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RPCINFO(8)                               BSD System Manager's Manual                              RPCINFO(8)

     rpcinfo -- report RPC information

     rpcinfo -p [host]
     rpcinfo [-n portnum] -u host program [version]
     rpcinfo [-n portnum] -t host program [version]
     rpcinfo -b program version
     rpcinfo -d program version

     rpcinfo makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports what it finds.

     -p      Probe the portmapper on host, and print a list of all registered RPC programs.  If host is not
             specified, it defaults to the value returned by hostname(1).

     -u      Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host using UDP, and report whether
             a response was received.

     -t      Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host using TCP, and report whether
             a response was received.

     -n      Use portnum as the port number for the -t and -u options instead of the port number given by
             the portmapper.

     -b      Make an RPC broadcast to procedure 0 of the specified program and version using UDP and report
             all hosts that respond.

     -d      Delete registration for the RPC service of the specified program and version.  This option can
             be exercised only by the super-user.

     The program argument can be either a name or a number.

     If a version is specified, rpcinfo attempts to call that version of the specified program.  Otherwise,
     rpcinfo attempts to find all the registered version numbers for the specified program by calling ver-sion version
     sion 0 (which is presumed not to exist; if it does exist, rpcinfo attempts to obtain this information
     by calling an extremely high version number instead) and attempts to call each registered version.
     Note: the version number is required for -b and -d options.

     To show all of the RPC services registered on the local machine use:

           example% rpcinfo -p

     To show all of the RPC services registered on the machine named klaxon use:

           example% rpcinfo -p klaxon

     To show all machines on the local net that are running the Yellow Pages service use:

           example% rpcinfo -b ypserv 'version' | uniq

     where 'version' is the current Yellow Pages version obtained from the results of the -p switch above.

     To delete the registration for version 1 of the walld service use:

           example% rpcinfo -d walld 1

     rpc(5), portmap(8)

     RPC Programming Guide.

     In releases prior to SunOS 3.0, the Network File System (NFS) did not register itself with the portmap-per; portmapper;
     per; rpcinfo cannot be used to make RPC calls to the NFS server on hosts running such releases.

BSD                                           December 17, 1987                                          BSD

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