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XCODEINDEX(1)                            BSD General Commands Manual                           XCODEINDEX(1)

     xcodeindex -- indexes Xcode projects

     xcodeindex [-project projectname] [-configuration configurationname] [-quiet] [-destPath path]
                [-loglevel level] [indexaction ...]
     xcodeindex -version
     xcodeindex -help

     xcodeindex indexes an Xcode project.

     Run xcodeindex from the directory containing your project (i.e. the directory containing the
     projectname.xcode package). If you have multiple projects in the this directory you will need to use
     -project to indicate which project should be indexed.

     By default, xcodeindex updates the project index if it exists, otherwise it creates a new index.

     -project projectname
           Index the project specified by projectname.  Required if there are multiple project files in the
           same directory.

     -configuration configurationname
           Use the build configuration specified by configurationname when indexing the project. If none is
           specified, the active configuration is used.

           Suppresses all logging while indexing.

     -destPath path
           Places the project index in the directory specified by path.

     -loglevel level
           Turns on varying degrees of indexing debugging. The level range is from zero to six, enabling a
           staggered number of the existing indexing defaults for the indexer. If an option greater than six
           is used, then the maximum level of logging is enabled. The logging levels are defined as:

           0           No logging

           1           Prints the name of the file being indexed. This is the default logging level.

           2           File processing output

           3           Symbol updating output

           4           Symbol insertion and creation output

           5           Parser basic output

           6           Parser error output
           The levels are inclusive (thus enabling log level 4 would also automatically include levels 1, 2,
           and 3).  Output from higher logging levels than the default (level 1) is not expected to be use-ful useful
           ful for most developers, but could be valuable in troubleshooting cases where there is a problem
           with indexing a particular Xcode project.

     indexaction ...
           Specify an index action (or actions) to perform on the project. Available build actions are:

           clean       Removes the index for the project.

           build       Updates the index for the project, creating it if necessary. This is the default
                       index action.

           stats       Prints the statistics for the index (number of classes, etc)

           dump        Dumps a tab-delimited format of the index (for major symbols - classes, methods, etc)
                       to stdout

           Displays component version numbers for xcodeindex.  These can be compared to the version numbers
           in the Xcode application's About Xcode window.

           Displays usage information for xcodeindex.

     xcodeindex clean

             Cleans the index.

     xcodeindex -project FirstProject -project SecondProject -project ThirdProject -configuration Debug

             Indexes three projects using the Debug configuration and suppresses all logging.

Mac OS X                                     September 16, 2008                                     Mac OS X

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