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SHOWMOUNT(8)                             BSD System Manager's Manual                            SHOWMOUNT(8)

     showmount -- show remote NFS mounts on host

     showmount [-Ae3] [-a | -d] [host]

     showmount shows status information about the NFS server on host.  By default it prints the names of all
     hosts that have NFS file systems mounted on the host. See NFS: Network File System Protocol
     Specification, RFC 1094, Appendix A, and NFS: Network File System Version 3 Protocol Specification, Ap-pendix Appendix
     pendix I, for a detailed description of the protocol.

     -A      Search for NFS servers advertised via Bonjour.

     -a      List all mount points in the form: host:dirpath

     -d      List directory paths of mount points instead of hosts.

     -e      Show the host's exports list.

     -3      Use mount protocol Version 3, compatible with NFS Version 3.

     mount(1), mountd(8), nfsd(8), mDNSResponder(8)

     The mount daemon running on the server only has an idea of the actual mounts, since the NFS server is
     stateless.  showmount will only display the information as accurately as the mount daemon reports it.

     The showmount utility first appeared in 4.4BSD.

4th Berkeley Distribution                     December 21, 2006                    4th Berkeley Distribution

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