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NOLOGIN(5)                                 BSD File Formats Manual                                NOLOGIN(5)

     nologin -- disallow logins

     Programs such as login(1) disallow logins if the nologin file exists.  The programs display the con-tents contents
     tents of nologin to the user if possible and interrupt the login sequence.  This makes it simple to
     temporarily prevent incoming logins systemwide.

     To disable logins on a per-account basis, investigate nologin(8).

     The nologin file is ignored for user root by default.

     The nologin feature is implemented through login.conf(5), which allows to change the pathname of the
     file and to extend the list of users exempt from temporary login restriction.

     PAM-aware programs can be selectively configured to respect nologin using the pam_nologin(8) module via

     The nologin file will be removed at system boot if it resides in /var/run and cleanvar_enable is set to
     ``YES'' in rc.conf(5), which is default.  Therefore system reboot can effectively re-enable logins.

     /var/run/nologin  default location of nologin

     login(1), login.conf(5), pam.conf(5), rc.conf(5), nologin(8), pam_nologin(8), shutdown(8)

BSD                                             May 10, 2007                                             BSD

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