Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Working with Streams

This chapter discusses how to create, open, and check for errors on read and write streams. It also describes how to read from a read stream, how to write to a write stream, how to prevent blocking when reading from or writing to a stream, and how to navigate a stream through a proxy server.

Working with Read Streams

Start by creating a read stream. Listing 2-1 creates a read stream for a file.

Listing 2-1  Creating a read stream from a file

CFReadStreamRef myReadStream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, fileURL);

In this listing, the kCFAllocatorDefault parameter specifies that the current default system allocator be used to allocate memory for the stream and the fileURL parameter specifies the name of the file for which this read stream is being created, such as file:///Users/joeuser/Downloads/MyApp.sit.

Now that the stream has been created, it can be opened. Opening a stream causes the stream to reserve any system resources that it requires, such as the file descriptor needed to open the file. Listing 2-2 is an example of opening the read stream.

Listing 2-2  Opening a read stream

if (!CFReadStreamOpen(myReadStream)) {
    CFStreamError myErr = CFReadStreamGetError(myReadStream);
    // An error has occurred.
        if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX) {
        // Interpret myErr.error as a UNIX errno.
        } else if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus) {
        // Interpret myErr.error as a MacOS error code.
            OSStatus macError = (OSStatus)myErr.error;
        // Check other error domains.

The CFReadStreamOpen function returns TRUE to indicate success and FALSE if the open fails for any reason. If CFReadStreamOpen returns FALSE, the example calls the CFReadStreamGetError function, which returns a structure of type CFStreamError consisting of two values: a domain code and an error code. The domain code indicates how the error code should be interpreted. For example, if the domain code is kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX, the error code is a UNIX errno value. The other error domains are kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus, which indicates that the error code is an OSStatus value defined in MacErrors.h, and kCFStreamErrorDomainHTTP, which indicates that the error code is the one of the values defined by the CFStreamErrorHTTP enumeration.

Opening a stream can be a lengthy process, so the CFReadStreamOpen and CFWriteStreamOpen functions avoid blocking by returning TRUE to indicate that the process of opening the stream has begun. To check the status of the open, call the functions CFReadStreamGetStatus and CFWriteStreamGetStatus, which return kCFStreamStatusOpening if the open is still in progress, kCFStreamStatusOpen if the open is complete, or kCFStreamStatusErrorOccurred if the open has completed but failed. In most cases, it doesn’t matter whether the open is complete because the CFStream functions that read and write will block until the stream is open.

To read from a read stream, call the function CFReadStreamRead, which is similar to the UNIX read() system call. Both take buffer and buffer length parameters. Both return the number of bytes read, 0 if at the end of stream or file, or -1 if an error occurred. Both block until at least one byte can be read, and both continue reading as long as they can do so without blocking. Listing 2-3 is an example of reading from the read stream.

Listing 2-3  Reading from a read stream (blocking)

CFIndex numBytesRead;
do {
    UInt8 buf[kReadBufSize];
    numBytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(myReadStream, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if( numBytesRead > 0 ) {
        handleBytes(buf, numBytesRead);
    } else if( numBytesRead < 0 ) {
        CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(myReadStream);
} while( numBytesRead > 0 );

When all data has been read, you should call the CFReadStreamClose function to close the stream, thereby releasing system resources associated with it. Then release the stream reference by calling the function CFRelease. You may also want to invalidate the reference by setting it to NULL. See Listing 2-4 for an example.

Listing 2-4  Releasing a read stream

myReadStream = NULL;

Working with Write Streams

Working with write streams is similar to working with read streams. One major difference is that the function CFWriteStreamWrite does not guarantee to accept all of the bytes that you pass it. Instead, CFWriteStreamWrite returns the number of bytes that it accepted. You'll notice in the sample code shown in Listing 2-5 that if the number of bytes written is not the same as the total number of bytes to be written, the buffer is adjusted to accommodate this.

Listing 2-5  Creating, opening, writing to, and releasing a write stream

CFWriteStreamRef myWriteStream =
        CFWriteStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, fileURL);
if (!CFWriteStreamOpen(myWriteStream)) {
    CFStreamError myErr = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream);
    // An error has occurred.
    if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX) {
    // Interpret myErr.error as a UNIX errno.
    } else if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus) {
        // Interpret myErr.error as a MacOS error code.
        OSStatus macError = (OSStatus)myErr.error;
        // Check other error domains.
UInt8 buf[] = "Hello, world";
UInt32 bufLen = strlen(buf);
while (!done) {
    CFTypeRef bytesWritten = CFWriteStreamWrite(myWriteStream, buf, strlen(buf));
    if (bytesWritten < 0) {
        CFStreamError error = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream);
    } else if (bytesWritten == 0) {
        if (CFWriteStreamGetStatus(myWriteStream) == kCFStreamStatusAtEnd) {
            done = TRUE;
    } else if (bytesWritten != strlen(buf)) {
        // Determine how much has been written and adjust the buffer
        bufLen = bufLen - bytesWritten;
        memmove(buf, buf + bytesWritten, bufLen);
        // Figure out what went wrong with the write stream
        CFStreamError error = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream);
myWriteStream = NULL;

Preventing Blocking When Working with Streams

When using streams to communicate, there is always a chance, especially with socket-based streams, that a data transfer could take a long time. If you are implementing your streams synchronously your entire application will be forced to wait on the data transfer. Therefore, it is highly recommended that your code use alternate methods to prevent blocking.

