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curs_slk(3X)                                                                                    curs_slk(3X)

       slk_init, slk_set, slk_refresh, slk_noutrefresh, slk_label, slk_clear, slk_restore, slk_touch,
       slk_attron, slk_attrset, slk_attroff, slk_attr_on, slk_attr_set, slk_attr_off, slk_attr, slk_color -curses slk_colorcurses
       curses soft label routines

       #include <curses.h>

       int slk_init(int fmt);
       int slk_set(int labnum, const char *label, int fmt);
       int slk_refresh(void);
       int slk_noutrefresh(void);
       char *slk_label(int labnum);
       int slk_clear(void);
       int slk_restore(void);
       int slk_touch(void);
       int slk_attron(const chtype attrs);
       int slk_attroff(const chtype attrs);
       int slk_attrset(const chtype attrs);
       int slk_attr_on(attr_t attrs, void* opts);
       int slk_attr_off(const attr_t attrs, void * opts);
       int slk_attr_set(const attr_t attrs,
            short color_pair_number, void* opts);
       attr_t slk_attr(void);
       int slk_color(short color_pair_number);

       The  slk* functions manipulate the set of soft function-key labels that exist on many terminals.  For
       those terminals that do not have soft labels, curses takes over the bottom line of  stdscr,  reducing
       the  size of stdscr and the variable LINES.  curses standardizes on eight labels of up to eight char-acters characters
       acters each. In addition to this, the ncurses implementation supports a mode where  it  simulates  12
       labels of up to five characters each. This is most common for todays PC like enduser devices.  Please
       note that ncurses simulates this mode by taking over up to two lines at the bottom of the screen,  it
       does not try to use any hardware support for this mode.

       The  slk_init routine must be called before initscr or newterm is called.  If initscr eventually uses
       a line from stdscr to emulate the soft labels, then fmt determines how the labels are arranged on the
       screen.   Setting fmt to 0 indicates a 3-2-3 arrangement of the labels, 1 indicates a 4-4 arrangement
       and 2 indicates the PC like 4-4-4 mode. If fmt is set to 3, it is again the PC like 4-4-4  mode,  but
       in addition an index line is generated, helping the user to identify the key numbers easily.

       The  slk_set  routine requires labnum to be a label number, from 1 to 8 (resp. 12); label must be the
       string to be put on the label, up to eight (resp. five) characters in length.  A  null  string  or  a
       null  pointer sets up a blank label. fmt is either 0, 1, or 2, indicating whether the label is  to be
       left-justified, centered, or right-justified, respectively, within the label.

       The slk_refresh and slk_noutrefresh routines correspond to the wrefresh and wnoutrefresh routines.

       The slk_label routine returns the current label for label number labnum, with  leading  and  trailing
       blanks stripped.

       The slk_clear routine clears the soft labels from the screen.

       The  slk_restore routine restores the soft labels to the screen after a slk_clear has been performed.

       The slk_touch routine forces all the soft labels to be output the next time a slk_noutrefresh is per-formed. performed.

       The slk_attron, slk_attrset, slk_attroff and slk_attr routines correspond to attron, attrset, attroff
       and attr_get.  They have an effect only if soft labels are  simulated  on  the  bottom  line  of  the
       screen.   The  default  highlight  for soft keys is A_STANDOUT (as in System V curses, which does not
       document this fact).

       The slk_color routine corresponds to color_set. It has an effect only if soft labels are simulated on
       the bottom line of the screen.

       These routines return ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer value other than ERR")
       upon successful completion.

       X/Open defines no error conditions.  In this implementation

                   returns the attribute used for the soft keys.

              slk_attroff, slk_attron, slk_clear, slk_noutrefresh, slk_refresh, slk_touch
                   return an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not initialized.

                   returns an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not initialized.

                   returns an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not initialized, or the color  pair
                   is outside the range 0..COLOR_PAIRS-1, or opts is not null.

                   returns  an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not initialized, or the color pair
                   is outside the range 0..COLOR_PAIRS-1.

                   returns an error if the format parameter is outside the range 0..3.

                   returns NULL on error.

                   returns an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not initialized, or the labnum  pa-rameter parameter
                   rameter  is  outside the range of label counts, or if the format parameter is outside the
                   range 0..2, or if memory for the labels cannot be allocated.

       Most applications would use slk_noutrefresh because a wrefresh is likely to follow soon.

       The XSI Curses standard, Issue 4, describes these functions.  It changes the argument type of the at-tribute-manipulation attribute-manipulation
       tribute-manipulation  functions  slk_attron,  slk_attroff,  slk_attrset  to be attr_t, and adds const
       qualifiers. The format codes 2 and 3 for slk_init() and the function slk_attr are specific to  ncurs-es. ncurses.

       curses(3X), curs_attr(3X), curs_initscr(3X), curs_refresh(3X)


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