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CIDR_TABLE(5)                                                                                  CIDR_TABLE(5)

       cidr_table - format of Postfix CIDR tables

       postmap -q "string" cidr:/etc/postfix/filename

       postmap -q - cidr:/etc/postfix/filename <inputfile

       The  Postfix  mail system uses optional lookup tables.  These tables are usually in dbm or db format.
       Alternatively, lookup tables can be specified in CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) form. In  this
       case,  each  input  is  compared against a list of patterns. When a match is found, the corresponding
       result is returned and the search is terminated.

       To find out what types of lookup tables your Postfix system supports use the "postconf -m" command.

       To test lookup tables, use the "postmap -q" command as described in the SYNOPSIS above.

       The general form of a Postfix CIDR table is:

       network_address/network_mask     result
              When a search string matches the specified network block, use the corresponding result  value.
              Specify to match every IPv4 address, and ::/0 to match every IPv6 address.

              An  IPv4  network  address  is a sequence of four decimal octets separated by ".", and an IPv6
              network address is a sequence of three to eight hexadecimal octet pairs separated by ":".

              Before comparisons are made, lookup keys and  table  entries  are  converted  from  string  to
              binary. Therefore table entries will be matched regardless of redundant zero characters.

              Note: address information may be enclosed inside "[]" but this form is not required.

              IPv6 support is available in Postfix 2.2 and later.

       network_address     result
              When  a  search  string  matches  the  specified network address, use the corresponding result

       blank lines and comments
              Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored, as are  lines  whose  first  non-whitespace
              character is a `#'.

       multi-line text
              A logical line starts with non-whitespace text. A line that starts with whitespace continues a
              logical line.

       Patterns are applied in the order as specified in the table, until a pattern is  found  that  matches
       the search string.

           smtpd_client_restrictions = ... cidr:/etc/postfix/client.cidr ...

           # Rule order matters. Put more specific whitelist entries
           # before more general blacklist entries.

       postmap(1), Postfix lookup table manager
       regexp_table(5), format of regular expression tables
       pcre_table(5), format of PCRE tables

       Use "postconf readme_directory" or "postconf html_directory" to locate this information.
       DATABASE_README, Postfix lookup table overview

       CIDR table support was introduced with Postfix version 2.1.

       The CIDR table lookup code was originally written by:
       Jozsef Kadlecsik
       KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
       POB. 49
       1525 Budapest, Hungary

       Adopted and adapted by:
       Wietse Venema
       IBM T.J. Watson Research
       P.O. Box 704
       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA


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