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XFSINFO(1)                                                                                        XFSINFO(1)

       xfsinfo - X font server information utility

       xfsinfo [-server servername]

       Xfsinfo  is  a  utility for displaying information about an X font server.  It is used to examine the
       capabilities of a server, the predefined values for various parameters used in communicating  between
       clients and the server, and the font catalogues and alternate servers that are available.

       -server servername
              This  option  specifies  the X font server to contact.  servername must be specified in one of
              the formats defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7).   If not specified,  the  server
              name in the FONTSERVER environment variable is used.

       Xfsinfo  was  originally called fsinfo.  It was renamed to avoid a clash with the fsinfo utility from
       the Berkeley automounter amd.

       The following shows a sample produced by xfsinfo.

       example% xfsinfo -server hansen:7100
       name of server:     hansen:7100
       version number:     1
       vendor string: Font Server Prototype
       vendor release number:   17
       maximum request size:    16384 longwords (65536 bytes)
       number of catalogues:    1
       Number of alternate servers: 2
           #0    hansen:7101
           #1    hansen:7102
       number of extensions:    0

               To get the default fontserver.  The server name must be  specified  in  one  of  the  formats
               defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7).

       xfs(1), fslsfonts(1), X(7).

       Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices, Inc

X Version 11                                    xfsinfo 1.0.2                                     XFSINFO(1)

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