There are two ways to prevent blocking when reading from or writing to a CFStream object:

Each of these approaches is described in the following sections.

Using Polling to Prevent Blocking

To poll the read or write stream, you need to see if the streams are ready. When writing to a write stream, this is done by calling the function CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes. If it returns TRUE, then you can use the CFWriteStreamWrite function because it will be able to write immediately and will not block. Similarly, for a read stream, before calling CFReadStreamRead, call the function CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable. By polling the stream, you avoid blocking the thread by waiting for the stream to become ready.

Listing 2-6 is a polling example for a read stream.

Listing 2-6  Polling a read stream

while (!done) {
    if (CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(myReadStream)) {
        UInt8 buf[BUFSIZE];
        CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(myReadStream, buf, BUFSIZE);
        if (bytesRead < 0) {
            CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(myReadStream);
        } else if (bytesRead == 0) {
            if (CFReadStreamGetStatus(myReadStream) == kCFStreamStatusAtEnd) {
                done = TRUE;
        } else {
            handleBytes(buf, bytesRead);
    } else {
        // something else while you wait...

Listing 2-7 is a polling example for a write stream.

Listing 2-7  Polling a write stream

UInt8 buf[] = "Hello, world";
UInt32 bufLen = strlen(buf);
while (!done) {
    if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(myWriteStream)) {
        int bytesWritten = CFWriteStreamWrite(myWriteStream, buf, strlen(buf));
        if (bytesWritten < 0) {
            CFStreamError error = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream);
        } else if (bytesWritten == 0) {
            if (CFWriteStreamGetStatus(myWriteStream) == kCFStreamStatusAtEnd)
                done = TRUE;
        } else if (bytesWritten != strlen(buf)) {
            // Determine how much has been written and adjust the buffer
            bufLen = bufLen - bytesWritten;
            memmove(buf, buf + bytesWritten, bufLen);
            // Figure out what went wrong with the write stream
            CFStreamError error = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream);
    } else {
        // something else while you wait...

Using a Run Loop to Prevent Blocking

The run loop of a thread watches for certain events to happen. When those events take place the run loop calls a specified function. The run loop is constantly monitoring all of its input sources for events. In the case of network transfers, your callback function will be executed by the run loop when the event you registered for occurs. This allows you to not have to poll your socket stream, which would slow down the thread. Please make sure you are familiar with run loops by reading Run Loops.

This example begins by creating a socket read stream:

CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToCFHost(kCFAllocatorDefault, host, port,
                                   &myReadStream, NULL);

where the CFHost object reference, host, specifies the remote host with which the read stream is to be made and the port parameter specifies the port number that the host uses. The CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToCFHost function returns the new read stream reference in myReadStream. The last parameter, NULL, indicates that the caller does not want to create a write stream. If you wanted to create a write steam, the last parameter would be, for example, &myWriteStream.

Before opening the socket read stream, create a context that will be used when you register to receive stream-related events:

CFStreamClientContext myContext = {0, myPtr, myRetain, myRelease, myCopyDesc};

The first parameter is 0 to specify the version number. The info parameter, myPtr, is a pointer to data you want to be passed to your callback function. Usually, myPtr is a pointer to a structure you’ve defined that contains information relating to the stream. The retain parameter is a pointer to a function to retain the info parameter. So if you set it to your function myRetain, as in the code above, CFStream will call myRetain(myPtr) to retain the info pointer. Similarly, the release parameter, myRelease, is a pointer to a function to release the info parameter. When the stream is disassociated from the context, CFStream would call myRelease(myPtr). Finally, copyDescription is a parameter to a function to provide a description of the stream. For example, if you were to call CFCopyDesc(myReadStream) with the stream client context shown above, CFStream would call myCopyDesc(myPtr).

The client context also allows you the option of setting the retain, release, and copyDescription parameters to NULL. If you set the retain and release parameters to NULL, then the system will expect you to keep the memory pointed to by the info pointer alive until the stream itself is destroyed. If you set the copyDescription parameter to NULL, then the system will provide, if requested, a rudimentary description of what is in the memory pointed to by the info pointer.

With the client context set up, call the function CFReadStreamSetClient to register to receive stream-related events. CFReadStreamSetClient requires that you specify the callback function and the events you want to receive. The following example in Listing 2-8 specifies that the callback function wants to receive the kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable, kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred, and kCFStreamEventEndEncountered events. Then schedule the stream on a run loop with the CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop function. See Listing 2-8 for an example of how to do this.

Listing 2-8  Scheduling a stream on a run loop

CFOptionFlags registeredEvents = kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |
        kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
if (CFReadStreamSetClient(myReadStream, registeredEvents, myCallBack, &myContext)
    CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(myReadStream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),

With the stream scheduled on the run loop, you are ready to open the stream as shown in Listing 2-9.

