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MPW Command Reference

Appendix C (continued)

Miscellaneous Characters

∂  Change the meaning of the next character  [Option-D]

The ∂ character changes the meaning of the character that immediately follows it. When combined with certain characters, ∂ has specific meanings, as shown below:




Continue a command to the next line


A return character


A tab character


A form-feed character

If you use ∂ before a return to continue a command to the next line, you need to select both lines of the command and then press Enter to execute the command.

You can also use the ∂ character to cancel the effect of a special character. For example, in each of the expressions


the MPW Shell interprets the special character as a literal character. To express ∂ as a literal character, use ∂∂ or '∂' in your command. For example, the command

Echo ∂∂

displays ∂ in the active window.

#  Comment

The # character marks a comment in a command. The MPW Shell ignores all of the text between the # character and the end of the line. For example, in the lines

beep  #this command beeps
# beep  but this one doesn't

the first command beeps, but the second doesn't. The entire second command has been made a comment and therefore does not execute.

Comments always end at the next return character, even if the return is preceded by a ∂ character.

:  Separate parts of a pathname

The : character is used to separate the parts of a pathname, such as the volume name, directory names, and the filename. For example, in the pathname


the volume name is Graphics, the intermediary directory names are MPW, Examples, and CExamples, and the filename is SillyBalls.c.

…  Start Commando  [Option-;]

The … character after a command opens a Commando dialog box for that command. Be sure to add the … character to your command by typing Option-semicolon, not by typing three periods.


Last Updated July 2000