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ISGRAPH(3)                              BSD Library Functions Manual                              ISGRAPH(3)

     isgraph -- printing character test (space character exclusive)

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <ctype.h>

     isgraph(int c);

     The isgraph() function tests for any printing character except space (` ') and other locale-specific,
     space-like characters.  For single C chars locales (see multibyte(3)), the value of the argument is
     representable as an unsigned char or the value of EOF.  In the ASCII character set, this includes the
     following characters (preceded by their numeric values, in octal):

     041 ``!''     042 ``"''     043 ``#''     044 ``$''     045 ``%''
     046 ``&''     047 ``'''     050 ``(''     051 ``)''     052 ``*''
     053 ``+''     054 ``,''     055 ``-''     056 ``.''     057 ``/''
     060 ``0''     061 ``1''     062 ``2''     063 ``3''     064 ``4''
     065 ``5''     066 ``6''     067 ``7''     070 ``8''     071 ``9''
     072 ``:''     073 ``;''     074 ``<''     075 ``=''     076 ``>''
     077 ``?''     100 ``@''     101 ``A''     102 ``B''     103 ``C''
     104 ``D''     105 ``E''     106 ``F''     107 ``G''     110 ``H''
     111 ``I''     112 ``J''     113 ``K''     114 ``L''     115 ``M''
     116 ``N''     117 ``O''     120 ``P''     121 ``Q''     122 ``R''
     123 ``S''     124 ``T''     125 ``U''     126 ``V''     127 ``W''
     130 ``X''     131 ``Y''     132 ``Z''     133 ``[''     134 ``\''
     135 ``]''     136 ``^''     137 ``_''     140 ```''     141 ``a''
     142 ``b''     143 ``c''     144 ``d''     145 ``e''     146 ``f''
     147 ``g''     150 ``h''     151 ``i''     152 ``j''     153 ``k''
     154 ``l''     155 ``m''     156 ``n''     157 ``o''     160 ``p''
     161 ``q''     162 ``r''     163 ``s''     164 ``t''     165 ``u''
     166 ``v''     167 ``w''     170 ``x''     171 ``y''     172 ``z''
     173 ``{''     174 ``|''     175 ``}''     176 ``~''

     The isgraph() function returns zero if the character tests false and returns non-zero if the character
     tests true.

     The 4.4BSD extension of accepting arguments outside of the range of the unsigned char type in locales
     with large character sets is considered obsolete and may not be supported in future releases.  The
     iswgraph() function should be used instead.

     ctype(3), isalnum_l(3), iswgraph(3), multibyte(3), ascii(7)

     The isgraph() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C90'').

BSD                                            August 21, 2004                                           BSD

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