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REMOVEXATTR(2)                             BSD System Calls Manual                            REMOVEXATTR(2)

     removexattr, fremovexattr -- remove an extended attribute value

     #include <sys/xattr.h>

     removexattr(const char *path, const char *name, int options);

     fremovexattr(int fd, const char *name, int options);

     Extended attributes extend the basic attributes associated with files and directories in the file sys-tem. system.
     tem.  They are stored as name:data pairs associated with file system objects (files, directories, sym-links, symlinks,
     links, etc).

     Removexattr() deletes the extended attribute name associated with path.

     An extended attribute's name is a simple NULL-terminated UTF-8 string.  Options is a bit mask specify-ing specifying
     ing various options:

     XATTR_NOFOLLOW  do not follow symbolic links.  Normally, removexattr() acts on the target of path if it
                     is a symbolic link.  With this option, removexattr() will act on the link itself.

                     removexattr() and fremovexattr() will remove HFS Plus Compression extended attribute
                     name (if present) for the file referred to by path or fd.

     fremovexattr() is identical to removexattr(), except that it removes an extended attribute from an open
     file referenced by file descriptor fd.

     On success, 0 is returned.  On failure, -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set as follows.

     [ENOATTR]          The specified extended attribute does not exist.

     [ENOTSUP]          The file system does not support extended attributes or has the feature disabled.

     [EROFS]            The file system is mounted read-only.

     [EPERM]            This type of object does not support extended attributes.

     [EINVAL]           name or options is invalid.  name must be valid UTF-8 options must make sense.

     [ENOTDIR]          A component of the path 's prefix is not a directory.

     [ENAMETOOLONG]     Name exceeded XATTR_MAXNAMELEN UTF-8 bytes, or a component of path exceeded NAME_MAX
                        characters, or the entire path exceeded PATH_MAX characters.

     [EACCES]           Search permission is denied for a component path or permission to remove the
                        attribute is denied.

     [ELOOP]            Too many symbolic links were encountered in path.

     [EFAULT]           path or name points to an invalid address.

     [EIO]              An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system.

     getxattr(2), listxattr(2), setxattr(2)

     removexattr() and fremovexattr() first appeared in Mac OS X 10.4.

Mac OS X                                        Oct 19, 2004                                        Mac OS X

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