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  • For more information about this technology, look for other documentation in the Apple Reference Library.

  • For general information about writing shell scripts, read Shell Scripting Primer.

ZSHMISC(1)                                                                                        ZSHMISC(1)

       zshmisc - everything and then some

       A  simple  command is a sequence of optional parameter assignments followed by blank-separated words,
       with optional redirections interspersed.  The first word is the  command  to  be  executed,  and  the
       remaining  words,  if  any,  are arguments to the command.  If a command name is given, the parameter
       assignments modify the environment of the command when it is executed.  The value of a simple command
       is its exit status, or 128 plus the signal number if terminated by a signal.  For example,

              echo foo

       is a simple command with arguments.

       A  pipeline  is either a simple command, or a sequence of two or more simple commands where each com-mand command
       mand is separated from the next by `|' or `|&'.  Where commands are separated by  `|',  the  standard
       output  of  the  first command is connected to the standard input of the next.  `|&' is shorthand for
       `2>&1 |', which connects both the standard output and the standard error of the command to the  stan-dard standard
       dard  input  of the next.  The value of a pipeline is the value of the last command, unless the pipe-line pipeline
       line is preceded by `!' in which case the value is the logical inverse of the value of the last  com-mand. command.
       mand.  For example,

              echo foo | sed 's/foo/bar/'

       is  a  pipeline,  where  the output (`foo' plus a newline) of the first command will be passed to the
       input of the second.

       If a pipeline is preceded by `coproc', it is executed as a coprocess; a two-way pipe  is  established
       between  it  and the parent shell.  The shell can read from or write to the coprocess by means of the
       `>&p' and `<&p' redirection operators or with `print -p' and `read -p'.  A pipeline  cannot  be  pre-
       ceded by both `coproc' and `!'.  If job control is active, the coprocess can be treated in other than
       input and output as an ordinary background job.

       A sublist is either a single pipeline, or a sequence of two or more pipelines separated  by  `&&'  or
       `||'.  If two pipelines are separated by `&&', the second pipeline is executed only if the first suc-ceeds succeeds
       ceeds (returns a zero status).  If two pipelines are separated by `||', the second is  executed  only
       if  the  first  fails  (returns a nonzero status).  Both operators have equal precedence and are left
       associative.  The value of the sublist is the value of the last pipeline executed.  For example,

              dmesg | grep panic && print yes

       is a sublist consisting of two pipelines, the second just a simple command which will be executed  if
       and only if the grep command returns a zero status.  If it does not, the value of the sublist is that
       return status, else it is the status returned by the print (almost certainly zero).

       A list is a sequence of zero or more sublists, in which each sublist is terminated by `;', `&', `&|',
       `&!', or a newline.  This terminator may optionally be omitted from the last sublist in the list when
       the list appears as a complex command inside `(...)' or `{...}'.  When a sublist is terminated by `;'
       or newline, the shell waits for it to finish before executing the next sublist.  If a sublist is ter-minated terminated
       minated by a `&', `&|', or `&!', the shell executes the last pipeline in it in  the  background,  and
       does not wait for it to finish (note the difference from other shells which execute the whole sublist
       in the background).  A backgrounded pipeline returns a status of zero.

       More generally, a list can be seen as a set of any shell commands whatsoever, including  the  complex
       commands below; this is implied wherever the word `list' appears in later descriptions.  For example,
       the commands in a shell function form a special sort of list.

       A simple command may be preceded by a precommand modifier, which will alter how the command is inter-preted. interpreted.
       preted.   These  modifiers  are  shell  builtin  commands  with the exception of nocorrect which is a
       reserved word.

       -      The command is executed with a `-' prepended to its argv[0] string.

              The command word is taken to be the name of a builtin command, rather than a shell function or
              external command.

       command [ -pvV ]
              The  command word is taken to be the name of an external command, rather than a shell function
              or builtin.   If the POSIX_BUILTINS option is set, builtins will also be executed but  certain
              special  properties  of  them are suppressed. The -p flag causes a default path to be searched
              instead of that in $path. With the -v flag, command is similar to whence and with  -V,  it  is
              equivalent to whence -v.

       exec [ -cl ] [ -a argv_ ]
              The  following  command  together  with  any arguments is run in place of the current process,
              rather than as a sub-process.  The shell does not fork and is replaced.  The  shell  does  not
              invoke TRAPEXIT, nor does it source zlogout files.  The options are provided for compatibility
              with other shells.

              The -c option clears the environment.

              The -l option is equivalent to the - precommand modifier, to treat the replacement command  as
              a  login  shell;  the command is executed with a - prepended to its argv[0] string.  This flag
              has no effect if used together with the -a option.

              The -a option is used to specify explicitly the argv[0] string (the name  of  the  command  as
              seen  by  the process itself) to be used by the replacement command and is directly equivalent
              to setting a value for the ARGV0 environment variable.

              Spelling correction is not done on any of the words.  This must appear before any  other  pre-command precommand
              command  modifier,  as  it  is interpreted immediately, before any parsing is done.  It has no
              effect in non-interactive shells.

       noglob Filename generation (globbing) is not performed on any of the words.

       A complex command in zsh is one of the following:

       if list then list [ elif list then list ] ... [ else list ] fi
              The if list is executed, and if it returns a zero exit status,  the  then  list  is  executed.
              Otherwise, the elif list is executed and if its status is zero, the then list is executed.  If
              each elif list returns nonzero status, the else list is executed.

       for name ... [ in word ... ] term do list done
              where term is at least one newline or ;.  Expand the list of words, and set the parameter name
              to  each  of them in turn, executing list each time.  If the in word is omitted, use the posi-tional positional
              tional parameters instead of the words.

              More than one parameter name can appear before the list of words.  If N names are given,  then
              on  each  execution of the loop the next N words are assigned to the corresponding parameters.
              If there are more names than remaining words, the remaining parameters are  each  set  to  the
              empty  string.   Execution  of  the loop ends when there is no remaining word to assign to the
              first name.  It is only possible for in to appear as the first name in the list, else it  will
              be treated as marking the end of the list.

       for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) do list done
              The  arithmetic expression expr1 is evaluated first (see the section `Arithmetic Evaluation').
              The arithmetic expression expr2 is repeatedly evaluated until it evaluates to  zero  and  when
              non-zero,  list  is executed and the arithmetic expression expr3 evaluated.  If any expression
              is omitted, then it behaves as if it evaluated to 1.

       while list do list done
              Execute the do list as long as the while list returns a zero exit status.

       until list do list done
              Execute the do list as long as until list returns a nonzero exit status.

       repeat word do list done
              word is expanded and treated as an arithmetic expression, which must evaluate to a  number  n.
              list is then executed n times.

       case word in [ [(] pattern [ | pattern ] ... ) list (;;|;&|;|) ] ... esac
              Execute the list associated with the first pattern that matches word, if any.  The form of the
              patterns is the same as that used for filename generation.  See the section `Filename  Genera-tion'. Generation'.

              If  the list that is executed is terminated with ;& rather than ;;, the following list is also
              executed.  The rule for the terminator of the following list ;;, ;& or ;|  is  applied  unless
              the esac is reached.

              If  the  list  that is executed is terminated with ;| the shell continues to scan the patterns
              looking for the next match, executing the corresponding list, and applying the  rule  for  the
              corresponding terminator ;;, ;& or ;|.  Note that word is not re-expanded; all applicable pat-terns patterns
              terns are tested with the same word.

       select name [ in word ... term ] do list done
              where term is one or more newline or ; to terminate the words.  Print the set of  words,  each
              preceded  by a number.  If the in word is omitted, use the positional parameters.  The PROMPT3
              prompt is printed and a line is read from the line editor if the shell is interactive and that
              is  active,  or else standard input.  If this line consists of the number of one of the listed
              words, then the parameter name is set to the word corresponding to this number.  If this  line
              is  empty, the selection list is printed again.  Otherwise, the value of the parameter name is
              set to null.  The contents of the line read from standard input  is  saved  in  the  parameter
              REPLY.  list is executed for each selection until a break or end-of-file is encountered.

