option, only -p affects output.

You can use this option to determine which names exist in an object file, particularly when there appears to be a discrepancy in spelling, capitalization, or length of identifiers.


Writes progress information, such as the object file being dumped and the version of DumpObj, to diagnostic output.

-r byte1[,byteN]

Displays only the byte range byte1 to byteN. Normally DumpObj displays all bytes in a file. If you omit byteN, the command dumps the rest of the file.

This option does not affect disassembly alignment; disassembly still starts at the base of each record, but instructions are printed only for the specified range.

-sym [on[,nolines][,nolabels][,novars][,notypes]] | off

Determines whether DumpObj displays symbolic debugging information.


Displays object file records containing symbolic debugger information.

You can limit -sym on by also specifying one or more of the following parameters.


Omits line information.


Omits label information.


Omits variable information.


Omits type information.


Does not display object file records containing symbolic information.


The following command line formats the file Sample.c.o and writes its contents to the file SampleDump.

DumpObj Sample.c.o > SampleDump

A portion of the output is shown below.

First:      Flags=$01 Version=$0002
   CVers= C Compiler8.1.0
Dictionary:          Flags=$00 FirstId 101
                 101: Sample.c
Dictionary:          Flags=$00 FirstId 102
                 102: main
Module:              Flags=$08(Extern Code)  Module="main"(102)

Content:             Flags $00
Contents offset $0000 size $0014
000000: 4E56 FFFE        'NV..'        LINK       A6,#$FFFE
000004: 2F07             '/.'          MOVE.L     D7,-(A7)
000006: 42A7             'B.'	       CLR.L      -(A7)
000008: 3F3C 0080        '?<..'        MOVE.W     #$0080,-(A7)








Last Updated July 2000