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curl_share_setopt(3)                           libcurl Manual                           curl_share_setopt(3)

       curl_share_setopt - Set options for a shared object

       #include <curl/curl.h>

       CURLSHcode curl_share_setopt(CURLSH *share, CURLSHoption option, parameter);

       Set the option to parameter for the given share.

              The parameter must be a pointer to a function matching the following prototype:

              void lock_function(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, curl_lock_access access, void *userptr);

              data defines what data libcurl wants to lock, and you must make sure that  only  one  lock  is
              given at any time for each kind of data.

              access defines what access type libcurl wants, shared or single.

              userptr is the pointer you set with CURLSHOPT_USERDATA.

              The parameter must be a pointer to a function matching the following prototype:

              void unlock_function(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, void *userptr);

              data  defines  what data libcurl wants to unlock, and you must make sure that only one lock is
              given at any time for each kind of data.

              userptr is the pointer you set with CURLSHOPT_USERDATA.

              The parameter specifies a type of data that should be shared. This may be set to  one  of  the
              values described below.

                     Cookie data will be shared across the easy handles using this shared object.

                     Cached  DNS hosts will be shared across the easy handles using this shared object. Note
                     that when you use the multi interface, all easy handles added to the same multi  handle
                     will share DNS cache by default without this having to be used!

              This  option  does  the opposite of CURLSHOPT_SHARE. It specifies that the specified parameter
              will no longer be shared. Valid values are the same as those for CURLSHOPT_SHARE.

              The parameter allows you to specify a pointer to data that will be passed to the lock_function
              and unlock_function each time it is called.

       CURLSHE_OK  (zero)  means  that  the  option  was  set  properly, non-zero means an error occurred as
       <curl/curl.h> defines. See the libcurl-errors.3 man page for the full list with descriptions.

       curl_share_cleanup(3), curl_share_init(3)

libcurl 7.10.7                                   8 Aug 2003                             curl_share_setopt(3)

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