       ( list )
              Execute  list  in a subshell.  Traps set by the trap builtin are reset to their default values
              while executing list.

       { list }
              Execute list.

       { try-list } always { always-list }
              First execute try-list.  Regardless of errors, or break, continue, or return commands  encoun-tered encountered
              tered  within  try-list, execute always-list.  Execution then continues from the result of the
              execution of try-list; in other words, any error, or break, continue,  or  return  command  is
              treated  in  the  normal  way, as if always-list were not present.  The two chunks of code are
              referred to as the `try block' and the `always block'.

              Optional newlines or semicolons may appear after the always; note, however, that they may  not
              appear between the preceding closing brace and the always.

              An  `error'  in  this  context is a condition such as a syntax error which causes the shell to
              abort execution of the current function, script, or list.  Syntax errors encountered while the
              shell  is parsing the code do not cause the always-list to be executed.  For example, an erro-neously erroneously
              neously constructed if block in try-list would cause the shell to  abort  during  parsing,  so
              that always-list would not be executed, while an erroneous substitution such as ${*foo*} would
              cause a run-time error, after which always-list would be executed.

              An error condition can be tested and reset with the special integer variable  TRY_BLOCK_ERROR.
              Outside  an  always-list  the  value  is  irrelevant,  but  it  is  initialised to -1.  Inside
              always-list, the value is 1 if an error occurred in the try-list, else 0.  If  TRY_BLOCK_ERROR
              is  set  to 0 during the always-list, the error condition caused by the try-list is reset, and
              shell execution continues normally after the end of always-list.  Altering  the  value  during
              the try-list is not useful (unless this forms part of an enclosing always block).

              Regardless  of TRY_BLOCK_ERROR, after the end of always-list the normal shell status $? is the
              value returned from always-list.  This will be  non-zero  if  there  was  an  error,  even  if
              TRY_BLOCK_ERROR was set to zero.

              The  following executes the given code, ignoring any errors it causes.  This is an alternative
              to the usual convention of protecting code by executing it in a subshell.

                         # code which may cause an error
                       } always {
                         # This code is executed regardless of the error.
                         (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR = 0 ))
                     # The error condition has been reset.

              An exit command (or a return command executed at the outermost function  level  of  a  script)
              encountered in try-list does not cause the execution of always-list.  Instead, the shell exits
              immediately after any EXIT trap has been executed.

       function word ... [ () ] [ term ] { list }
       word ... () [ term ] { list }
       word ... () [ term ] command
              where term is one or more newline or ;.  Define a function which is referenced by any  one  of
              word.  Normally, only one word is provided; multiple words are usually only useful for setting
              traps.  The body of the function is the list between the { and  }.   See  the  section  `Func-tions'. `Functions'.

              If  the  option SH_GLOB is set for compatibility with other shells, then whitespace may appear
              between between the left and right parentheses when there is a single  word;   otherwise,  the
              parentheses will be treated as forming a globbing pattern in that case.

       time [ pipeline ]
              The pipeline is executed, and timing statistics are reported on the standard error in the form
              specified by the TIMEFMT parameter.  If pipeline is omitted, print statistics about the  shell
              process and its children.

       [[ exp ]]
              Evaluates the conditional expression exp and return a zero exit status if it is true.  See the
              section `Conditional Expressions' for a description of exp.

       Many of zsh's complex commands have alternate forms.  These particular versions of  complex  commands
       should  be considered deprecated and may be removed in the future.  The versions in the previous sec-tion section
       tion should be preferred instead.

       The short versions below only work if sublist is of the form `{ list }' or if the SHORT_LOOPS  option
       is  set.   For  the  if, while and until commands, in both these cases the test part of the loop must
       also be suitably delimited, such as by `[[ ... ]]' or `(( ... ))', else the end of the test will  not
       be  recognized.  For the for, repeat, case and select commands no such special form for the arguments
       is necessary, but the other condition (the special form of sublist or use of the SHORT_LOOPS  option)
       still applies.

       if list { list } [ elif list { list } ] ... [ else { list } ]
              An alternate form of if.  The rules mean that

                     if [[ -o ignorebraces ]] {
                       print yes

              works, but

                     if true {  # Does not work!
                       print yes

              does not, since the test is not suitably delimited.

       if list sublist
              A short form of the alternate `if'.  The same limitations on the form of list apply as for the
              previous form.

       for name ... ( word ... ) sublist
              A short form of for.

       for name ... [ in word ... ] term sublist
              where term is at least one newline or ;.  Another short form of for.

       for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) sublist
              A short form of the arithmetic for command.

       foreach name ... ( word ... ) list end
              Another form of for.

       while list { list }
              An alternative form of while.  Note the limitations on the form of list mentioned above.

       until list { list }
              An alternative form of until.  Note the limitations on the form of list mentioned above.

       repeat word sublist
              This is a short form of repeat.

       case word { [ [(] pattern [ | pattern ] ... ) list (;;|;&|;|) ] ... }
              An alternative form of case.

       select name [ in word term ] sublist
              where term is at least one newline or ;.  A short form of select.

       The following words are recognized as reserved words when used as the first word of a command  unless
       quoted or disabled using disable -r:

       do  done  esac then elif else fi for case if while function repeat time until select coproc nocorrect
       foreach end ! [[ { }

       Additionally, `}' is recognized in any position if the IGNORE_BRACES option is not set.

       In non-interactive shells, or in interactive shells with the INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option set, a  word
       beginning  with  the third character of the histchars parameter (`#' by default) causes that word and
       all the following characters up to a newline to be ignored.

       Every token in the shell input is checked to see if there is an alias defined for it.  If so,  it  is
       replaced  by  the  text of the alias if it is in command position (if it could be the first word of a
       simple command), or if the alias is global.  If the text ends with a space,  the  next  word  in  the
       shell  input  is  treated  as though it were in command position for purposes of alias expansion.  An
       alias is defined using the alias builtin; global aliases may be defined using the -g option  to  that

       Alias  expansion  is  done  on  the  shell input before any other expansion except history expansion.
       Therefore, if an alias is defined for the word foo, alias expansion may be avoided by quoting part of
       the word, e.g. \foo.  But there is nothing to prevent an alias being defined for \foo as well.

       There is a commonly encountered problem with aliases illustrated by the following code:

              alias echobar='echo bar'; echobar

       This  prints a message that the command echobar could not be found.  This happens because aliases are
       expanded when the code is read in; the entire line is read in one go, so that when  echobar  is  exe-cuted executed
       cuted  it  is  too late to expand the newly defined alias.  This is often a problem in shell scripts,
       functions, and code executed with `source' or  `.'.   Consequently,  use  of  functions  rather  than
       aliases is recommended in non-interactive code.

       A  character  may be quoted (that is, made to stand for itself) by preceding it with a `\'.  `\' fol-lowed followed
       lowed by a newline is ignored.

       A string enclosed between `$'' and `'' is processed the same way as the string arguments of the print
       builtin,  and  the resulting string is considered to be entirely quoted.  A literal `'' character can
       be included in the string by using the `\'' escape.

       All characters enclosed between a pair of single quotes ('') that  is  not  preceded  by  a  `$'  are
       quoted.   A  single  quote  cannot appear within single quotes unless the option RC_QUOTES is set, in
       which case a pair of single quotes are turned into a single quote.  For example,

              print ''''

       outputs nothing apart from a newline if RC_QUOTES is not set, but one single quote if it is set.