Listing 2-9  Opening a nonblocking read stream

if (!CFReadStreamOpen(myReadStream)) {
    CFStreamError myErr = CFReadStreamGetError(myReadStream);
    if (myErr.error != 0) {
    // An error has occurred.
        if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX) {
        // Interpret myErr.error as a UNIX errno.
        } else if (myErr.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus) {
            OSStatus macError = (OSStatus)myErr.error;
        // Check other domains.
    } else
        // start the run loop

Now, wait for your callback function to be executed. In your callback function, check the event code and take appropriate action. See Listing 2-10.

Listing 2-10  Network events callback function

void myCallBack (CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType event, void *myPtr) {
    switch(event) {
        case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
            // It is safe to call CFReadStreamRead; it won’t block because bytes
            // are available.
            UInt8 buf[BUFSIZE];
            CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(stream, buf, BUFSIZE);
            if (bytesRead > 0) {
                handleBytes(buf, bytesRead);
            // It is safe to ignore a value of bytesRead that is less than or
            // equal to zero because these cases will generate other events.
        case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
            CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(stream);
            CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),
        case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
            CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),

When the callback function receives the kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable event code, it calls CFReadStreamRead to read the data.

When the callback function receives the kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred event code, it calls CFReadStreamGetError to get the error and its own error function (reportError) to handle the error.

When the callback function receives the kCFStreamEventEndEncountered event code, it calls its own function (reportCompletion) for handling the end of data and then calls the CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop function to remove the stream from the specified run loop. Then the CFReadStreamClose function is run to close the stream and CFRelease to release the stream reference.

Navigating Firewalls

There are two ways to apply firewall settings to a stream. For most streams, you can retrieve the proxy settings using the SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies function and then apply the result to the stream by setting the kCFStreamHTTPProxy (or kCFStreamFTPProxy) property. The SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies function is part of the System Configuration framework, so you need to include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h> in your project to use the function. Then just release the proxy dictionary reference when you are done with it. The process would look like that in Listing 2-11.

Listing 2-11  Navigating a stream through a proxy server

CFDictionaryRef proxyDict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(NULL);
CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxy, proxyDict);

However, if you need to use the proxy settings often for multiple streams, it becomes a bit more complicated. In this case retrieving the firewall settings of a user's machine requires five steps:

  1. Create a single, persistent handle to a dynamic store session, SCDynamicStoreRef.

  2. Put the handle to the dynamic store session into the run loop to be notified of proxy changes.

  3. Use SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies to retrieve the latest proxy settings.

  4. Update your copy of the proxies when told of the changes.

  5. Clean up the SCDynamicStoreRef when you are through with it.

To create the handle to the dynamic store session, use the function SCDynamicStoreCreate and pass an allocator, a name to describe your process, a callback function and a dynamic store context, SCDynamicStoreContext. This is run when initializing your application. The code would be similar to that in Listing 2-12.

Listing 2-12  Creating a handle to a dynamic store session

SCDynamicStoreContext context = {0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL};
systemDynamicStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL,

After creating the reference to the dynamic store, you need to add it to the run loop. First, take the dynamic store reference and set it up to monitor for any changes to the proxies. This is accomplished with the functions SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateProxies and SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys. Then, you can add the dynamic store reference to the run loop with the functions SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource and CFRunLoopAddSource. Your code should look like that in Listing 2-13.

Listing 2-13  Adding a dynamic store reference to the run loop

// Set up the store to monitor any changes to the proxies
CFStringRef proxiesKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateProxies(NULL);
CFArrayRef keyArray = CFArrayCreate(NULL,
                                    (const void **)(&proxiesKey),
SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(systemDynamicStore, keyArray, NULL);
// Add the dynamic store to the run loop
CFRunLoopSourceRef storeRLSource =
    SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, systemDynamicStore, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), storeRLSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

Once the dynamic store reference has been added to the run loop, use it to preload the proxy dictionary the current proxy settings by calling SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies. See Listing 2-14 for how to do this.

Listing 2-14  Loading the proxy dictionary

gProxyDict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(systemDynamicStore);

As a result of adding the dynamic store reference to the run loop, each time the proxies are changed your callback function will be run. Release the current proxy dictionary and reload it with the new proxy settings. A sample callback function would look like the one in Listing 2-15.

Listing 2-15  Proxy callback function

void proxyHasChanged() {
    gProxyDict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(systemDynamicStore);

Since all of the proxy information is up-to-date, apply the proxies. After creating your read or write stream, set the kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxy proxy by calling the functions CFReadStreamSetProperty or CFWriteStreamSetProperty. If your stream was a read stream called readStream, your function call would be like that in Listing 2-16.

Listing 2-16  Adding proxy information to a stream

CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxy, gProxyDict);

When you are all done with using the proxy settings, make sure to release the dictionary and dynamic store reference, and to remove the dynamic store reference from the run loop. See Listing 2-17.

Listing 2-17  Cleaning up proxy information

if (gProxyDict) {
// Invalidate the dynamic store's run loop source
// to get the store out of the run loop
CFRunLoopSourceRef rls = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, systemDynamicStore, 0);

Last updated: 2009-05-06

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