Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer


This sample shows how to customize the appearance of the IKImageBrowserView.
Usual steps to customize the appearance of the image browser :
1) configure the view
    The IKImageBrowserView class allows you to:
    - set the font of the titles / subtitles
    - set the inter cell spacing
    - set the size of the cells
    - set the background color
    - set the selection color
    - set a background layer
    - set a foreground layer
2) implement your own cell
   Subclass the IKImageBrowserView and implement newCellForRepresentedItem:.
   In this method, return an instance of your own subclass of IKImageBrowserCell.
   In you subclass of IKImageBrowserCell, override some of the following methods to modify the layout:
    - (NSRect) imageContainerFrame; 
    - (NSRect) imageFrame; 
    - (NSRect) selectionFrame;
    - (NSRect) titleFrame;
    - (NSRect) subtitleFrame;   
    - (NSImageAlignment) imageAlignment; 
  In you subclass of IKImageBrowserCell, override some of the following methods to modify the appearance:
    - (CGFloat) opacity;
    - (CALayer *) layerForType:(NSString *) type;
Changes from Previous Versions
1.0 - First version
Feedback and Bug Reports
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Last updated: 2009-06-29

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