       Inside double quotes (""), parameter and command substitution occur, and `\'  quotes  the  characters
       `\', ``', `"', and `$'.

       If  a command is followed by & and job control is not active, then the default standard input for the
       command is the empty file /dev/null.  Otherwise, the environment for the execution of a command  con-tains contains
       tains the file descriptors of the invoking shell as modified by input/output specifications.

       The  following  may  appear  anywhere in a simple command or may precede or follow a complex command.
       Expansion occurs before word or digit is used except as noted below.  If the result  of  substitution
       on word produces more than one filename, redirection occurs for each separate filename in turn.

       < word Open file word for reading as standard input.

       <> word
              Open  file word for reading and writing as standard input.  If the file does not exist then it
              is created.

       > word Open file word for writing as standard output.  If the file does not exist then it is created.
              If  the  file  exists, and the CLOBBER option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, it is
              truncated to zero length.

       >| word
       >! word
              Same as >, except that the file is truncated to zero length if it exists, even if  CLOBBER  is

       >> word
              Open file word for writing in append mode as standard output.  If the file does not exist, and
              the CLOBBER option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, the file is created.

       >>| word
       >>! word
              Same as >>, except that the file is created if it does not exist, even if CLOBBER is unset.

       <<[-] word
              The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as  word,  or  to  an  end-of-file.   No
              parameter  expansion,  command  substitution or filename generation is performed on word.  The
              resulting document, called a here-document, becomes the standard input.

              If any character of word is quoted with single or double quotes or a `\', no interpretation is
              placed  upon  the  characters  of the document.  Otherwise, parameter and command substitution
              occurs, `\' followed by a newline is removed, and `\' must be used  to  quote  the  characters
              `\', `$', ``' and the first character of word.

              Note  that word itself does not undergo shell expansion.  Backquotes in word do not have their
              usual effect; instead they behave similarly to double quotes, except that the backquotes them-
              selves  are  passed  through unchanged.  (This information is given for completeness and it is
              not recommended that backquotes be used.)  Quotes in  the  form  $'...'  have  their  standard
              effect of expanding backslashed references to special characters.

              If <<- is used, then all leading tabs are stripped from word and from the document.

       <<< word
              Perform  shell  expansion  on  word and pass the result to standard input.  This is known as a
              here-string.  Compare the use of word in here-documents above, where  word  does  not  undergo
              shell expansion.

       <& number
       >& number
              The standard input/output is duplicated from file descriptor number (see dup2(2)).

       <& -
       >& -   Close the standard input/output.

       <& p
       >& p   The input/output from/to the coprocess is moved to the standard input/output.

       >& word
       &> word
              (Except  where  `>&  word' matches one of the above syntaxes; `&>' can always be used to avoid
              this ambiguity.)  Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the
              manner  of  `>  word'.   Note  that this does not have the same effect as `> word 2>&1' in the
              presence of multios (see the section below).

       >&| word
       >&! word
       &>| word
       &>! word
              Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in  the  manner  of  `>|

       >>& word
       &>> word
              Redirects  both  standard  output  and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of `>>

       >>&| word
       >>&! word
       &>>| word
       &>>! word
              Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the  manner  of  `>>|

       If one of the above is preceded by a digit, then the file descriptor referred to is that specified by
       the digit instead of the default 0 or 1.  The order in which redirections are specified  is  signifi-cant. significant.
       cant.   The  shell  evaluates each redirection in terms of the (file descriptor, file) association at
       the time of evaluation.  For example:

              ... 1>fname 2>&1

       first associates file descriptor 1 with file fname.  It then associates file descriptor  2  with  the
       file associated with file descriptor 1 (that is, fname).  If the order of redirections were reversed,
       file descriptor 2 would be associated with the terminal (assuming file descriptor  1  had  been)  and
       then file descriptor 1 would be associated with file fname.

       If  instead  of  a  digit  one  of  the operators above is preceded by a valid identifier enclosed in
       braces, the shell will open a new file descriptor that is guaranteed to be at least 10  and  set  the
       parameter  named  by  the identifier to the file descriptor opened.  No whitespace is allowed between
       the closing brace and the redirection character.  The option IGNORE_BRACES  must  not  be  set.   For

              ... {myfd}>&1

       This opens a new file descriptor that is a duplicate of file descriptor 1 and sets the parameter myfd
       to the number of the file descriptor, which will be at least 10.  The  new  file  descriptor  can  be
       written to using the syntax >&$myfd.

       The  syntax  {varid}>&-, for example {myfd}>&-, may be used to close a file descriptor opened in this
       fashion.  Note that the parameter given by varid must previously be set to a file descriptor in  this

       It  is  an  error  to open or close a file descriptor in this fashion when the parameter is readonly.
       However, it is not an error to read or write a file descriptor using <&$param or >&$param if param is

       If  the  option  CLOBBER is unset, it is an error to open a file descriptor using a parameter that is
       already set to an open file descriptor previously allocated by this mechanism.  Unsetting the parame-ter parameter
       ter before using it for allocating a file descriptor avoids the error.

       Note  that this mechanism merely allocates or closes a file descriptor; it does not perform any redi-rections redirections
       rections from or to it.  It is usually convenient to allocate a file descriptor prior to  use  as  an
       argument  to  exec.  The following shows a typical sequence of allocation, use, and closing of a file

              integer myfd
              exec {myfd}>~/logs/mylogfile.txt
              print This is a log message. >&$myfd
              exec {myfd}>&-Note {myfd}>&Note

       Note that the expansion of the variable in the expression >&$myfd occurs at the point the redirection
       is  opened.   This is after the expansion of command arguments and after any redirections to the left
       on the command line have been processed.

       The `|&' command separator described in Simple Commands & Pipelines in zshmisc(1) is a shorthand  for
       `2>&1 |'.

       The  various  forms  of  process substitution, `<(list)', and `=(list())' for input and `>(list)' for
       output, are often used together with redirection.  For example, if word in an output  redirection  is
       of  the form `>(list)' then the output is piped to the command represented by list.  See Process Sub-stitution Substitution
       stitution in zshexpn(1).

       If the user tries to open a file descriptor for writing more than once,  the  shell  opens  the  file
       descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies its input to all the specified outputs, similar to tee,
       provided the MULTIOS option is set, as it is by default.  Thus:

              date >foo >bar

       writes the date to two files, named `foo' and `bar'.  Note that a pipe is  an  implicit  redirection;

              date >foo | cat

       writes the date to the file `foo', and also pipes it to cat.

       If  the  MULTIOS  option  is set, the word after a redirection operator is also subjected to filename
       generation (globbing).  Thus

              : > *

       will truncate all files in the current directory, assuming there's at least one.  (Without  the  MUL-TIOS MULTIOS
       TIOS option, it would create an empty file called `*'.)  Similarly, you can do

              echo exit 0 >> *.sh

       If  the  user  tries  to  open a file descriptor for reading more than once, the shell opens the file
       descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies all the specified inputs to its  output  in  the  order
       specified, similar to cat, provided the MULTIOS option is set.  Thus

              sort <foo <fubar

       or even

              sort <f{oo,ubar}

       is equivalent to `cat foo fubar | sort'.

       Expansion  of  the  redirection  argument occurs at the point the redirection is opened, at the point
       described above for the expansion of the variable in >&$myfd.

       Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus

              cat bar | sort <foo

       is equivalent to `cat bar foo | sort' (note the order of the inputs).

