Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Cocoa Drawing Tips

This section includes some general tips for improving the drawing performance of Cocoa applications.

Draw Minimally

Poor drawing performance is often caused by an application drawing content unnecessarily. Whenever your application receives an event asking it to redraw content, it should pay attention to the drawing rectangle it receives and limit itself to this rectangle. The bounding rectangle is passed as a parameter to your view’s drawRect: method.

In Mac OS X version 10.3 and later, Cocoa applications have two ways of obtaining a more refined version of the drawing rectangle. The rectangle passed into an NSView drawRect: method is formed by creating a union of all the dirty rectangles. However, if updated areas are small and far apart, the union area can often be much larger and contain a lot of unchanged content. Instead of using this rectangle, you can instead call the view’s getRectsBeingDrawn:count: method to get an array of the individual rectangles representing the exact update region. You can also call the needsToDrawRect: method to determine if a particular rectangle needs to be redrawn.

You can use the Quartz Debug tool to see where your application is drawing and to find areas where it is drawing content redundantly. For more information, see “Using Quartz Debug.”

Optimize Your Resize Code

Live window resizing tends to put a greater strain on your drawing code than any other update operation. During a few seconds, your drawing code might receive dozens of events to update large portions of your window content. If your drawing code is not fast enough to keep up with this onslaught of events, your application may seem visibly sluggish to the user.

If you know you are in the middle of a live resize operation, consider ways to simplify your redrawing code. Cache data whenever possible or include special cases in your drawing code that favor speed over precision.

For help on how to handle live resize updates for both Carbon and Cocoa applications, see “Carbon Live Window Resizing.”

Clean Up Your Drawing Code

Your application’s drawing code gets called frequently to make sure your interface is up-to-date. During a live resizing operation, the system may call your drawing routines many times a second to display uncovered regions of your window. Because they can be called frequently, your drawing routines should focus solely on drawing. They should not attempt to calculate data values or do anything that is not necessary for drawing content. For example, if you are developing a game, you should not use your drawing routine to perform collision detection. You should perform those calculations outside of your main drawing routines.

Coalesce View Updates

Whenever you render content, the system keeps track of the regions you modify and coalesces them into an update region to be flushed to the window buffer. If your drawing code updates a large area of the screen using several shorter drawing calls, you may want to notify the window server of the total update region in advance. Invalidating a larger region in advance removes the need to calculate this region with each successive rendering call.

Use the setNeedsDisplay: or setNeedsDisplayInRect: methods to invalidate the appropriate area of your view. Be careful not to coalesce your updates if the resulting region would contain unchanged content. You can determine if you are redrawing unchanged content using the Quartz Debug application. See “Measuring Drawing Performance” for more information.

Declare Subviews as Opaque

If you implement a custom subclass of NSView, you can accelerate the drawing performance by declaring your view object as opaque. An opaque view is one that fills its entire bounding rectangle with content. The Cocoa drawing system does not send update messages to a superview for areas covered by one or more opaque subviews.

The isOpaque method of NSView returns NO by default. To declare your custom view object as opaque, override this method and return YES. If you create an opaque view, remember that your view object is responsible for filling its bounding rectangle with content.

Hiding Views

In Mac OS X version 10.3 and later, Cocoa applications can minimize drawing by hiding views that are not needed at the moment. Hiding a view eliminates the need to call that view’s drawing code altogether. Hiding a parent view eliminates the need to draw the parent and all of its children.

Use the setHidden: method of NSView to mark a view has hidden or shown. By default, views are shown. To determine if a view is hidden, use the isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor method. If the current view or any of its parent views is hidden, this method returns true. If you need to know if your specific view is hidden, use the isHidden method instead.

Disable the Default Clipping Behavior

In Mac OS X version 10.3 and later, Cocoa applications can disable the default clipping region processing to improve performance. You might want to do this if you already plan to manage the clipping region inside of your own drawing code. To disable clipping, override the wantsDefaultClipping method of your NSView object and return NO.

Last updated: 2006-04-04

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