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AC(8)                                    BSD System Manager's Manual                                   AC(8)

     ac -- display connect-time accounting

     ac [-d] [-p] [-w file] [users ...]

     A record of individual login and logout times are written to the system log by login(8) and launchd(8),
     respectively.  The program ac examines these records and writes the accumulated connect time (in deci-mal decimal
     mal hours) for all logins to the standard output.

     Options available:

     -d      Display the connect times in 24 hour chunks.

     -p      Display individual user totals.

     -w file
             Read raw connect time data from file, instead of the system log.

     users ...
             Display totals for the given individuals only.

     If no arguments are given, ac displays the total amount of login time for all active accounts on the

     login(1), utmpx(5), launchd(8), sa(8)

     An ac command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.

4th Berkeley Distribution                      April 19, 1994                      4th Berkeley Distribution

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