       If the MULTIOS option is unset, each redirection replaces the  previous  redirection  for  that  file
       descriptor.  However, all files redirected to are actually opened, so

              echo foo > bar > baz

       when MULTIOS is unset will truncate bar, and write `foo' into baz.

       There  is a problem when an output multio is attached to an external program.  A simple example shows

              cat file >file1 >file2
              cat file1 file2

       Here, it is possible that the second `cat' will not display the full  contents  of  file1  and  file2
       (i.e. the original contents of file repeated twice).

       The  reason  for this is that the multios are spawned after the cat process is forked from the parent
       shell, so the parent shell does not wait for the multios to finish writing data.  This means the com-mand command
       mand  as shown can exit before file1 and file2 are completely written.  As a workaround, it is possi-ble possible
       ble to run the cat process as part of a job in the current shell:

              { cat file } >file >file2

       Here, the {...} job will pause to wait for both files to be written.

       When a simple command consists of one or more  redirection  operators  and  zero  or  more  parameter
       assignments, but no command name, zsh can behave in several ways.

       If  the  parameter  NULLCMD is not set or the option CSH_NULLCMD is set, an error is caused.  This is
       the csh behavior and CSH_NULLCMD is set by default when emulating csh.

       If the option SH_NULLCMD is set, the builtin `:' is inserted as a command  with  the  given  redirec-tions. redirections.
       tions.  This is the default when emulating sh or ksh.

       Otherwise,  if the parameter NULLCMD is set, its value will be used as a command with the given redi-rections. redirections.
       rections.  If both NULLCMD and READNULLCMD are set, then the value of the latter will be used instead
       of  that  of  the  former when the redirection is an input.  The default for NULLCMD is `cat' and for
       READNULLCMD is `more'. Thus

              < file

       shows the contents of file on standard output, with paging if that is a terminal.  NULLCMD and  READ-
       NULLCMD may refer to shell functions.

       If  a  command  name  contains  no slashes, the shell attempts to locate it.  If there exists a shell
       function by that name, the function is invoked as described in the  section  `Functions'.   If  there
       exists a shell builtin by that name, the builtin is invoked.

       Otherwise,  the shell searches each element of $path for a directory containing an executable file by
       that name.  If the search is unsuccessful, the shell prints an error message and  returns  a  nonzero
       exit status.

       If  execution fails because the file is not in executable format, and the file is not a directory, it
       is assumed to be a shell script.  /bin/sh is spawned to execute it.  If the program is a file  begin-ning beginning
       ning  with `#!', the remainder of the first line specifies an interpreter for the program.  The shell
       will execute the specified interpreter on operating systems that do not handle this executable format
       in the kernel.

       If  no  external  command is found but a function command_not_found_handler exists the shell executes
       this function with all command line arguments.  The function should return status zero if it success-fully successfully
       fully handled the command, or non-zero status if it failed.  In the latter case the standard handling
       is applied: `command not found' is printed to standard error and the shell  exits  with  status  127.
       Note  that the handler is executed in a subshell forked to execute an external command, hence changes
       to directories, shell parameters, etc. have no effect on the main shell.

       Shell functions are defined with the function reserved word or  the  special  syntax  `funcname  ()'.
       Shell  functions  are  read  in and stored internally.  Alias names are resolved when the function is
       read.  Functions are executed like commands with the arguments passed as positional parameters.  (See
       the section `Command Execution'.)

       Functions execute in the same process as the caller and share all files and present working directory
       with the caller.  A trap on EXIT set inside a function is executed after the  function  completes  in
       the environment of the caller.

       The return builtin is used to return from function calls.

       Function  identifiers  can be listed with the functions builtin.  Functions can be undefined with the
       unfunction builtin.

       A function can be marked as undefined using the autoload  builtin  (or  `functions  -u'  or  `typeset
       -fu').  Such a function has no body.  When the function is first executed, the shell searches for its
       definition using the elements of the fpath variable.  Thus to define  functions  for  autoloading,  a
       typical sequence is:

              fpath=(~/myfuncs $fpath)
              autoload myfunc1 myfunc2 ...

       The usual alias expansion during reading will be suppressed if the autoload builtin or its equivalent
       is given the option -U. This is recommended for the use of functions supplied with the zsh  distribu-tion. distribution.
       tion.  Note that for functions precompiled with the zcompile builtin command the flag -U must be pro-vided provided
       vided when the .zwc file is created, as the corresponding information is compiled into the latter.

       For each element in fpath, the shell looks for three possible files, the newest of which is  used  to
       load the definition for the function:

              A file created with the zcompile builtin command, which is expected to contain the definitions
              for all functions in the directory named element.  The file is treated in the same manner as a
              directory  containing  files for functions and is searched for the definition of the function.
              If the definition is not found, the search for a definition proceeds with the other two possi-bilities possibilities
              bilities described below.

              If  element  already includes a .zwc extension (i.e. the extension was explicitly given by the
              user), element is searched for the definition of the function without  comparing  its  age  to
              that  of  other  files; in fact, there does not need to be any directory named element without
              the suffix.  Thus including an element such as `/usr/local/funcs.zwc' in fpath will  speed  up
              the  search  for  functions,  with the disadvantage that functions included must be explicitly
              recompiled by hand before the shell notices any changes.

              A file created with zcompile, which is expected to contain the definition  for  function.   It
              may  include  other function definitions as well, but those are neither loaded nor executed; a
              file found in this way is searched only for the definition of function.

              A file of zsh command text, taken to be the definition for function.

       In summary, the order of searching is, first, in the parents of directories in fpath for the newer of
       either  a  compiled  directory  or a directory in fpath; second, if more than one of these contains a
       definition for the function that is sought, the leftmost in the fpath is chosen; and third, within  a
       directory, the newer of either a compiled function or an ordinary function definition is used.

       If the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is set, or the file contains only a simple definition of the function, the
       file's contents will be executed.  This will normally define the function in question, but  may  also
       perform initialization, which is executed in the context of the function execution, and may therefore
       define local parameters.  It is an error if the function is not defined by loading the file.

       Otherwise, the function body (with no surrounding `funcname() {...}') is taken  to  be  the  complete
       contents  of  the file.  This form allows the file to be used directly as an executable shell script.
       If processing of the file results in the function  being  re-defined,  the  function  itself  is  not
       re-executed.   To  force  the shell to perform initialization and then call the function defined, the
       file should contain initialization code (which will be executed then discarded) in addition to a com-plete complete
       plete  function  definition (which will be retained for subsequent calls to the function), and a call
       to the shell function, including any arguments, at the end.

       For example, suppose the autoload file func contains

              func() { print This is func; }
              print func is initialized

       then `func; func' with KSH_AUTOLOAD set will produce both messages on the first call,  but  only  the
       message `This is func' on the second and subsequent calls.  Without KSH_AUTOLOAD set, it will produce
       the initialization message on the first call, and the other message  on  the  second  and  subsequent

       It  is  also  possible to create a function that is not marked as autoloaded, but which loads its own
       definition by searching fpath, by using `autoload -X' within a shell function.  For example, the fol-lowing following
       lowing are equivalent:

              myfunc() {
                autoload -X
              myfunc args...


              unfunction myfunc   # if myfunc was defined
              autoload myfunc
              myfunc args...

       In  fact,  the functions command outputs `builtin autoload -X' as the body of an autoloaded function.
       This is done so that

              eval "$(functions)"

       produces a reasonable result.  A true autoloaded function can be identified by the  presence  of  the
       comment `# undefined' in the body, because all comments are discarded from defined functions.

