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INTRO(3)                                BSD Library Functions Manual                                INTRO(3)

     intro -- introduction to the C libraries

     This section provides an overview of the C library functions, their error returns and other common def-initions definitions
     initions and concepts.  Most of these functions are available from the System library, libSystem.
     Other libraries must be indicated at compile time with the -l option of the compiler.

     The various libraries (followed by the loader flag):

     libSystem (-lSystem)  Standard C library functions.  When using the C compiler cc(1), it is not neces-sary necessary
                           sary to supply the loader flag -lSystem for these functions.  There are several
                           `libraries' or groups of functions included inside of libSystem: the standard I/O
                           routines, database routines, bit operators, string operators, character tests and
                           character operators, des encryption routines, storage allocation, time functions,
                           signal handling and more.

                           For compatibility with other systems, which provide these capabilities in sepa-rate separate
                           rate libraries (such as libc), symbolic links are provided for -lc, -ldbm, -ldl,
                           -linfo, -lm, -lpoll, -lpthread and -lrpcsvc; they all point to libSystem.

     libcurses (-lcurses -ltermcap)
                           Terminal independent screen management routines for two dimensional non-bitmap
                           display terminals.  (See ncurses(3).)

     libl (-ll)            The library for lex(1).

     libtermcap (-ltermcap)
                           The terminal independent operation library package.  (See termcap(3).)

     liby (-ly)            The library for yacc(1).

     /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib          the main System library
     /usr/lib/libSystem_debug.dylib    the main System library compiled with debug support
     /usr/lib/libSystem_profile.dylib  the main System library compiled for profiling

     cc(1), ld(1), nm(1), intro(2), stdio(3)

     An intro manual appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.

BSD                                             Aug 17, 2006                                             BSD

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