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SLAPD-NULL(5)                                                                                  SLAPD-NULL(5)

       slapd-null - Null backend to slapd


       The Null backend to slapd(8) is surely the most useful part of slapd:
       - Searches return success but no entries.
       - Compares return compareFalse.
       - Updates return success (unless readonly is on) but do nothing.
       - Binds other than as the rootdn fail unless the database option "bind on" is given.
       - The slapadd(8) and slapcat(8) tools are equally exciting.
       Inspired by the /dev/null device.

       This  slapd.conf  option  applies  to the NULL backend database.  That is, it must follow a "database
       null" line and come before any subsequent "database" lines.  Other database options are described  in
       the slapd.conf(5) manual page.

       bind <on/off>
              Allow binds as any DN in this backend's suffix, with any password.  The default is "off".

       Here is a possible slapd.conf extract using the Null backend:

              database null
              suffix   "cn=Nothing"
              bind     on

       The null backend does not honor any of the access control semantics described in slapd.access(5).

              default slapd configuration file

       slapd.conf(5), slapd(8), slapadd(8), slapcat(8).

OpenLDAP 2.4.11                                  2008/07/16                                    SLAPD-NULL(5)

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