       To load the definition of an autoloaded function myfunc without executing myfunc, use:

              autoload +X myfunc

       If no name is given for a function, it is `anonymous' and is handled specially.  Either form of func-tion function
       tion definition may be used: a `()' with no preceding name, or a `function' with an immediately  fol-lowing following
       lowing open brace.  The function is executed immediately at the point of definition and is not stored
       for future use.  The function name is set to `(anon)' and the parameter list passed to  the  function
       is  empty.   Note  that  this  means the argument list of any enclosing script or function is hidden.
       Redirections may be applied to the anonymous function in the same manner as to a current-shell struc-ture structure
       ture  enclosed  in braces.  The main use of anonymous functions is to provide a scope for local vari-ables. variables.
       ables.  This is particularly convenient in start-up files as these do not  provide  their  own  local
       variable scope.

       For example,

              function {
                local variable=inside
                print "I am $variable"
              print "I am $variable"

       outputs the following:

              I am inside
              I am outside

       Note  that  function  definitions with arguments that expand to nothing, for example `name=; function
       $name { ... }', are not treated as anonymous functions.  Instead, they are treated as normal function
       definitions where the definition is silently discarded.

       Certain functions, if defined, have special meaning to the shell.

       In  the  case  of  chpwd, periodic, precmd and preexec it is possible to define an array that has the
       same name with `_functions' appended.  Any element in such an array is taken as the name of  a  func-tion function
       tion  to  execute;  it is executed in the same context and with the same arguments as the basic func-tion. function.
       tion.   For  example,  if  $chpwd_functions  is   an   array   containing   the   values   `mychpwd',
       `chpwd_save_dirstack',  then  the  shell  attempts  to  execute  the functions `chpwd', `mychpwd' and
       `chpwd_save_dirstack', in that order.  Any function that does not exist is silently ignored.  A func-tion function
       tion found by this mechanism is referred to elsewhere as a `hook function'.  An error in any function
       causes subsequent functions not to be run.  Note further that an error in a  precmd  hook  causes  an
       immediately following periodic function not to run (thought it may run at the next opportunity).

       chpwd  Executed whenever the current working directory is changed.

              If the parameter PERIOD is set, this function is executed every $PERIOD seconds, just before a
              prompt.  Note that if multiple functions are defined using the array  periodic_functions  only
              one period is applied to the complete set of functions, and the scheduled time is not reset if
              the list of functions is altered.  Hence the set of functions is always called together.

       precmd Executed before each prompt.  Note  that  precommand  functions  are  not  re-executed  simply
              because  the  command  line  is redrawn, as happens, for example, when a notification about an
              exiting job is displayed.

              Executed just after a command has been read and is about to be executed.  If the history mech-anism mechanism
              anism  is active (and the line was not discarded from the history buffer), the string that the
              user typed is passed as the first argument, otherwise it is an empty string.  The actual  com-mand command
              mand  that will be executed (including expanded aliases) is passed in two different forms: the
              second argument is a single-line, size-limited version of the command (with things like  func-tion function
              tion bodies elided); the third argument contains the full text that is being executed.

              Executed when a history line has been read interactively, but before it is executed.  The sole
              argument is the complete history line (so that any terminating newline will still be present).

              If  any  of  the  hook  functions  return a non-zero value the history line will not be saved,
              although it lingers in the history until the next line is executed allow you to reuse or  edit
              it immediately.

              A  hook  function  may  call  `fc -p ...' to switch the history context so that the history is
              saved in a different file from the that in the global HISTFILE  parameter.   This  is  handled
              specially:  the  history context is automatically restored after the processing of the history
              line is finished.

              The following example function first adds the history line to the normal history with the new-line newline
              line  stripped,  which is usually the correct behaviour.  Then it switches the history context
              so that the line will be written to a history file in the current directory.

                     zshaddhistory() {
                       print -sr -- ${1%%$'\n'}
                       fc -p .zsh_local_history

              Executed at the point where the main shell is about to exit normally.  This is not  called  by
              exiting  subshells,  nor when the exec precommand modifier is used before an external command.
              Also, unlike TRAPEXIT, it is not called when functions exit.

              If defined and non-null, this function will be executed whenever the shell  catches  a  signal
              SIGNAL,  where NAL is a signal name as specified for the kill builtin.  The signal number will
              be passed as the first parameter to the function.

              If a function of this form is defined and null, the shell and processes  spawned  by  it  will
              ignore SIGNAL.

              The  return  status  from  the  function  is  handled specially.  If it is zero, the signal is
              assumed to have been handled, and execution continues normally.   Otherwise,  the  shell  will
              behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained.

              Programs  terminated  by uncaught signals typically return the status 128 plus the signal num-ber. number.
              ber.  Hence the following causes the handler for SIGINT to print a  message,  then  mimic  the
              usual effect of the signal.

                     TRAPINT() {
                       print "Caught SIGINT, aborting."
                       return $(( 128 + $1 ))

              The functions TRAPZERR, TRAPDEBUG and TRAPEXIT are never executed inside other traps.

              If  the  option  DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD  is set (as it is by default), executed before each command;
              otherwise executed after each command.  See the  description  of  the  trap  builtin  in  zsh-builtins(1) zshbuiltins(1)
              builtins(1) for details of additional features provided in debug traps.

              Executed  when  the  shell exits, or when the current function exits if defined inside a func-tion. function.
              tion.  The value of $? at the start of execution is the exit status of the shell or the return
              status of the function exiting.

              Executed whenever a command has a non-zero exit status.  However, the function is not executed
              if the command occurred in a sublist followed by `&&' or `||'; only the  final  command  in  a
              sublist  of  this  type causes the trap to be executed.  The function TRAPERR acts the same as
              TRAPZERR on systems where there is no SIGERR (this is the usual case).

       The functions beginning `TRAP' may alternatively be defined with  the  trap  builtin:   this  may  be
       preferable for some uses, as they are then run in the environment of the calling process, rather than
       in their own function environment.  Apart from the difference in calling procedure and the fact  that
       the function form appears in lists of functions, the forms

              TRAPNAL() {
               # code


              trap '
               # code
              ' NAL

       are equivalent.

       If  the  MONITOR option is set, an interactive shell associates a job with each pipeline.  It keeps a
       table of current jobs, printed by the jobs command, and assigns them small integer numbers.   When  a
       job is started asynchronously with `&', the shell prints a line to standard error which looks like:

              [1] 1234

       indicating  that  the  job  which was started asynchronously was job number 1 and had one (top-level)
       process, whose process ID was 1234.

       If a job is started with `&|' or `&!', then that job is immediately disowned.  After startup, it does
       not have a place in the job table, and is not subject to the job control features described here.

       If you are running a job and wish to do something else you may hit the key ^Z (control-Z) which sends
       a TSTP signal to the current job:  this key may be redefined by the susp option of the external  stty
       command.   The shell will then normally indicate that the job has been `suspended', and print another
       prompt.  You can then manipulate the state of this job, putting it in the background with the bg com-mand, command,
       mand,  or run some other commands and then eventually bring the job back into the foreground with the
       foreground command fg.  A ^Z takes effect immediately and is like an interrupt in that pending output
       and unread input are discarded when it is typed.

       A  job  being  run  in the background will suspend if it tries to read from the terminal.  Background
       jobs are normally allowed to produce output, but this can be disabled by  giving  the  command  `stty
       tostop'.  If you set this tty option, then background jobs will suspend when they try to produce out-put output
       put like they do when they try to read input.

       When a command is suspended and continued later with the fg or wait builtins, zsh restores tty  modes
       that  were  in  effect  when it was suspended.  This (intentionally) does not apply if the command is
       continued via `kill -CONT', nor when it is continued with bg.

       There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell.  A job can be referred to by the process ID  of
       any process of the job or by one of the following:

              The job with the given number.
              Any job whose command line begins with string.
              Any job whose command line contains string.
       %%     Current job.
       %+     Equivalent to `%%'.
       %-     Previous job.

