This manual page is for Mac OS X version 10.6.3

If you are running a different version of Mac OS X, view the documentation locally:

  • In Terminal, using the man(1) command

Reading manual pages

Manual pages are intended as a quick reference for people who already understand a technology.

  • For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5).

  • For more information about this technology, look for other documentation in the Apple Reference Library.

  • For general information about writing shell scripts, read Shell Scripting Primer.

XORGFOUNDATION(7)                                                                          XORGFOUNDATION(7)

       XOrgFoundation - X.Org Foundation information

       Release 7.0 of X Version 11 is brought to you by the X.Org Foundation, LLC.

       The  X.Org Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charity corporation.  It was formed
       in 2004 as the successor to the X.Org Group at The Open Group. The purpose of the X.Org Foundation is
       to  foster the development, evolution, and maintenance of the X Window System, a comprehensive set of
       vendor-neutral, system-architecture neutral, network-transparent windowing and user  interface  stan-dards. standards.
       dards.  Membership  in  the X.Org Foundation is free and open to anyone. The X.Org Foundation hosts a
       public CVS repository of the source code on Freedesktop.Org.

       The X Window System was created in the mid-1980s at the Massachusetts Institute  of  Technology.   In
       1988,  MIT  formed  a member-funded consortium to provide the technical and administrative leadership
       necessary to support further development of the X Window System.  In 1992,  MIT  and  the  membership
       decided  it  was in their best interests to move the consortium out of MIT and create an independent,
       stand-alone organization.  All rights to the X Window System were assigned by MIT  to  X  Consortium,
       Inc.  on January 1, 1994. On December 31, 1996 the X Consortium, Inc. closed its doors and all rights
       to the X Window System were assigned to The Open Group (then known as the Open Software  Foundation.)

       The X.Org Foundation's web site is

       The X.Org Foundation's public ftp site is

       Information  about  the  X.Org  Foundation  CVS  repository  is  on  the  Freedesktop.Org web site at

X Version 11                                    xorg-docs 1.4                              XORGFOUNDATION(7)

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