Xcode Quick Start

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Start Developing with Xcode

Get started quickly converting your ideas into software products.

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Get the lay of the land in Xcode

Read Xcode Features Overview to master the Xcode terminology and learn enough about its major features to be productive right away.

Write a simple application

Follow Xcode Workflow Tutorial to create a Hello, World project and get it to run. Learn to fix compile errors and use the debugger.

Write a more complicated application

Get up-to-speed on Cocoa. Learn the basic concepts, vocabulary, architectures, and design patterns of the Cocoa frameworks and Xcode development environment by looking at Cocoa Fundamentals Guide. Put the concepts into practice by creating the currency converter application described in Cocoa Application Tutorial.

Find resources that can help at each phase of development

Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of information available in the Apple Developer reference libraries. Start with the most important resources for each phase of development—from the design of your software product to its delivery—that are listed in Recommended Reading for Xcode Developers.

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Learn how to quickly locate API reference, programming guides, and sample code.

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Header file for a symbol Command–double-click the symbol in the text editor
Reference document for a symbol Command–Option–double-click the symbol in the text editor
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