       The  shell  learns  immediately whenever a process changes state.  It normally informs you whenever a
       job becomes blocked so that no further progress is possible.  If the NOTIFY option  is  not  set,  it
       waits  until  just  before it prints a prompt before it informs you.  All such notifications are sent
       directly to the terminal, not to the standard output or standard error.

       When the monitor mode is on, each background job that completes triggers any trap set for CHLD.

       When you try to leave the shell while jobs are running or suspended, you will  be  warned  that  `You
       have  suspended  (running) jobs'.  You may use the jobs command to see what they are.  If you do this
       or immediately try to exit again, the shell will not warn you a second time; the suspended jobs  will
       be terminated, and the running jobs will be sent a SIGHUP signal, if the HUP option is set.

       To  avoid having the shell terminate the running jobs, either use the nohup command (see nohup(1)) or
       the disown builtin.

       The INT and QUIT signals for an invoked command are ignored if the command is followed by `&' and the
       MONITOR  option  is not active.  The shell itself always ignores the QUIT signal.  Otherwise, signals
       have the values inherited by the shell from its parent (but see the TRAPNAL special functions in  the
       section `Functions').

       The  shell  can perform integer and floating point arithmetic, either using the builtin let, or via a
       substitution of the form $((...)).  For integers, the shell is usually compiled to use 8-byte  preci-sion precision
       sion  where  this  is available, otherwise precision is 4 bytes.  This can be tested, for example, by
       giving the command `print - $(( 12345678901 ))'; if the number appears unchanged, the precision is at
       least  8  bytes.  Floating point arithmetic always uses the `double' type with whatever corresponding
       precision is provided by the compiler and the library.

       The let builtin command takes arithmetic expressions as  arguments;  each  is  evaluated  separately.
       Since  many  of  the arithmetic operators, as well as spaces, require quoting, an alternative form is
       provided: for any command which begins with a `((', all the characters  until  a  matching  `))'  are
       treated  as  a  quoted expression and arithmetic expansion performed as for an argument of let.  More
       precisely, `((...))' is equivalent to `let "..."'.  The return status is 0 if the arithmetic value of
       the expression is non-zero, 1 if it is zero, and 2 if an error occurred.

       For example, the following statement

              (( val = 2 + 1 ))

       is equivalent to

              let "val = 2 + 1"

       both assigning the value 3 to the shell variable val and returning a zero status.

       Integers  can  be  in bases other than 10.  A leading `0x' or `0X' denotes hexadecimal.  Integers may
       also be of the form `base#n', where base is a decimal number between two and thirty-six  representing
       the arithmetic base and n is a number in that base (for example, `16#ff' is 255 in hexadecimal).  The
       base# may also be omitted, in which case base 10 is  used.   For  backwards  compatibility  the  form
       `[base]n' is also accepted.

       It  is  also  possible  to  specify  a  base to be used for output in the form `[#base]', for example
       `[#16]'.  This is used when outputting arithmetical substitutions or when assigning to scalar parame-ters, parameters,
       ters,  but  an  explicitly  defined  integer or floating point parameter will not be affected.  If an
       integer variable is implicitly defined by an arithmetic expression, any base specified  in  this  way
       will  be  set  as  the  variable's  output  arithmetic base as if the option `-i base' to the typeset
       builtin had been used.  The expression has no precedence and if it occurs more than once in a  mathe-matical mathematical
       matical  expression,  the  last encountered is used.  For clarity it is recommended that it appear at
       the beginning of an expression.  As an example:

              typeset -i 16 y
              print $(( [#8] x = 32, y = 32 ))
              print $x $y

       outputs first `8#40', the rightmost value in the given output base, and then `8#40 16#20', because  y
       has  been explicitly declared to have output base 16, while x (assuming it does not already exist) is
       implicitly typed by the arithmetic evaluation, where it acquires the output base 8.

       If the C_BASES option is set, hexadecimal numbers in the standard C format, for example 0xFF  instead
       of  the  usual `16#FF'.  If the option OCTAL_ZEROES is also set (it is not by default), octal numbers
       will be treated similarly and hence appear as `077' instead of `8#77'.  This option has no effect  on
       the  output  of  bases  other  than hexadecimal and octal, and these formats are always understood on

       When an output base is specified using the `[#base]' syntax, an appropriate base prefix will be  out-put output
       put if necessary, so that the value output is valid syntax for input.  If the # is doubled, for exam-ple example
       ple `[##16]', then no base prefix is output.

       Floating point constants are recognized by the presence of a decimal point or an exponent.  The deci-mal decimal
       mal  point  may be the first character of the constant, but the exponent character e or E may not, as
       it will be taken for a parameter name.

       An arithmetic expression uses nearly the same syntax and associativity of expressions as in C.

       In the native mode of operation, the following operators are supported (listed in decreasing order of

       + - ! ~ ++ --unary -unary
              unary plus/minus, logical NOT, complement, {pre,post}{in,de}crement
       << >>  bitwise shift left, right
       &      bitwise AND
       ^      bitwise XOR
       |      bitwise OR
       **     exponentiation
       * / %  multiplication, division, modulus (remainder)
       + -    addition, subtraction
       < > <= >=
       == !=  equality and inequality
       &&     logical AND
       || ^^  logical OR, XOR
       ? :    ternary operator
       = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= &&= ||= ^^= **=
       ,      comma operator

       The  operators  `&&',  `||',  `&&=',  and  `||=' are short-circuiting, and only one of the latter two
       expressions in a ternary operator is evaluated.  Note the precedence of the bitwise AND, OR, and  XOR

       With  the option C_PRECEDENCES the precedences (but no other properties) of the operators are altered
       to be the same as those in most other languages that support the relevant operators:

       + - ! ~ ++ --unary -unary
              unary plus/minus, logical NOT, complement, {pre,post}{in,de}crement
       **     exponentiation
       * / %  multiplication, division, modulus (remainder)
       + -    addition, subtraction
       << >>  bitwise shift left, right
       < > <= >=
       == !=  equality and inequality
       &      bitwise AND
       ^      bitwise XOR
       |      bitwise OR
       &&     logical AND
       ^^     logical XOR
       ||     logical OR
       ? :    ternary operator
       = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= &&= ||= ^^= **=
       ,      comma operator

       Note the precedence of exponentiation in both cases is below that of unary operators,  hence  `-3**2'
       evaluates  as  `9',  not  -9.  Use parentheses where necessary: `-(3**2)'.  This is for compatibility
       with other shells.

       Mathematical functions can be called with the syntax `func(args)', where the function decides if  the
       args  is  used  as  a string or a comma-separated list of arithmetic expressions. The shell currently
       defines no mathematical functions by default, but the module zsh/mathfunc  may  be  loaded  with  the
       zmodload builtin to provide standard floating point mathematical functions.

       An  expression  of  the  form `##x' where x is any character sequence such as `a', `^A', or `\M-\C-x'
       gives the value of this character and an expression of the form `#foo' gives the value of  the  first
       character  of the contents of the parameter foo.  Character values are according to the character set
       used in the current locale; for multibyte character handling the option MULTIBYTE must be set.   Note
       that this form is different from `$#foo', a standard parameter substitution which gives the length of
       the parameter foo.  `#\' is accepted instead of `##', but its use is deprecated.

       Named parameters and subscripted arrays can be referenced by name  within  an  arithmetic  expression
       without using the parameter expansion syntax.  For example,

              ((val2 = val1 * 2))

       assigns twice the value of $val1 to the parameter named val2.

