This manual page is part of Xcode Tools version 3.2.2

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  • For general information about writing shell scripts, read Shell Scripting Primer.

IOALLOCCOUNT(8)                          BSD System Manager's Manual                         IOALLOCCOUNT(8)

     ioalloccount -- Summarize IOKit memory usage.


     ioalloccount displays some accounting of memory allocated by IOKit allocators, including object
     instances, in the kernel.

     This information is useful for tracking leaks.  Instance counts can also found in the root of the
     IORegistry in the ``IOKitDiagnostics'' property.

               Instance allocation = 0x0022c718 = 2225 K
              Container allocation = 0x00141bad = 1286 K
               IOMalloc allocation = 0x00638221 = 6368 K
               Pageable allocation = 0x00f4f000 = 15676 K

     ioclasscount(8), ioreg(8)

Darwin                                        November 06, 2008                                       Darwin

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