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RPC.RQUOTAD(8)                           BSD System Manager's Manual                          RPC.RQUOTAD(8)

     rpc.rquotad, rquotad -- remote quota server


     rpc.rquotad is an rpc(3) server which returns quotas for a user of a local filesystem which is NFS-mounted NFSmounted
     mounted onto a remote machine.  Typically, quota(1) uses the results to display user quotas for remote
     filesystems.  rpc.rquotad is normally invoked via launchd by the NFS server - nfsd(8).  The port that
     the service is made available on can be specified using the nfs.server.rquota.port option in

     rpc.rquotad uses an RPC protocol defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc/rquota.x.

     quota(1), nfsd(8), nfs.conf(5)

BSD                                             June 11, 2007                                            BSD

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