       An  internal  integer  representation of a named parameter can be specified with the integer builtin.
       Arithmetic evaluation is performed on the value of each assignment  to  a  named  parameter  declared
       integer  in this manner.  Assigning a floating point number to an integer results in rounding down to
       the next integer.

       Likewise, floating point numbers can be declared with the float builtin; there are two types, differ-ing differing
       ing  only  in  their  output  format, as described for the typeset builtin.  The output format can be
       bypassed by using arithmetic substitution instead of the parameter substitution, i.e. `${float}' uses
       the defined format, but `$((float))' uses a generic floating point format.

       Promotion  of  integer  to  floating  point values is performed where necessary.  In addition, if any
       operator which requires an integer (`~', `&', `|', `^', `%', `<<', `>>' and  their  equivalents  with
       assignment) is given a floating point argument, it will be silently rounded down to the next integer.

       Scalar variables can hold integer or floating point values at different times; there is no memory  of
       the numeric type in this case.

       If  a  variable  is first assigned in a numeric context without previously being declared, it will be
       implicitly typed as integer or float and retain that type either until the type is explicitly changed
       or until the end of the scope.  This can have unforeseen consequences.  For example, in the loop

              for (( f = 0; f < 1; f += 0.1 )); do
              # use $f

       if  f  has not already been declared, the first assignment will cause it to be created as an integer,
       and consequently the operation `f += 0.1' will always cause the result to be truncated  to  zero,  so
       that  the  loop  will  fail.  A simple fix would be to turn the initialization into `f = 0.0'.  It is
       therefore best to declare numeric variables with explicit types.

       A conditional expression is used with the [[ compound command to test attributes of files and to com-
       pare  strings.   Each expression can be constructed from one or more of the following unary or binary

       -a file
              true if file exists.

       -b file
              true if file exists and is a block special file.

       -c file
              true if file exists and is a character special file.

       -d file
              true if file exists and is a directory.

       -e file
              true if file exists.

       -f file
              true if file exists and is a regular file.

       -g file
              true if file exists and has its setgid bit set.

       -h file
              true if file exists and is a symbolic link.

       -k file
              true if file exists and has its sticky bit set.

       -n string
              true if length of string is non-zero.

       -o option
              true if option named option is on.  option may be a single character, in which case  it  is  a
              single letter option name.  (See the section `Specifying Options'.)

       -p file
              true if file exists and is a FIFO special file (named pipe).

       -r file
              true if file exists and is readable by current process.

       -s file
              true if file exists and has size greater than zero.

       -t fd  true if file descriptor number fd is open and associated with a terminal device.  (note: fd is
              not optional)

       -u file
              true if file exists and has its setuid bit set.

       -w file
              true if file exists and is writable by current process.

       -x file
              true if file exists and is executable by current process.  If file exists and is a  directory,
              then the current process has permission to search in the directory.

       -z string
              true if length of string is zero.

       -L file
              true if file exists and is a symbolic link.

       -O file
              true if file exists and is owned by the effective user ID of this process.

       -G file
              true if file exists and its group matches the effective group ID of this process.

       -S file
              true if file exists and is a socket.

       -N file
              true if file exists and its access time is not newer than its modification time.

       file1 -nt file2
              true if file1 exists and is newer than file2.

       file1 -ot file2
              true if file1 exists and is older than file2.

       file1 -ef file2
              true if file1 and file2 exist and refer to the same file.

       string = pattern
       string == pattern
              true  if  string  matches  pattern.   The `==' form is the preferred one.  The `=' form is for
              backward compatibility and should be considered obsolete.

       string != pattern
              true if string does not match pattern.

       string =~ regexp
              true if string matches the regular expression regexp.  If the option RE_MATCH_PCRE is set reg-exp regexp
              exp  is  tested as a PCRE regular expression using the zsh/pcre module, else it is tested as a
              POSIX extended regular expression using the zsh/regex module.  If the option  BASH_REMATCH  is
              set  the  array  BASH_REMATCH is set to the substring that matched the pattern followed by the
              substrings that matched parenthesised subexpressions within the pattern; otherwise, the scalar
              parameter  MATCH  is  set to the substring that matched the pattern and and the array match to
              the substrings that matched parenthesised subexpressions.

       string1 < string2
              true if string1 comes before string2 based on ASCII value of their characters.

       string1 > string2
              true if string1 comes after string2 based on ASCII value of their characters.

       exp1 -eq exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically equal to exp2.

       exp1 -ne exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically not equal to exp2.

       exp1 -lt exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically less than exp2.

       exp1 -gt exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically greater than exp2.

       exp1 -le exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically less than or equal to exp2.

       exp1 -ge exp2
              true if exp1 is numerically greater than or equal to exp2.

       ( exp )
              true if exp is true.

       ! exp  true if exp is false.

       exp1 && exp2
              true if exp1 and exp2 are both true.

       exp1 || exp2
              true if either exp1 or exp2 is true.

       Normal shell expansion is performed on the file, string and pattern arguments, but the result of each
       expansion  is constrained to be a single word, similar to the effect of double quotes.  However, pat-tern pattern
       tern metacharacters are active for the pattern arguments; the patterns are the same as those used for
       filename  generation,  see zshexpn(1), but there is no special behaviour of `/' nor initial dots, and
       no glob qualifiers are allowed.

       In each of the above expressions, if file is of the form `/dev/fd/n', where n is an integer, then the
       test  applied  to  the open file whose descriptor number is n, even if the underlying system does not
       support the /dev/fd directory.

       In the forms which do numeric comparison, the expressions exp undergo arithmetic expansion as if they
       were enclosed in $((...)).

       For example, the following:

              [[ ( -f foo || -f bar ) && $report = y* ]] && print File exists.

       tests  if  either file foo or file bar exists, and if so, if the value of the parameter report begins
       with `y'; if the complete condition is true, the message `File exists.' is printed.

       Prompt sequences undergo a special form of expansion.  This type of expansion is also available using
       the -P option to the print builtin.

       If  the PROMPT_SUBST option is set, the prompt string is first subjected to parameter expansion, com-mand command
       mand substitution and arithmetic expansion.  See zshexpn(1).

       Certain escape sequences may be recognised in the prompt string.

       If the PROMPT_BANG option is set, a `!' in the prompt is replaced by the current history  event  num-ber. number.
       ber.  A literal `!' may then be represented as `!!'.

       If the PROMPT_PERCENT option is set, certain escape sequences that start with `%' are expanded.  Many
       escapes are followed by a single character, although some of these take an optional integer  argument
       that  should  appear between the `%' and the next character of the sequence.  More complicated escape
       sequences are available to provide conditional expansion.

   Special characters
       %%     A `%'.

       %)     A `)'.

   Login information
       %l     The line (tty) the user is logged in on, without `/dev/' prefix.   If  the  name  starts  with
              `/dev/tty', that prefix is stripped.

       %M     The full machine hostname.

       %m     The  hostname  up  to the first `.'.  An integer may follow the `%' to specify how many compo-nents components
              nents of the hostname are desired.  With a negative integer, trailing components of the  host-name hostname
              name are shown.

       %n     $USERNAME.

       %y     The  line  (tty)  the  user  is  logged  in  on,  without `/dev/' prefix.  This does not treat
              `/dev/tty' names specially.

   Shell state
       %#     A `#' if the shell is running with privileges, a `%' if not.  Equivalent to `%(!.#.%%)'.   The
              definition  of `privileged', for these purposes, is that either the effective user ID is zero,
              or, if POSIX.1e capabilities are supported, that at least one capability is raised  in  either
              the Effective or Inheritable capability vectors.

       %?     The return status of the last command executed just before the prompt.

