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MPW Command Reference




DeletePane [window] [-a | -p paneSpec]


The DeletePane command deletes a window pane by removing its horizontal or vertical scroll bar. You can indicate the desired window pane by providing its pane specification (-p). If you omit the pane specification and do not specify -a, DeletePane removes the active pane.

If the pane you want to delete is part of a row, DeletePane removes the scroll bar on its right unless the pane is the rightmost pane of the row. In this case, the scroll bar on the left is deleted.

If the pane you want to delete is part of a column, DeletePane removes the scroll bar at its bottom unless it is the lowest pane of the column. In this case, the scroll bar at its top is removed.

In addition to deleting a pane, you can choose to reset a window to its original single pane (-a).






This command resolves Finder aliases that are part of a partial or complete pathname substituted for the window name. The pathname must specify the name of an open window. Note that using a shell variable to designate a window is usually faster than requiring MPW to resolve a Finder alias.


DeletePane can return the following status codes:


no errors


syntax error


invalid window or pane



Specifies the window from which DeletePane removes a pane. If you do not specify the window, DeletePane uses the target window.



Resets the window to a single pane. If you do not specify either -a or -p, DeletePane uses the active pane, which is the last pane written to.

-p [paneSpec]

Indicates the window pane you want to delete by using a pane specification of the form cnnrnn. This form concatenates the strings cnn and rnn, where c and r represent the column and row, respectively, and nn is an ordinal number.

For example, this is a valid pane specification:


When you split a window into multiple panes, many levels of columns and rows are created. That is, the pane specified by c2r2 can be split into two or more panes. You can specify a pane in the first column of c2r2 by typing c2r2c1.

If you omit -p or specify -p with the null string ('') as a parameter, DeletePane deletes the active pane.


As described in the -p option, you must specify paneSpec with a string of the form cnnrnn. In the figure shown below, each pane is labeled with its appropriate pane specification.

To delete the c2r2c1 pane so that it merges with the c2r2c2, you can type the following command line:

DeletePane -p c2r2c1 "{MPW}panetest"

If c2r2c1 is also the active pane, the following command line has the same effect:

DeletePane "{MPW}panetest"

In either case, the pane specification of the newly created pane is c2r2.




Last Updated July 2000