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This document contains two parts; please read both before downloading any documents:

1. *** Attention members of the C programming community ***

The official Committee Document (CD) for C9x is now available to the public. This document, known as N2794, is available electronically from

It comes in two forms:

Adobe Acrobatn2794.pdf
Plain Textn2794.txt(LF delimited, not CR/LF)

* Note that important typographical information is missing from the plain text version. Therefore, you are encouraged to the use the Acrobat version as much as possible during your review.

These documents are copyrighted by ISO. You are permitted to download copies for personal use and to help you participate in the standards process. You are NOT permitted to distribute copies of these documents or versions there-of in other formats. You are NOT permitted to host copies of these documents on other web sites; however, you ARE permitted to mirror this official source.

The C committee will only process comments based on N2794 as obtained via the instructions above. So, before you begin a detailed review of this specification, make sure you are NOT dealing with any of the various unauthorized/unofficial copies that have been floating around in recent weeks.

2. *** Attention to those wishing to provide input to the U.S. Public Comment process ***

The following press release has been posted:

This announces the commencement of and rules for participating in the public comment period for the U.S. only. Other countries have their own procedures for handling draft standard reviews.

Especially note the procedures regarding public comment cover sheets.

Rex Jaeschke, Chair committee J11 (ANSI C)