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cupsenable(8)                                    Apple Inc.                                    cupsenable(8)

       cupsdisable, cupsenable - stop/start printers and classes

       cupsdisable [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -c ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ -r reason ] [ --hold ] destination(s)
       cupsenable [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -c ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ --release ] destination(s)

       cupsenable starts the named printers or classes.

       cupsdisable stops the named printers or classes.  The following options may be used:

            Forces encryption of the connection to the server.

       -U username
            Uses the specified username when connecting to the server.

            Cancels all jobs on the named destination.

       -h server[:port]
            Uses the specified server and port.

            Holds remaining jobs on the named printer.  Useful for allowing  the  current  job  to  complete
            before performing maintenance.

       -r "reason"
            Sets  the  message associated with the stopped state. If no reason is specified then the message
            is set to "Reason Unknown".

            Releases pending jobs for printing. Use after running cupsdisable  with  the  --hold  option  to
            resume printing.

       Unlike  the  System  V  printing system, CUPS allows printer names to contain any printable character
       except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#".  Also, printer and class names are not case-sensitive.

       The System V versions of these commands are disable and enable. They have been renamed to avoid  con-flicts conflicts
       flicts with the bash(1) build-in commands of the same name.

       The  CUPS  versions  of  disable  and enable may ask the user for an access password depending on the
       printing system configuration.  This differs from the System V versions which require the  root  user
       to execute these commands.

       cupsaccept(8), cupsreject(8), cancel(1), lp(1), lpadmin(8), lpstat(1),

       Copyright 2007-2009 by Apple Inc.

9 October 2008                                      CUPS                                       cupsenable(8)

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