       %_     The  status  of  the  parser,  i.e.  the shell constructs (like `if' and `for') that have been
              started on the command line. If given an integer number that many  strings  will  be  printed;
              zero  or  negative  or  no  integer  means print as many as there are.  This is most useful in
              prompts PS2 for continuation lines and PS4 for debugging with the XTRACE option; in the latter
              case it will also work non-interactively.

       %/     Present  working  directory  ($PWD).   If an integer follows the `%', it specifies a number of
              trailing components of $PWD to show; zero means the whole path.  A negative integer  specifies
              leading components, i.e. %-1d specifies the first component.

       %~     As  %d and %/, but if $PWD has a named directory as its prefix, that part is replaced by a `~'
              followed by the name of the directory.  If it starts with $HOME, that part is  replaced  by  a

       %!     Current history event number.

       %i     The  line number currently being executed in the script, sourced file, or shell function given
              by %N.  This is most useful for debugging as part of $PS4.

       %I     The line number currently being executed in the file %x.  This is similar to %i, but the  line
              number  is  always a line number in the file where the code was defined, even if the code is a
              shell function.

       %j     The number of jobs.

       %L     The current value of $SHLVL.

       %N     The name of the script, sourced file, or shell  function  that  zsh  is  currently  executing,
              whichever  was  started  most recently.  If there is none, this is equivalent to the parameter
              $0.  An integer may follow the `%' to specify a number of trailing path  components  to  show;
              zero means the full path.  A negative integer specifies leading components.

       %x     The  name of the file containing the source code currently being executed.  This behaves as %N
              except that function and eval command names are not shown, instead the file  where  they  were

       %C     Trailing  component  of  $PWD.   An integer may follow the `%' to get more than one component.
              Unless `%C' is used, tilde contraction is performed first.  These are deprecated as %c and  %C
              are  equivalent  to  %1~ and %1/, respectively, while explicit positive integers have the same
              effect as for the latter two sequences.

   Date and time
       %D     The date in yy-mm-dd format.

       %T     Current time of day, in 24-hour format.

       %@     Current time of day, in 12-hour, am/pm format.

       %*     Current time of day in 24-hour format, with seconds.

       %w     The date in day-dd format.

       %W     The date in mm/dd/yy format.

              string is formatted using the strftime function.  See strftime(3)  for  more  details.   Three
              additional  codes are available:  %f prints the day of the month, like %e but without any pre-ceding preceding
              ceding space if the day is a single digit, and %K/%L correspond to %k/%l for the hour  of  the
              day (24/12 hour clock) in the same way.

   Visual effects
       %B (%b)
              Start (stop) boldface mode.

       %E     Clear to end of line.

       %U (%u)
              Start (stop) underline mode.

       %S (%s)
              Start (stop) standout mode.

       %F (%f)
              Start  (stop)  using  a different foreground colour, if supported by the terminal.  The colour
              may be specified two ways: either as a numeric argument, as normal, or by a sequence in braces
              following the %F, for example %F{red}.  In the latter case the values allowed are as described
              for the fg zle_highlight attribute; see Character Highlighting in zshzle(1).  This means  that
              numeric colours are allowed in the second format also.

       %K (%k)
              Start  (stop) using a different bacKground colour.  The syntax is identical to that for %F and

              Include a string as a literal escape sequence.  The string within the braces should not change
              the cursor position.  Brace pairs can nest.

              A positive numeric argument between the % and the { is treated as described for %G below.

       %G     Within  a  %{...%} sequence, include a `glitch': that is, assume that a single character width
              will be output.  This is useful when outputting characters that otherwise cannot be  correctly
              handled  by  the shell, such as the alternate character set on some terminals.  The characters
              in question can be included within a %{...%} sequence together with the appropriate number  of
              %G  sequences  to  indicate the correct width.  An integer between the `%' and `G' indicates a
              character width other than one.  Hence %{seq%2G%} outputs seq and  assumes  it  takes  up  the
              width of two standard characters.

              Multiple  uses of %G accumulate in the obvious fashion; the position of the %G is unimportant.
              Negative integers are not handled.

              Note that when prompt truncation is in use it is advisable to divide  up  output  into  single
              characters within each %{...%} group so that the correct truncation point can be found.

       %v     The  value of the first element of the psvar array parameter.  Following the `%' with an inte-ger integer
              ger gives that element of the array.  Negative integers count from the end of the array.

              Specifies a ternary expression.  The character following the x is arbitrary; the same  charac-ter character
              ter is used to separate the text for the `true' result from that for the `false' result.  This
              separator may not appear in the true-text, except as part of a %-escape sequence.  A  `)'  may
              appear  in  the  false-text  as  `%)'.   true-text  and  false-text may both contain arbitrar-ily-nested arbitrarily-nested
              ily-nested escape sequences, including further ternary expressions.

              The left parenthesis may be preceded or followed by a positive integer n,  which  defaults  to
              zero.   A  negative  integer will be multiplied by -1.  The test character x may be any of the

              !      True if the shell is running with privileges.
              #      True if the effective uid of the current process is n.
              ?      True if the exit status of the last command was n.
              _      True if at least n shell constructs were started.
              /      True if the current absolute path has at least n elements relative to the  root  direc-tory, directory,
                     tory, hence / is counted as 0 elements.
              ~      True  if the current path, with prefix replacement, has at least n elements relative to
                     the root directory, hence / is counted as 0 elements.
              D      True if the month is equal to n (January = 0).
              d      True if the day of the month is equal to n.
              g      True if the effective gid of the current process is n.
              j      True if the number of jobs is at least n.
              L      True if the SHLVL parameter is at least n.
              l      True if at least n characters have already been printed on the current line.
              S      True if the SECONDS parameter is at least n.
              T      True if the time in hours is equal to n.
              t      True if the time in minutes is equal to n.
              v      True if the array psvar has at least n elements.
              V      True if element n of the array psvar is set and non-empty.
              w      True if the day of the week is equal to n (Sunday = 0).

              Specifies truncation behaviour for the remainder of the prompt string.  The third, deprecated,
              form  is  equivalent to `%xstringx', i.e. x may be `<' or `>'.  The numeric argument, which in
              the third form may appear immediately after the `[', specifies the maximum permitted length of
              the  various  strings  that  can  be displayed in the prompt.  The string will be displayed in
              place of the truncated portion of any string; note this does not undergo prompt expansion.

              The forms with `<' truncate at the left of the string, and the forms with `>' truncate at  the
              right  of  the  string.   For  example,  if  the current directory is `/home/pike', the prompt
              `%8<..<%/' will expand to `..e/pike'.  In this string, the terminating character (`<', `>'  or
              `]'),  or  in  fact any character, may be quoted by a preceding `\'; note when using print -P,
              however, that this must be doubled as the string is also subject to standard print processing,
              in addition to any backslashes removed by a double quoted string:  the worst case is therefore
              `print -P "%<\\\\<<..."'.

              If the string is longer than the specified truncation length, it will  appear  in  full,  com-
              pletely replacing the truncated string.

              The  part of the prompt string to be truncated runs to the end of the string, or to the end of
              the next enclosing group of the `%(' construct, or to the next truncation encountered  at  the
              same grouping level (i.e. truncations inside a `%(' are separate), which ever comes first.  In
              particular, a truncation with argument zero (e.g. `%<<') marks the end of  the  range  of  the
              string  to  be  truncated  while turning off truncation from there on. For example, the prompt
              '%10<...<%~%<<%# ' will print a truncated representation of the current directory, followed by
              a  `%' or `#', followed by a space.  Without the `%<<', those two characters would be included
              in the string to be truncated.

zsh 4.3.9                                     October 30, 2008                                    ZSHMISC(1)

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