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LBER_TYPES(3)                                                                                  LBER_TYPES(3)

       ber_int_t,  ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, BerValue, BerVarray, BerEle-ment, BerElement,
       ment, ber_bvfree, ber_bvecfree, ber_bvecadd, ber_bvarray_free, ber_bvarray_add, ber_bvdup, ber_dupbv,
       ber_bvstr, ber_bvstrdup, ber_str2bv, ber_alloc_t, ber_init, ber_init2, ber_free - OpenLDAP LBER types
       and allocation functions

       OpenLDAP LBER (liblber, -llber)

       #include <lber.h>

       typedef impl_tag_t ber_tag_t;
       typedef impl_int_t ber_int_t;
       typedef impl_uint_t ber_uint_t;
       typedef impl_len_t ber_len_t;
       typedef impl_slen_t ber_slen_t;

       typedef struct berval {
           ber_len_t bv_len;
           char *bv_val;
       } BerValue, *BerVarray;

       typedef struct berelement BerElement;

       void ber_bvfree(struct berval *bv);

       void ber_bvecfree(struct berval **bvec);

       void ber_bvecadd(struct berval ***bvec, struct berval *bv);

       void ber_bvarray_free(struct berval *bvarray);

       void ber_bvarray_add(BerVarray *bvarray, BerValue *bv);

       struct berval *ber_bvdup(const struct berval *bv);

       struct berval *ber_dupbv(const struct berval *dst, struct berval *src);

       struct berval *ber_bvstr(const char *str);

       struct berval *ber_bvstrdup(const char *str);

       struct berval *ber_str2bv(const char *str, ber_len_t len, int dup, struct berval *bv);

       BerElement *ber_alloc_t(int options);

       BerElement *ber_init(struct berval *bv);

       void ber_init2(BerElement *ber, struct berval *bv, int options);

       void ber_free(BerElement *ber, int freebuf);

       The following are the basic types and structures defined for use with the Lightweight BER library.

       ber_int_t is a signed integer of at least 32 bits.  It is commonly equivalent to int.  ber_uint_t  is
       the unsigned variant of ber_int_t.

       ber_len_t  is  an  unsigned  integer  of at least 32 bits used to represent a length.  It is commonly
       equivalent to a size_t.  ber_slen_t is the signed variant to ber_len_t.

       ber_tag_t is an unsigned integer of at least 32 bits used to represent a BER  tag.   It  is  commonly
       equivalent to a unsigned long.

       The actual definitions of the integral impl_TYPE_t types are platform specific.

       BerValue,  commonly  used  as struct berval, is used to hold an arbitrary sequence of octets.  bv_val
       points to bv_len octets.  bv_val is not necessarily terminated by a NULL (zero) octet.   ber_bvfree()
       frees a BerValue, pointed to by bv, returned from this API.  If bv is NULL, the routine does nothing.

       ber_bvecfree() frees an array of BerValues (and the array), pointed to by bvec,  returned  from  this
       API.   If  bvec  is NULL, the routine does nothing.  ber_bvecadd() appends the bv pointer to the bvec
       array.  Space for the array is allocated as needed.  The end  of  the  array  is  marked  by  a  NULL

       ber_bvarray_free()  frees an array of BerValues (and the array), pointed to by bvarray, returned from
       this API.  If bvarray is NULL, the routine does nothing.  ber_bvarray_add() appends the  contents  of
       the  BerValue  pointed  to  by  bv  to  the bvarray array.  Space for the new element is allocated as
       needed.  The end of the array is marked by a BerValue with a NULL bv_val field.

       ber_bvdup() returns a copy of a BerValue.  The routine returns NULL upon error (e.g. out of  memory).
       The  caller  should  use  ber_bvfree()  to  deallocate  the resulting BerValue.  ber_dupbv() copies a
       BerValue from src to dst.  If dst is NULL a new BerValue will be allocated to  hold  the  copy.   The
       routine  returns  NULL  upon  error,  otherwise it returns a pointer to the copy.  If dst is NULL the
       caller should use ber_bvfree() to deallocate the resulting BerValue, otherwise  ber_memfree()  should
       be  used  to  deallocate  the  dst->bv_val.   (The  ber_bvdup() function is internally implemented as
       ber_dupbv(NULL, bv).  ber_bvdup() is provided only for compatibility with an  expired  draft  of  the
       LDAP C API; ber_dupbv() is the preferred interface.)

       ber_bvstr()  returns  a  BerValue  containing the string pointed to by str.  ber_bvstrdup() returns a
       BerValue containing a copy of the string pointed to by str.  ber_str2bv() returns a BerValue contain-ing containing
       ing  the  string  pointed to by str, whose length may be optionally specified in len.  If dup is non-zero, nonzero,
       zero, the BerValue will contain a copy of str.  If len is zero, the number of bytes to copy  will  be
       determined  by  strlen(3), otherwise len bytes will be copied.  If bv is non-NULL, the result will be
       stored in the given BerValue, otherwise a new BerValue will be allocated to store the result.   NOTE:
       Both  ber_bvstr()  and ber_bvstrdup() are implemented as macros using ber_str2bv() in this version of
       the library.

       BerElement is an opaque structure used to maintain state information used in encoding  and  decoding.
       ber_alloc_t()  is  used to create an empty BerElement structure. If LBER_USE_DER is specified for the
       options parameter then data lengths for data written to the BerElement will be encoded in the minimal
       number  of  octets  required,  otherwise they will always be written as four byte values.  ber_init()
       creates a BerElement structure that is initialized with a copy of  the  data  in  its  bv  parameter.
       ber_init2()  initializes  an  existing BerElement ber using the data in the bv parameter. The data is
       referenced directly, not copied. The options parameter is the same as for ber_alloc_t().   ber_free()
       frees a BerElement pointed to by ber.  If ber is NULL, the routine does nothing.  If freebuf is zero,
       the internal buffer is not freed.

       lber-encode(3), lber-decode(3), lber-memory(3)

       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by  The  OpenLDAP  Project  <>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.11                                  2008/07/16                                    LBER_TYPES(3)

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